[名校联盟]江苏省无锡市长安中学八年级英语上册《Unit 7 Seasons》Task课件

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《[名校联盟]江苏省无锡市长安中学八年级英语上册《Unit 7 Seasons》Task课件》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《[名校联盟]江苏省无锡市长安中学八年级英语上册《Unit 7 Seasons》Task课件(18页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Unit 7,Unit 7 Seasons,Task,My favourite season,Presentation,snowman n.雪人来源:学_科_网,throw the ball vt. 扔, 投, 掷球,The river is frozen. adj.结冰的,ice n. 冰,scream vt.&vi. 尖叫,exciting adj. 激动人心的,deep adj. 深的,land n. 陆地,everywhere adv.到处,Learn these new words.,deep adj. 深的 frozen adj. 结冰的land n. 陆地exciting adj

2、. 激动人心的throw vt. 扔,投,掷snowman n. 雪人scream vi. & vt. 尖叫,惊呼ice n. 冰everywhere adv. 到处,1. What is the writers favourite season? Winter.2. What is the weather like? Its very cold. The temperature is usually below zero and it is often snowy.,Listening,3. What does Harbin look like? Everything is covered

3、in deep white snow, and the lakes and rivers are frozen.,4. Why does the writer like this season? Because the writer loves playing outside. 来源:Zxxk.Com,5. What activities do people enjoy doing in this season? They have big snowball fights. They throw snowballs at each other, screaming and laughing.

4、They also make snowmen and use carrots for their noses.,Everything is covered in deep white snow. be covered in 用覆盖e.g. The road is covered in write snow.2. It is exciting to have big snowball fights. have snowball fights 打雪仗e.g. If it snows, we like making snowmen and have snowball fights.,Explanat

5、ion,3. We throw snowballs at each other, screaming and laughing.1) throw snowball 扔雪球e.g. We like throwing snowballs in winter.2) 句中的screaming and laughing是现在 分词短语,在句中作伴随状语。,Translation,1.我最喜欢的季节2.零度以下3.用厚厚的白雪覆盖4.看见了美丽的花5.在外面玩6.打雪仗7.扔雪球8.堆雪人9.冰节,1. my favourite season2. below zero3. be covered in de

6、ep white snow4. see beautiful flowers 5. play outside6. have big snowball fights7. throw snowballs 8. make snowmen9. Ice Festival,Answer the questions below about your favourite season.,1. What is your favourite season?2. What is the weather like then?3. What does your city look like then? 4. Why do

7、 you like this season?5. What activities do people enjoy doing in this season?,Useful expressions,1. is my favourite season.2. I always enjoy 3. I love spring/summer/autumn/winter because 4. The temperature is usually 5. It is often sunny/windy/rainy 6. During this season, you can/cannot 7. My friend and I often ,Write an article about your favourite season. Use the article on page 90 as a model. 来源:学_科_网,


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