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1、, Education in ChinaEducaton in China today has been developing rapidly In manycompulsory and free Most children start school atthe age ofsix. They atiendelementary school and 6 years of high school.Aner graduation from high school, a student can start his higherlwo-year college, a four-year college

2、,a university, or a specializedMost coleges admit students on the basis of their entrance examinatiomCes of colege education is nat very High Andihe GeaiGF PaIan hoona iiraro3 DreamsDreams are a product of the sleepers mind. They include events andhe has expenenced. Most dreams are related to events

3、 of the day befora theand the strong wishes of the dreamer. Many minor incidents of the hoursbappear In dreams Few events more than two days old tu up. DeepSPecally those held since childhood, often appear in dreams, and manySUch wishes,Events In the sleepers surroundings, a loud noise, forbecome pa

4、rt of a dream, ONSome drer mL involva. PP 了 st WA 一ES用人人9 人作品 9人 Lei 卫志 EmotionsAccording to psychologlsts, an emotion ls aroused when a mari 本曾something as either bad or good, When 人 person feels like runningsomething he thinks wil hurt him. we call this emotion fear If the person Re-employment of

5、Laid-off WorkersThe issue of re-employment has emerged with large numbers of surplushaving been laid off There is no doubt that it would lead to endlessjtro9Surplus were not reorganized properly, In order to_ maintain socialSecure peoples normal living standards,i is essential to work outproblem。Sov

6、ing mep hHemisat有日RS Describing Peopleiis pOSSlike fngerprints, are unique. Did you ever wonder be 本recogniz askilled writer probably could not descfi n anPIBke one face dfferent from another Yet a very young child一even an animapPI9eon 一can leam to recognize faces. We all take this ability for grant

7、edWe also lell people apart by how they behave. When we talk aboufPersonality we mean the ways in which he or she acts, speaks, thinksPake that individual different from others. Physical Activity4 some form of physical activityeg win winter, skating or skiing. 此mightbe a game 6Jootbal_ hockey go or

8、tennis, oriimight be mountaineering.Those who have a passion for climbing high and difficultjooked upon with astonishment Why are men and women willing出hardshp and io lake risks on high mountains? This asionlshmert The Clever Man Nasreddinon a lot of money. But the soOn Was a 各Anoldman died and left

9、 his Smari he quicky spent all the money, and soon he had nothing left. Of cohappened, all his friends lef him. When he was quite poor and alone, heNasreddin, who was a kind, clever old man and often helped peopletroubles.Why money is finished and my friends have gone,” said the younghappen lo me no

10、w7”Don wory young man, answered Nasreddin。 局 ,EverythingInCmUTtC 9 | 1young -an 局 Daia was vefy gao一AmTgoiigToigetirch /5 黄请专业四缚昕7AMan and His Car内man wes traveling abroad in a small red car One day he left the caropplng, When he came back, its roof was badly damaged.Some boye tod him that an elepha

11、nt had damaged 比 Te man did neE闻hem, bul Ihey look him to a circus which was near there. The owner ofid 1am veny sory| My elephant has a blg, round, red chair He thoughtas his chair and he sat on Mt Then he gave the manaletter in whichh1When the mrGotbebh AII6IUIILeSUn is really 8 star Nis much bigger thantp the moon but we know that no Qi Can Animals Be Made to Work for Us?


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