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1、情绪动词关系代名词形容词句子,情绪动词,情绪动词,意义:用以表现情绪的动词,如感到的句子。特色:都可以变成情绪形容词,如tired, boring 等。句型: 主主语be动词V-ingto(某物使某人感到.)如:That movie is interesting to us.(那部电影节我们感到有趣),情绪动词表,不同情绪形容词的介系词也不相同,句型:主语be动词连缀动词当主语是人,情绪动词多以 V+ed 呈现。指:某人对某事感到,I am excited about our performance.He is scared of ghost.Mom is satisfied with our

2、 grades.I am surprised by the way you look today.,Joe is impressed with you.He is never worried about you.I am tired of my job.She was embarrassedabout the fact that she failed the PE class.,情绪动词的两种用法,举例一:boreI am bored. 我是一个无聊的人I am boring. 我觉得现在很无聊This book is boring. 这本书令我感到无聊The boring boy makes

3、 us bored. 这位令人厌烦的人使我们感到厌烦举例二:interestI am interested in this subject.This subject is interesting.,关系代名词,关系代名词,功用:具有连接词跟代名词两种功用。,以人为先行词举例,I like the girl who has long hair.我喜欢长头发的女孩。I like the girl, who has long hair.我喜欢长头发的女孩。I like the girl whom Josh fell in love with.I like the girl with whom Jos

4、h fell in love.我喜欢Josh曾曾经喜欢过的那位女孩。The girl (that) I like is my classmate.那位我喜欢的女孩是我的同学。,以物為先行詞為例,This is the beautiful house which I used to live in.This is the beautiful house that I used to live in.This is the beautiful house I used to live in.This is the beautiful house in which I used to live .T

5、his is the beautiful house where I used to live.,I like the teacher, who is kind and smart. AI like the teacher who is kind and smart. BA我只喜欢一个老师。B只要是和善跟聪明的老师我都喜欢。,注意!,that 用于人、事、物各种情況,为受词时可以省略。whom 已经日渐少用。wherein which。,形容词子句,形容詞子句,意義:以關係代名詞所引導的關係子句,修飾先行詞。先行詞就是關係代名詞所替代的名詞。關係代名詞如:who/ which/ that,當需

6、要將兩個句子合而為一時,常會使用形容詞子句。,舉例一: The boy has blue eyes + The boy is playing baseball with Ben= the boy (who is playing baseball with Ben ) has blue eyes. 其中紅字由who is 帶領的子句即為關係子句,()中的句子若是丟掉,原句依舊成立。,舉例二:I want the dress (which you wore at the party last Friday.)dress在此句為受詞,which 即可省略。()內即為關係子句。,舉例三:The tal

7、l man is my Math teacher. +The mans hair is grey.= the tall man (whose hair is grey) is my Math teacher.whose用於所有格,紅字為關係子句,省略後原句仍成立。,關係副詞,關係副詞,意義:介系詞關係代名詞。同時也有連接詞或是副詞的功能。常見關係副詞:WhereWhenWhyHow,Where,Where= in+which =at+which =on+which 通常用於the place(地點)之後。舉例:I hate the place in which we stayed.I hate

8、 the place where we stay.,Where are you going?I dont know where you are.I will follow you wherever you go.No matter where you go, I will follow you.想一想這些where的不同意義及用法?,When,When=in which 常用於the time(時間)之後。舉例:I love the time when we went out together. I like May in which I will have a birthday gift.I

9、 like May when I will have a birthday gift.,When will you leave?Will you tell me when you will leave?Will you tell me when will you leave?上述三句何者為非?最後一句錯了!,Why,Why= for+which常用於the reason(原因)之後。舉例:She doesnt know the reason why they broke up in one week.,How,How= in+which常用於the way(方法)之後。舉例:That is the way which I study in.That is the way in which I study .That is the way how I study.,



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