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1、优秀教案 Dont play in the street.活动目标: Preparation:过程: 3 Teaher sas the small stor and shos the stor ith the atpuppet木偶猫.Small stor: A at alks in the street. A at plas ball in street.A ar is ing. What do ou ant to sa for the at? Teaher guidehildren to sa “stop it.” “Careful” “Dont pla in thestreet.”4 Ch

2、ildren and at sing and dane together.Ok, at sas: “thank ou, hildren!” lets dane and sing ithat.Ativit 11: Dont pla in the street.Stop it. Careful Teaher asks some questions to remind回忆故事情节 hildren of the plotof the stor.Is it morning or afternoon or evening in the stor?Teaher tells the stor again it

3、h hildren.3 hildren pratie the English stor b plaing three rolls in thestor.通过故事表演练习英语。T: ho ant to pla Max Linda and Benn in the stor?Teaher hooses选出 somebod to pla Max Linda and Benn, teaherhelp them sa out说出 hat the ought to sa.附: 英语故事 Dont pla in the streetStorteller: Its morning. Time to go to

4、shool.Linda: Have an apple, Max.Max: Thanks. One, to, three. Apples, apples, I like apples, I likeapplesLinda and Benn: Stop it, Max.Max: Apples, apples, I like.oooh! M apple!Linda and Benn: Careful, Max! oh, Max.Max: Thanks, Linda. Thanks, Benn.Linda and Benn: Dont pla in the street, Max!Max: OK.12

5、 Stik the stor ards.P41Aim:1 Go over the stor “Dont pla in the street.” through stikingpiture puXXles粘贴拼图.2 teaher uses instrutions指令 to guide hildren ho to stik thepiture in order.3 hildren are interested in感兴趣 English b stiking pitures.Preparation:1 piture puXXles拼图2 hildrens book 儿童用书3 glue胶水Proe

6、ss:1 teaher and hildren are greeting eah other.相互问好,教案优秀教案 Dont pla in the street.the first time to sho the storT: ou pla Max Linda or Benn no. So lets sho the stortogether.Teaher guides指导 hildren to pla the roles of the stor,espeiall特别是说出故事中的句子 for saing out the sentenes in the stor andto ourage鼓励

7、hildren do ation of their roles.2) The seond time to sho the storTeaher hooses somebod ho pla the roles are better to at thestor pletel完整地.3) The third time to sho the storTeaher allos允许 hildren to hoose good friends 选好朋友 to at thestor together.T: OK, hildren, three hildren form one group三个孩子一组 to at thestor. Ever group disusses to alloate分配 the roles of the stor,pa attention 注意 ou dont argue ith eah other for theroles.Teaher direts指导 hildren hen the are shoing the stor group bgroup.game: arr out teahers instrutions指令Stop it.Careful.Time to go to shool.Dont pla in the street.


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