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1、医学生面试自我介绍Dear Sir:Thank ou for giving me the hane to intervie and it is m pleasure to introdue mself to ou. M name is ., born in80, .it, .provine. I major in and I ill graduate from the . Medial Universit in Jul, 200Hope a hane to ork and develop in our department. During the past three ears, under

2、the strit guidane of m tutor, professor in ollege of , I have learned sstematiall the theor of profession and got the basi manipulative skills about . With the help of m supervisor, I have suessfull finished the subjet and grasped some experimental skill , suh as ell ulture, DNA extration and other

3、moleular biolog tehnique; abstration, separation, . . I passed the CET band 6 test in201X, after that, I tried m best to learn Medial English and mastered a lot of professional voabular. I am good at listening, speaking, reading and riting. I an manipulate puter profiientl and master Mirosoft Offie

4、softare, also be familiar ith SPSS and Photoshop, et. During three-ear stud in researh, I studied hard and strived for exellene in our field. I benefit from orking together ith exellent olleague. I developed qualit of diligene, responsibilit, kindness and honest. M internship in ollege of . ould qualif me for this job, and I believe I an be fit for the position quikl. I am looking forard to orking in our department. If I am admitted, I ill be thankful and tr m best to ork for ou. Thank ou ver muh.



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