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1、T U E S D A Y , A U G U S T 2 4 , 2 0 1 0 T A I P E I T I M E SP14紅藍黃黑BilingualP14Bilingual紅藍黃黑14 雙語新聞 B I L I N G U A L T I M E SPsychic croc Harry picks Gillard to win Aussie election澳洲通靈鱷魚哥預測吉拉德當選總理A “psychic” crocodile named Harry last week tipped Prime Minister Julia Gillard to win the razor-ti

2、ght Aus-tralian election, siding with pollsters and bookmakers and an octopus called Cassandra.Harry, a feisty five-meter saltwater croc, took several min-utes to decide before snapping up a chicken labelled with Gillards picture, snubbing another carcass representing opposition chief Tony Abbott.“H

3、arrys come over to the area, hes lifted his head in the air and hes just nailed Gillard as clean as you want,” Nigel Palmer, Harrys handler at Darwins Crocosaurus Cove attrac-tion, told AFP.“So were thinking hes predicted the ranga (red head) to win the election.”Gillard can take heart from the endo

4、rsement after the crocodilian clairvoyant also correctly picked Spain to win last months World Cup final against the Netherlands.“Harry selected Spain over the Netherlands, so he knows what hes doing,” Palmer explained.Staff at the park were inspired to test Harrys prescience by German octopus “Paul

5、,” who shot to global fame after correctly calling eight World Cup games including the final.Harry, a 750-kg beast, is 45 years old and “in his prime,” his keeper said, with an aggressive streak and a reputation as a “handler hunter.”“Nature says that the crocodiles have been around a lot longer tha

6、n octopuses, were talking 40-odd million years longer,” he said.“So were sort of thinking thats his advantage over an octopus he knows what hes doing.”The Sydney Morning Herald newspapers own “psychic” octopus, Cassandra, also called the vote for Gillard when the election was first called, while opi

7、nion polls and punters give the prime minister a narrow lead.And what will happen to Abbotts chicken? “Thatll be turned into croc poo,” Palmer laughed. (afp)一隻名叫哈利,號稱能通靈的鱷魚上週預測總理茱利亞吉拉德將贏得這場差距極微的選舉,恰巧跟民調與賭注登記機構以及一隻叫做卡桑德拉的章魚預測的一樣。這隻脾氣不好,身長達五公尺的鹹水鱷魚,花了數分鐘才決定,一口吃了吉拉德照片下的雞肉,而遺留另一個代表反對黨領袖的艾伯特的肉塊。達爾文鱷魚主題公園


9、千萬年。所以我們想這就是它比章魚還要厲害的地方它知道自己在幹麻。雪梨晨鋒報自己的通靈章魚卡桑德拉,在各個民意調查與下注者預測吉拉德將以些微差距勝選時,也預測她將當選。至於掛在艾伯特照片的雞肉會發生什麼事呢?帕爾莫笑道,到最後肯定也會被吃掉,變成鱷魚排泄物。 (法新社翻譯:吳岱璟)An image provided by Crocosaurus Cove on Aug. 19, 2010 shows croc-odile Harry snapping at a piece of chicken connected to a picture of Prime Minister Julia Gill

10、ard at Crocosaurus Cove in Darwin, Australia. photo: epa/crocosaurus cove八月十九日,這張由澳洲達爾文鱷魚主題公園提供的照片中,鱷魚哥哈利正咬下用線綁在總理朱利亞吉拉德照片下的雞肉塊。 照片:歐新社鱷魚主題公園TODAYS WORDS今日單字1. bookmaker /bukmek/ n.賭注登記人 (du3 zhu4 deng1 ji4 ren2)例: Darryl got in trouble for placing a bet with an illegal bookmaker.(達里爾因為在一個違法的賭注登記人那邊

11、下注而惹上麻煩。)2. carcass /krks/ n.遺骸 (yi2 hai2)例: The vultures feasted on a rabbit carcass.(禿鷹盡情享用著一隻兔子的遺骸。)3. clairvoyant /klrvnt/ n.預知未來者 (yu4 zhi1 wei4 lai2 zhe3)例: The old woman made her living by claiming to be a clairvoyant. (那位老太太自稱能預知未來,並以此維生。)4. punter /pnt/ n.賭客 (du3 ke4)例: A lot of punters lost money on last years Super Bowl. (許多賭客在去年的超級盃輸了很多錢。)


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