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1、医学专业毕业生英文自荐信hello!hen ou open this , ou have to suess, i opened the door first. thank ou in another life i am about to embark on a nejourne time, give me a valuable opportunit. i hope it ill help ou in the intense market petition and the high tide in searh of knoledge-based eonom to an integrated ta

2、lent.m name is xxx, xx-ear in june, i graduated from medial shool xx. five ears of stud at the universit of life is that i think about life beond the self, the five-ear maturit. i stritl abide b shool rules and regulations, respet for teahers, unitedstudents, have a strong olletive sense of honor; l

3、earning seriousl hard, good results; emphasis on integrating theor ith pratie, and ativel partiipate in the pratie and training ativities; m professional learning involves a ide range of ontent , inluding basi, linial, prevention. speialized in the stud at the same time, in order to plement and exte

4、nd their on knoledge, i read all kinds of books periodials, as far as possible to enable faster groth of its on personnel for multi-skill.five rush, and no i kno ho deepl: esterdas results are a thing of the past, the future * glor to the unremitting efforts of todas don-to-earth to be realized. i a

5、m about to leave shool at the time, i learned to arr a oung man filled ith knoledge and passion and dreams, sinere and heartfelt ourselves to our organization.despite the large number of andidates, i ma not neessaril be the best, but i am still ver onfident, i think i have the abilit to do ell in ou

6、r house. give me a hane, i ill fulfill their duties, so that our satisfation. at this point, i look forard to our ee look静候佳音. i believe our trust and m strength ill bring us suess together!i ish: the ause of the prosperit of our organization, ou ork!sinerel,salute!andidates: xxx第二篇:医学毕业生英文自荐信dear l

7、eaders: hello! hen ou open this , ou have to suess, i opened the door first. thank ou in another life i am about to embark on a ne journe time, give me a valuable opportunit. i hope it ill help ou in the intense market petition and the high tide in searh of knoledge-based eonom to an integrated tale

8、nt. m name is xxx, 200x-ear in june, i graduated from medial shool xx. five ears of stud at the universit of life is that i think about life beond the self, the five-ear maturit. i stritl abide b shool rules and regulations, respet for teahers, united students, have a strong olletive sense of honor;

9、 learning seriousl hard, good results; emphasis on integrating theor ith pratie, and ativel partiipate in the pratie and training ativities; m professional learning involves a ide range of ontent , inluding basi, linial, prevention. speialized in the stud at the same time, in order to plement and ex

10、tend their on knoledge, i read all kinds of books periodials, as far as possible to enable faste201X graduates. after six ears of universit eduation the north, south to stud mediine, ith rigorous professional attitude of humilit,仁心 in medial professional ethis, to be ith the guidane of teahers, i be

11、lieve that the an go to dotors and linial exellene in the diretion of the development of aupunturists . heard so muh about our house is a standard of health are professionals, skilled in diagnosis and treatment of tehnolog, qualit servie attitude to soial reognition. hospitals keep our entrepreneuri

12、al spirit, shuxin harmonious orking environment, teahers teahing methods and the pursuit of oupational mediine onepts仁心 i admire ver. i hope the an bee an one of them, the platform for the onept of mon and firm to plete their hosen areer. m XXdemi ahievements are in the middle and upper reahes. the

13、sope of traditional hinese mediine and estern mediine to learn more english, an amodate plex, breaking the routine, but reative. i ma not be superior test apabilit, but the musi in learning, and ontinuousl self-reharging. shool nearl six ears, initiall ith the move toards the basi qualit of liniians

14、. in pratie, the bination of linial, self-stud auriular aupunture therap, more patients during treatment, and ahieved a ertain degree of effia, reeived more profound stud of mediine medial仁心 a. during the internal mediine out-patient hinese mediine hospital of guangxi mengshan probationar teaher ith

15、 an initial grasp of aupunture praties, to partiipate in the treatment of the patients up to 200 people, familiar ith the diseases of internal mediine and aupunture, to broaden thinking; in guangxi ollege of hinese and estern hospital internship瑞康subsidiar, is in ontrol of basi skills and the linial

16、 diagnosis and treatment of mon diseases, linial diagnosis and giving of treatment understand the thinking and muniation skills ith patients; in addition, luk and hina, the hinese game panies suh as projet planning, so i pared the sstem to form a prehensive thinking and ith the soial, interpersonal, the pan must have the abilit to muniate; ent to beijing to stud the experiene of ell-knon olleges and universities, enrihing the vieing, and learned ho to take it lightl in the fae



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