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1、追求卓越教學:有效教學策略之探究,王國華師資培育中心 科學教育研究所,大學教授的心像(之一),本人讀大學也已經堂堂邁入第3年 明年就要畢業可是.我還是沒辦法接受大學教授教法今天就來談談大學教授跟高職老師有什不同不知道各位看官有沒有跟我一樣看法,學歷方面,首先在學歷方面高職老師往往都是國內師範大學畢業大學教授幾乎都是喝過洋墨水回國所以學歷方面.大學教授.勝,師生間感情,接著來談師生間感情高職老師往往都已經在學校科上任教好幾年學生個性大都相同 老師通常也都是本科畢業所以師生間個性幾乎相同 再加上每天幾乎都會見面你只要稍為使眼色 他就知道你要做什實習課在哪睡覺.在哪打混.抽煙. 老師幾乎都知道老師就

2、好像是讀好幾年學長一樣,而大學教授每次上完課就閃 而且明明是系上老師又不是外聘 去辦公室找10次還不一定找到甚至還要打電話預約勒天阿 他還真忙阿.永遠找不到人是大學教授特質莫名其妙出現也是他特質開學一月 我只見過我家導師不多. 就一面而已所以師生間感情.高職老師.勝,教學方面,最後來談談教學方面 高職老師每年都要接受來自不同國中白目學生再加上自己也幾乎是本科畢業所以每人都擁有一套獨特教學法簡單題目交多一點 也交很簡單困難題目交比較少 不過往往會交我一些阿薩布魯解題方法把困難題目交很簡單學生都能輕易了解那種(因為教太難我聽不懂考試不會他還是白教)說白一點 就是智商相同人比較不會有代溝,可是大學教

3、授幾乎都喝過洋墨水擁有著我遙不可及高深學問 每次都把一個間單題目講很高深莫測講題目要用到1黑板甚至2黑板版面每次上完課都不知道他未什要降交(這樣教) 等到考試時候看看高職筆記X 他寫留學解題法高職老師往往只用3條算式就解出來X 真搞不懂大學教授在想什把簡單變困難 把困難變學生不想學或許這是他宗旨 所以教學方法.高職老師.勝所以本次對戰結果 高職老師3戰.2勝1敗.勝,最後我要跟校長說學生要是會教書老師學歷高不高並不重要學歷再高有比天還高嘛不會教.教出來學生比白痴還白痴有用嘛這就是大學生悲哀之一阿.“ ( 引自http:/www.wretch.cc/blog/nkmu106&article_id

4、=4777429),卓越教學的定義,Excellent teaching empowers significant student learning about oneself, others, and the world in high-quality learning environments that embody a genuine sense of community. A learning environment encompasses the physical and social-cultural context within which students and teache

5、rs interact A genuine sense of community is a feeling that one belongs and is appreciated by other members of the community (Online http:/www.uni.edu/teachctr/cet_teaching/defining.htm),發展卓越教學,Professional Development: The Teachers Knowledge and Teaching sustained inquiry into teaching practices and

6、 the impact of teaching practices Instructional Development: Courses, Curriculum and Technology Courses, curriculum, and excellent teaching Technology and excellent teaching Organizational Development: Academic Units and the University,Teaching Professional,聯合國教科文處(UNESCO,1966 ),在教師地位建議案,提出”教學應被視為一種

7、專業”。因此,教師專業地位逐漸受到認同。教師專業成長受到關心。教師專業的標準逐漸被制度化。,老師需要什麼專業,還沒有一致的意見學科方面差異大:在數理科來說,因為學科的概念、理論、定律,及方法很複雜、抽象、且嚴密,需要較多的心智運作,高層次的思考,以及精確的操作,所以,教師需要的專業與其他學科有很大差異。,從教師(教學)專業標準看教師專業,大學教師還沒有較為一致的專業標準中小學教師的專業標準在很多國家都已經提出以美國NBTPS(National Board of Professional Teaching Standards )Science/Adolescence and Young Adul

8、thood Standards:Preparing the Way for Productive Student LearningUnderstanding Students Understanding Science Understanding Science Teaching Establishing a Favorable Context for Student LearningEngaging the Science Learner Sustaining a Learning Environment Promoting Diversity, Equity, and Fairness,A

9、dvancing Student LearningFostering Science Inquiry Making Connections in Science Assessing for Results Promoting Professional Development and Outreach(延伸)Reflecting on Teaching and Learning Developing Collegiality(聯合領導) and Leadership Connecting with Families and the Community,從教師專業成長標準看教師專業,NSES,pr

10、ofessional development standard科學教師需要的知識KNOWLEDGE AND UNDERSTANDING OF SCIENCE KNOWLEDGE OF SCIENCE TEACHING KNOWLEDGE FOR LIFELONG LEARNING,從教師專業成長標準看教師專業:,科學教師的專業發展標準STANDARD A:Professional development for teachers of science requires learning essential science content through the perspectives and

11、 methods of inquiry. STANDARD B:Professional development for teachers of science requires integrating knowledge of science, learning, pedagogy, and students; it also requires applying that knowledge to science teaching. STANDARD C:Professional development for teachers of science requires building un

12、derstanding and ability for lifelong learning. STANDARD D:Professional development programs for teachers of science must be coherent and integrated.,科學教學專業成長重點的改變,教學Transmission of teaching knowledge and skillsLearning science by lecture and readingSeparation of science and teaching knowledgeSeparat

13、ion of theory and practice,教學Inquiry into teaching and learning by lectures Learning science through investigation and inquiry Integration of science and teaching knowledge Integration of theory and practice in school settings,學習Individual learning專業成長方式Fragmented, one-shot sessions Reliance on exte

14、rnal expertise Staff developers as educators,學習Collegial and collaborative learning專業成長方式Long-term coherent plans Courses and workshopsA variety of professional development activities Mix of internal and external expertise Staff developers as facilitators, consultants, and planners,教師角色Teacher as te

15、chnician Teacher as consumer of knowledge about teaching Teacher as follower Teacher as an individual based in a classroom Teacher as target of change,教師角色Teacher as intellectual, reflective practitioner Teacher as producer of knowledge about teaching Teacher as leaderTeacher as a member of a collegial professional community Teacher as source and facilitator of change,


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