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1、,hunting for a job,人员介绍:proficient: interviewer讲评1:刘艳卓(Irene) 面试官1:林春梅(Vicky) 讲评2:刘立红 (Carrier) 面试官2:陆 优(Miffy)interviewee:面试者A:刘梦洁(Allison) 面试者B:李 盼(Becky)面试者C:刘 旺(Nikki)面试者D:李 倩(Daisy)面试者E:刘 艳(Heidi),第一幕 Pro1:Welcome to the cheating without limit!Another year in June,Frenshman are in focus,sophomo

2、re are finding Lu friends,Junior are at sea,senior are looking for a job,The most noteworthy is the graduates.欢迎来到坑爹无极限!又是一年六月,大一的在求重点,大二的在找撸友,大三的在迷茫,大四的在找工作,最值得关注的就是毕业生Pro2:Ten years ago our own nervous about applicants,ten years after we see other pepoles nervous applicants.Let us look at the 2013

3、annual job site.Let us have a look first interview.Oh,Is not here yet. Why? it is very important to be on time for the interview.十年之前我们在紧张地找工作,十年之后我们看别人找工作。让我们来看看2013年度应聘现场,首先是第一位应聘者,噢?还没到?在应聘时,守时是很重要的,第二幕 A A:Im sorry,Im late,but thats not my fault.The traffic is very heavy and I am not familiar wi

4、th the road conditions, and, yesterday, I prepared for a long time so I overslept today.And I caught a cold recently.抱歉我迟到了,但并不是我的错,交通太拥堵了我又不是很熟悉路况,昨天我准备了很久所以今天睡过头了,最近我又得了感冒。Int1:Uh,Thats OK,now,Can you make a self-introduction?嗯,没关系的,现在你可以进行自我介绍了吗?A:eh.well,My name is Allison.I graduated from Busin

5、ess empire university.I am a very lively person.I often take part in the party school.And has been the queen of the partyOh,wait! Have we ever seen?.Let me see,senior?We are schoolfellow!Do you remember me?嗯,我的名字是Allison,我毕业于商业帝国大学。我是一个非常活泼的人,我经常参加学校里的派对,一直是焦点。哦,等等,我们以前见过吗?让我想想,学姐?我们是校友!你还记得我么?,Int2

6、:Eh-hem,so,How do you know our company?嗯哈,那你是怎么知道我们公司的呢?A:Because I am a frequent visitor to your company.因为我是你们公司的常客Int1:But your major is not suitable for this position,What will you do?但是你的专业并不对口,怎么办?A:I like this company,I am willing to start from zero.我很喜欢这家公司,我愿意从零学起Int1:OK A:Thank youPro2:oh,

7、this lovely girl doesnt walk a usual way,does her?噢,这个可爱的女孩不走寻常路,对吗?Pro1:Yeah, you are right.it is very important to be on time for the interview.And be respect.是的,你是对的,在面试时守时是很重要的,还有尊重,第三幕 BPro1:Then look at the second candidate接下来看看第二位面试者B:Uh.Good morning.额。早上好Int2:Good morning早上好B:My name is Beck

8、y. I think I am very suitable for the job because I m Haigui,and Im very patient.I like to do things which are more meticulous.In fact,I have been worked as an intern in Microsoft.My grades is A我的名字是Becky。我认为我非常适合这份工作,因为我是海归,而且我很有耐心,我喜欢做一些精密的工作,事实上,我曾在微软公司实习过,我的成绩是AInt2:Oh,That sounds greatB:YeahInt

9、1:You say you got A?你说你得了A?,B:Yes,Thats right嗯,没错Int1:How did you do that?你是怎么做到的呢?B:Thats because I work very hard,And I can handle interpersonal relationships.那是因为我工作很努力,而且我能够处理好人际关系Int2:So,Why didnt you stay in the Microsoft?那么,为什么你没有留在微软呢?B:eh.The girl who Instead of me to intern did not tell me

10、 why,so I cant answer you额。代替我去实习的那个女生没有告诉我为什么,所以我没办法回答你Int2:And then.In your opinion ,Whats your advantage to get this job?那你觉得你的优势在哪?B:Do you know Ligang?你知道李刚吗?B:He is my dad.他是我爸爸Int2:Well,maybe I know.嗯,我知道了,Pro1:uh.This is not right,we should be honest.Pro2:Yeah, We should be on our own,too.是的

11、,还有应该靠自己第四幕 CPro1:hey,Is this girl a interviewee too?嘿,那个女孩也是来应聘的吗?Pro2:Uh,Dont like a interviewee,She was wearing slippers.不太像,她穿着拖鞋呢C:Hello,Nice to meet you你们好,很高兴见到你们C:This is my resume这是我的简历,Int1:Are you really pay attention to the interview ?你真的很重视此次面试吗?C:So,Dont you think I am ?那你认为我不重视吗?Int2:

12、Has your way of speaking always been this case?你说话的方式一向如此吗?C:Of course always当然Int2:This job is very detail,Do you think you are qualified for it?这份工作是很细节的,你觉得你能胜任吗?C:Dont you think I can?你觉得我不能么?Int2:Ok,I have no questions好吧,我没有问题了,第五幕 DPro2:The beautiful young lady shuold be a fourth job candidate

13、s,Lets look forward to her performance.那位漂亮的姑娘就是我们的第四位应聘者了吧,让我们期待他的表现吧。Int1:This wook often have to work overtime,are you willing to?这份工作经常需要加班,你愿意吗?D:Well,any overtime pay?额,那有加班费吗?Int1:Uh.of course.Our treatment is very good.嗯,当然,我们的待遇是非常好的D:Of course Im willing to!那我肯定愿意的!Int2:You failed that tes

14、t,and why?你考试有不及格的记录,为什么?,D:I felt the course was empty and a total waste of time,please dont mis understand that Im an irresponsible student,I did quite well in other tests that year.我认为这个课程很无趣,完全就是浪费时间,请不要误认为我是个不负责任的学生,我的其他课程还是很优秀的。Int1:Yeah,thats OK.Any question?嗯,没关系,还有什么问题吗?D:I wonder how long

15、you will gonna give me a raise and promoted.我想知道我什么时候能够加薪和升职。Int1:Sorry,Its not depend us.对不起,这个我们不能决定。Pro1:I thought she was very content,but she is just a beautiful girl.我本以为她是非常有内涵的,但是她只是个花瓶。Pro2:Money is important,but many things in life is priceless,like friendship,and family钱是很重要的,但是生活中很多东西都是无

16、价的,比如友情,情亲。,第六幕 EPro1:that girl has been waiting for long time,now,lets look the last Interviewee.那个女孩已经等了很久了,现在,让我们来看看最后一位面试者的表现。Pro2:Good luck to her.祝她好运C:Good morning.早上好C:My name is Hide.I graduated from Business empire university.Im not very active,but Im friendly,and attentive.I think Im very suitable to this job.I Believe I can do. I look forward to working with you.我的名字是Hide,我毕业于商业帝国大学,我不是很活泼,但是我很友好,做事情很周到,细心。我认为我很合适这份工作,我相信我能做好,很期待能与你们一起共事。Int2:Your mark is average,What make you think you can be employed?你的成绩一般,为什么你觉得我们会录用你呢?,


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