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1、优秀教案 The new words of the magicianAim 活动目标: 1学习有关stor: Magiian 的单词: motorbike; irus; magiian, bike.Through pitures, desription, at.2 学习 Id like a motorbike; at the irus; Heres the magiianthrough games, pitures.3 在教师的提醒下自己听指令做TPR 活动的动作,优秀教案 The ne ords of the magiian。4 积极参与到游戏当中,体验到英语活动的乐趣。Preparatio

2、n 活动准备: 1英语单词卡: motorbike; irus; magiian, bike等。Proess 活动过程: 1 师生相互问好 ourtes。2学习有关stor: Magiian 的单词: motorbike; irus; magiian, bike.Through pitures, desription, at.(1)教师举起一张motorbike 的卡片.T: “hat is this?”S: motorbikeT: Yes, motorbike.教师引导幼儿用英语回答问题,要求幼儿: “Sa after me”请幼儿跟着老师一起念。(2)用同样的方法bike单词。(3)教师举

3、起一张 magiian的卡片;T: ho is he?S: 幼儿回答。T: magiian 教师用正确的答案告知幼儿,要求幼儿“Sa after me”(教师注意集体和个别相结合的原则)提问个别幼儿时,如果幼儿回答正确,教师及时给予表扬和奖励。用同样的方法 irus 单词。T: here is this?S: 幼儿回答。T: irus教师用正确的答案告知幼儿. Children repeat it.T: Wonderful!3 学习 Id like a motorbike; at the irus; Heres the magiianthrough games, pitures.(1) 教师指

4、着magiian and irus的词卡 sas:T: Magiian is at the irus. At the irus in Chinese toexplain.Teaher shos the ard of irus to sa the phrase at theirus again and again to teah hildren.(2)教师指着 magiian的词卡 sasT: Here is the magiian. Do ou like the magiian?S: Yes, I do.T: ok, e sa Here is the magiian for three tim

5、es.说三遍Hereis the magiian(3)教师出示 motorbike and bike to ards at the same time的图片,T: What ould ou like a motorbike or a bike?S: motorbikebike.T: You an sa Id like a motorbikebike. Teaher an explain inChinese.(教师对于讲对的幼儿要表扬,并鼓励其他幼儿跟老师一起讲,调动其他幼儿的积极性,教案优秀教案 The ne ords of the magiian。)4 game: stand behind

6、the orret ard.将单词卡片放在地板上排整齐。Put ards on the floor to line up,幼儿围成一圈,T: Dear Children, Lets make a irle to pla a game. These arefour ards. 我选三个小朋友来玩游戏。I hoose three hildren to pla the game.Suh as I sa at the irus ho is the first hild to standbehind the ard of irus ou in the game and get tensores.我说“在

7、马戏团”谁第一个站到马戏团这张卡片后面就赢了。 Ok, here e go.At the irus: hild stands behind the ard of irus.Here is the magiian: hild stands behind the ard ofmagiian.Id like a motorbike: hild stands behind the ard ofmotorbike.Id like a bike: hild stands behind the ard of bike.5 game 2: fine the four ardsT: Dear hildren, ould ou fine the four ards.你们能找到四张卡片吗?please help me to look for. Lets go.教师鼓励幼儿到教室的各个角落去找,找到的就拿到老师的面前来。T: Whats this ?S: A motorbike.T: Whats this ?S: A bike.T: Where is it?S: irus.T;Who is he?S: Magiian.活动建议: pla a game: at-. Suh as;at the irus. At home;here is-.Id like-


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