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1、外国高端人才公认职业成就认定标准说明以下公认职业成就认定标准中涉及的各项指标年份为上一年度。中共中央组织部:(Organization Department of the CPC Central Committee :The Recruitment Program of Global Experts) 人力资源和社会保障部:回国(来华)定居工作专家项目(MOHRSS: Project for Experts Return and Settlement in China)人力资源和社会保障部:高层次留学人才回国资助计划(MOHRSS: Funding Scheme for High-Level

2、Overseas Chinese Students Return)人力资源和社会保障部:留学人员科技活动项目择优资助计划(MOHRSS: Funding Scheme to Outstanding Scientific and Technological Programs by Chinese Students Abroad)人力资源和社会保障部:中国留学人员回国创业启动支持计划(MOHRSS: Supporting Scheme for Returned Overseas Chinese Students Entrepreneurial Start-Ups)人力资源和社会保障部:博士后国际交

3、流计划引进项目(MOHRSS: Project on Postdoctoral International Exchanges)人力资源和社会保障部:海外赤子为国服务行动计划(MOHRSS: Homeland-Serving Action Plan for Overseas Chinese)国家外国专家局:高端外国专家项目(SAFEA: High-End Foreign Experts Project)国家外国专家局:中国政府友谊奖项目(SAFEA: Chinese Government Friendship Award)国家外国专家局:引进海外高层次文教专家重点支持项目(SAFEA: Pro

4、gram for the Introduction of High-Level Overseas Cultural and Educational Experts)国家外国专家局:海外名师引进计划(SAFEA: Program for the Introduction of Renowned Overseas Professors)国家外国专家局:高校国际化示范学院推进计划(SAFEA: Network in International Centers for Education in China )国家外国专家局:高等学校学科创新引智计划(SAFEA: OEI for Disciplinar

5、y Innovation in Universities)国家外国专家局:“ 一带一路 ”教科文卫引智计划(SAFEA: OEI under Belt and Road Initiative in Cultural and Educational Sector)国家外国专家局:国家科研平台外国专家支持计划(SAFEA: Overseas Experts Supporting Programs under National Research Platform)国家外国专家局:与大师对话-诺贝尔奖获得者校园行项目(SAFEA: Dialogue with Masters-Nobel Prize L

6、aureates on Campus)国家外国专家局:文教类外国青年人才引进项目(SAFEA: Introduction of Overseas Young Talents in Cultural and Educational Sector)国家外国专家局:部属高校学校特色项目(SAFEA: Special Programs with Universities Directly under the Administration of Ministries and Commissions of the Central Government)国家外国专家局:首席外国专家项目(SAFEA: Pro

7、ject for Chief Foreign Experts)国家外国专家局:经技类青年外国专家项目(SAFEA: Project for Young Foreign Experts in Economic and Technological Sector)国家外国专家局:经技类重点外国专家项目(SAFEA: Project for Key Foreign Experts in Economic and Technological Sector)教育部:奖励计划(Ministry of Education: Changjiang Scholars Program)农业部:中国农业科学院青年英才

8、计划 (Ministry of Agriculture: The Young Talents Program under Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences)卫 生 和 计 划 生 育 委 :国 家 食 品 安 全 风 险 评 估 中 心 “532”人 才 计 划(National Health and Family Planning Commission:532 Talents Program underChina National Center for Food Safety Risk Assessment)中国科学院:中国科学院百人计划(Ch

9、inese Academy of Sciences: CAS Hundred Talents Project)中国科学院:创新团队国际合作伙伴计划(Chinese Academy of Sciences: Program for Innovation Teams on International Cooperation)中国科学院:海外评审专家项目(Chinese Academy of Sciences: Program for Overseas Evaluation Experts)中国科学院:引进杰出技术人才项目(Chinese Academy of Sciences: Program f

10、or Introduction of Prominent Technical Talents)中国气象局:中国气象局双百计划(China Meteorological Administration: Project forHundred Talents Introduction and Hundred Talents Selection)国家核电:国家核电外籍高层次人才引进计划(State Nuclear Power Technology Corporation (SNPTC): Program for Foreign High-Level Talents Introduction)北京市:北

11、京市海外人才聚集工程(Beijing Municipality: Program for Overseas Talents Aggregation)北京市:融智北京计划(Beijing Municipality: Great Minds Gather in Beijing Plan)天津市:天津市海河友谊奖(Tianjin Municipality:Tianjin Hai he Friendship Award)天津市:天津市海外高层次人才引进计划(Tianjin Municipality: Program for Overseas High-Level Talents Introductio

12、n)天津市:天津市外专(Tianjin Municipality:1000 Foreign Experts Introduction Plan)天津市:天津市特聘(讲座)教授(Tianjin Municipality: Tianjin Municipal Distinguished Professor)天津市:天津市留学人员回国创业启动支持计划(Tianjin Municipality: Plan of Supporting Entrepreneurial Talents Returning from Studying Overseas) 天津市:天津市留学人员科技活动启动项目择优资助计划(T

13、ianjin Municipality: Plan of Funding Outstanding Science and Technology Projects Launched by Talents Returning from Studying Overseas)河北省:河北省百人计划(Hebei Province:100 Talents Plan of Hebei Province)河北省:河北省外专百人计划(Hebei Province:100 Foreign Experts Introduction Plan)河北省:河北省燕赵友谊奖(Hebei Province: Yanzhao

14、Friendship Award)山西省:山西省引进海外高层次人才百人计划(Shanxi Province:100 Talent Plan on Overseas High-Level Talents Introduction)山西省:山西省政府友谊奖(Shanxi Province: Shanxi Provincial Friendship Award)山西省:山西省青年拔尖人才支持计划(Shanxi Province: Shanxi Province: Plan of Funding Outstanding Young Talents )山西省:山西省优秀企业家培育工程(Shanxi Pr

15、ovince: Program for Cultivating excellent entrepreneur)内蒙古自治区:草原英才工程(Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region:Program for Grassland Elite)内蒙古自治区:内蒙古自治区骏马奖(Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region:Inner Mongolia Steed Award)内蒙古自治区:内蒙古自治区高端人才引进实施计划(Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region : Program for High-Level Talents Int

16、roduction)辽宁省:辽宁省十百千高端人才引进工程(Liaoning Province: 10-100-1000 Program for High-End Talents Introduction)辽宁省:辽宁友谊奖(Liaoning Province: Friendship Award of Liaoning Province)辽宁省:辽宁省引进国外专家重点项目(Liaoning Province: Program for Key Foreign Experts Introduction)沈阳市:沈阳市政府“ 沈阳玫瑰 奖” 项目(Shenyang city: Shenyang Rose Award)沈阳市:沈阳市引进海外研发团队项目(Shenyang City:Program for Overseas Research and Development Team Introduction)大连市:大连市高层次人才引进计划(Dalian City:High-level Talents


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