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1、- 1 -在中科院西双版纳热带植物园建园 50 周年庆祝大会上的致辞州长 刀林荫(2009 年 1 月 1 日)尊敬的各位领导、各位来宾,同志们、朋友们:新年伊始、万象更新。在 2009 年新年的第一天,我们欢聚在风景秀丽的罗梭江畔,共同庆祝中科院西双版纳热带植物园建园 50 周年。在此,我谨代表中共西双版纳州委、西双版纳州人民政府,向中科院西双版纳热带植物园表示热烈的祝贺,向前来参加庆典活动的各位领导、各位来宾、各位朋友表示热烈的欢迎,向长期以来为西双版纳经济社会作出了积极贡献的老领导、老职工和全园干部职工表示衷心的感谢和崇高的敬意!中科院西双版纳热带植物园自 1959 年建立以来,已走过

2、50个春秋。50 年来,一代代植物园人始终保持高度的使命感和责任感,以强烈的事业心和敬业精神,五十年如一日,辛勤耕耘,艰苦奋斗,在科学研究、科学普及、科普旅游等方面取得了丰硕成果,已发展成为集科学研究、物种保存、科普旅游、科技开发为一体的综合性植物园,享誉海内外。我们为植物园取得巨大成就感到自豪。植物园虽隶属中国科学院,却始终以支持和服务地方经济社会发展为己任,积极为当地旅游发展、科技推广、兴边富民、- 2 -科技扶贫等方面提供了强有力的智力支持和人才支撑,引领我州旅游业和科技工作不断走上新台阶,为我州经济社会发展作出了重要贡献。今天的植物园又站在一个新的历史起点上。我们将一如既往地支持植物园

3、的建设与发展,推动彼此间的合作不断向前迈进。我们衷心祝愿植物园继往开来、与时俱进、不断创新、越办越好,早日跻身“世界一流植物园 ”行列, 为我国科技事业做出新贡献、再创新辉煌。最后,祝各位领导、各位来宾、各位朋友新年快乐、身体健康、吉祥如意!谢谢大家。Speech on 50th Anniversary Ceremony of XTBG- 3 -By Dao Linying, Governor of Xishuangbanna Autonomous PrefectureJan.1, 2009The New Year is beginning and spring returns to the

4、earth. On this special day, it comes the 50th anniversary of Xishuangbanna Tropical Botanical Garden (XTBG), the Chinese Academy of Sciences. Im thankful for the invitation to speak here today. This is indeed a joyous occasion for us to celebrate the 50th birthday of XTBG.Since its establishment in

5、1959, XTBG has kept marching forward regardless of hardships, striving for success tenaciously. With considerable progress made, XTBG has become an important botanical garden both nationally and internationally.In recognition of achievements in basic scientific research, XTBG has been awarded many p

6、rizes by CAS and Yunnan Province. A large number of research observations have been published in such internationally top journals as Nature and Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of USA, etc., contributing significantly to Science & Technology progress and regional biodiversity conserv

7、ation.Under the joint support by the Chinese Academy of Sciences and Yunnan Provincial Government, XTBG has collected over 11,000 plant species from home and abroad, set up 35 living collections, Herbarium, Seed Bank, laboratories, and other scientific facilities. Moreover, XTBG has carried out rese

8、arch on and development of hundreds of economic plant resources, - 4 -including medicinal plants, beverages, pigments, flavors, timbers, oil plants, and so on. The achievements in biological resource conservation and basic application research have laid a basis for the utilization and industrializat

9、ion of economic plants in Xishuangbanna. XTBG plays an important role in popularizing knowledge of biodiversity and environment. To better the publics understandings, XTBG has reconstructed some sections and established the Tropical Rainforest Ethnic Culture Museum. Over the past years, XTBG has bee

10、n designated as “National-level Education Base for Science”, “National Science and Technology Education Base for Adolescents”, and “National Patriotism Education Base”. Furthermore, XTBG has organized several exhibitions with local governments and departments in Hong Kong, Beijing, Shanghai and Shen

11、zhen, displaying ethnic cultures and popularizing knowledge on conservation. Implementing the strategy of developing tourism industry in Yunnan Province, XTBG offers eco-tourism. Coming out of the ivory tower and into the real world, XTBG is open to the public with such roles as “National Demonstrat

12、ion Scenic Spot for Tourism” and “National Top-Level Tourist Scenic Spot”, receiving 600,000 visitors annually. As a pioneering scenic area, XTBG has made great contributions to the boom of tourism industry and social development in Xishuangbanna. To follow the call of boosting social and economic d

13、evelopment of regions along the land borderline, XTBG has contributed to poverty alleviation by setting up joint Poverty Alleviation Fund and providing Science - 5 -& Technology support. Capital and human resources, and science knowledge have been input to support local development. Since 2005, XTBG

14、 has earmarked 600 thousand Yuan RMB annually to help the people in Mengla county to shake off poverty and attain prosperity. After 50 years of development, XTBG has become a comprehensive botanical garden engaged in scientific research, plant germplasm preservation and public science education. It

15、boasts an international reputation. Looking ahead to the future, XTBG is to accomplish the construction of new scientific research center, and open larger areas to the public. In conclusion, I congratulate XTBG on its enormous contributions to Xishuangbanna over the past decades. I wish the goal of XTBG becoming a world first-class botanical garden realized at an earlier date. I am confident you will continue to rise to the challenges. Congratulations on the last 50 years! My best wishes for the next 50 years.Thank you!


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