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1、Unit 2 War and peace,topicListenReading:Grammar and Vocabulary Building: Vocabulary: Writing and culture tips : Exercises :,1) Your ideas: A: a. Napoleon Bonaparte; b. Yue Fei; c. Winston Churchill; d. Abraham LincolnB: 2) Vocabulary on page 18 a. helmet; b. trench; c. drawbridge; d. gasmask; e. moa

2、t; f. sandbag; g. bullet-proof vest; h. fortress,Around the topic,In the first decade of the 19th century, he turned the French armies against every major European power and dominated continental Europe through a series of military victories. His army was badly damaged in the French invasion of Russ

3、ia in 1812 and at the Battle of Waterloo in June 1815.,The famous Chinese patriot and military general fought for the Southern Song Dynasty against the Jurchen (女真) armies of Jin Dynasty.,Winston Churchill led Britain to fight against the Axis (轴心国) during WWII.,Abraham Lincoln, the 16th President o

4、f the United States, successfully led the country through its great internal crisis, the American Civil War, preserving the Union and ending slavery.,B,1840-1842,Britain and China,The British smuggling of opium into China was prohibited in 1839. as a result, Britain sent warships to China in 1840,Th

5、e Opium War,The American Civil War,1861-1865,A civil war in America: the Federal government in the North vs. the Confederate states of America in the South,The Federal government campaigned against the expansion of slavery in the Southern states.,The World War II,1939-1945,A majority of the worlds n

6、ations into two opposing military alliances: the Allies and the Axis.,It was caused by the long-term tensions and resentments among many European countries, and the military aggressions made by the ruling Nazi in Germany and the leadership in Japan .,The Anti-Japanese War,1937-1945,China and Japan,T

7、he invasion of Japanese army into China led to the full-scale war in 1937,The Gulf War,Aug. 1990- Feb. 1991,Iraq vs. America, Britain, Canada, etc.,Iraqi troops invaded Kuwait and, therefore, threatened a vital interest of America and many other Western countries for they were greatly dependent on t

8、he oil supplies in this area.,amaze meiz vt. 使惊异,惊奇atomic tmik adj. 原子能的burn down 焚毁,烧毁carve k:v v. 刻,雕刻crane krein n. 鹤,Vocabulary,amaze vt. 使惊异,惊奇,(to surprise someone very much) e.g. (1) Your knowledge amazes me. 你丰富的知识令我吃惊。(2) It amazed us to hear that you were leaving. 听到你要走, 我们都很吃惊。 amazing ad

9、j. 令人大为惊奇的;(尤指)令人惊 喜(或惊羡、惊叹)的 e.g. You are amazing.,你太了不起了.,carve vt./vi. 刻,雕刻,( to cut a pattern or letter on the surface of sth)e.g. The statue was carved out of stone. 这尊像是石头雕成的。切, 切碎e.g. At the dinner table, fathers job is to carve the meat. 吃饭时, 爸爸的工作是切肉。carve out 用辛勤的劳动创造出 e.g. He carved out a

10、 name for himself in the engineering business. 在土木工程业方面, 他孜孜以求为自己赢得了声誉。,dizzy dizi adj. 眩晕的explode iksplud v. 爆炸explosion iksplun n. 爆炸fold fuld v. 折叠Hiroshima,hiri:m 日本广岛市,dizzy adj. 眩晕的,(feeling unable to stand steadily)e.g. (1)If you feel dizzy or short of breath, stop exercising immediately.(2)

11、I was dizzy from lack of food. 由于没吃东西我感到头晕目眩,explode v. 爆炸 explosion n.,( to burst, or to make sth burst, into small pieces) e.g. When the boiler exploded, many people were hurt. 爆突发, 发怒 vi. e.g. At last his laughter exploded. 他最后哄然大笑起来。激增, 迅速扩大 e.g. The population was still exploding. 人口仍在迅猛增长。,fol

12、d v.折叠; 对折交叠;包围,笼罩,( to bend a piece of paper, cloth etc. by laying or pressing one part over another)折叠; 对折交叠 (vt./ vi.)e.g. (1) I folded the letter and then put it into the envelope. (2) A fan folds.包围,笼罩 Vt. e.g. Dark clouds folded the hills. 乌云笼罩着群山。,我把信折好后放进信封里。,扇子可以折叠起来。,leukaemia lju:ki:mi n.

13、 白血病monument mnjumnt n. 纪念碑,纪念像sacred seikrid adj. 神圣的scared sked adj. 害怕的;惊慌的smash sm v. 摧毁;n. 猛击,撞击,monument n.纪念碑,纪念像,(a building, statue, or other large structure that is built to remind people of an important event or a famous person.) e.g.树立了一块纪念碑纪念那位伟大的科学家。 A monument was erected to the memor

14、y of that great scientist. monumental adj. 重要的; 意义深远的;不朽 的(通常用于名词前) e.g. a monumental achievement 重要的成就,sacred adj. 神圣的,(relating to god or religion)e.g. 教堂是神圣的建筑物。 A church is a sacred building. adj. 受尊重的;受崇敬的;不可冒犯的 e.g. In Africa the snake is still sacred with many tribes. 非洲许多部落仍认为蛇是不可冒犯的。 同义词 di

15、vine divain ; holy; heavenly,scared adj. 害怕的;惊慌的,(frightened of something, or nervous about sth.)e.g. (1) I am scared to fly in a plane. 我怕坐飞机。(2) I am scared that the plane might crash. 我怕飞机会失事。 同义词 frightened,smash v. 摧毁; n. 猛击,撞击,(to break into pieces violently or noisily)e.g. (1) The firemen had to smash the lock to get in. (2) Several cups fell to the floor and smashed to pieces. smash sth. down 撞倒,捣毁 e.g. The firemen smashed the door down to reach the children.smash sth. in 被撞瘪/ 凹e.g. The door had been smashed in.,


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