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1、,to the grammar world,Inversion,本节课学习内容呈现,一、倒装句的概念二、倒装句的类型三、倒装结构的用法及注意点四、倒装句习题精选,一、倒装句的概念,在英语中,正常语序为主语在前,谓语在后。如果将谓语的全部或一部分提到主语的前面,这种语序就叫倒装。,e.g. :1. The boy rushed out. (正常语序)2. Out rushed the boy. (倒装语序),二、倒装句的类型,1 _是指当某一特定的内容出现在句首时,将谓语动词直接提前放在主语之前构成的倒装句型。,全部倒装,2 _是指当某一特定内容出现在句首时,不能将谓语动词直接提至主语前面,而须

2、将谓语的一部分(如助动词、连系动词be、情态动词等)放在主语前面。,部分倒装,三、倒装结构的用法及注意点,1、全部倒装(将主语和谓语完全交换位置),(1) 表地点,方位,时间等的副词(如: here ,there,then,now,up ,down,out ,in,away)提到句首以示强调用全部倒装。,这只鸟飞走了。,The bird flew away.,Away flew the bird.,特殊情况,1主语为_时,主谓位置保持不变。,He rushed out.,Out he rushed.,2 原句中的进行时改为全部倒装时要改成_.,The bus is coming here.,H

3、ere comes the bus.,代词,一般时,(2)表示地点、方向等的介词短语位于句首, 且主语为名词时,用全部倒装,一位老人住在这所房子里。,An old man lives in this house.,In this house lives an old man.,比较:In the box _ a cat . In the box _ some cats.,is,are,注:这个句型中谓语动词大多为be, sit, live, lie, stand, rise, go , come,exist 等。,(3) 为了强调,将谓语部分的分词(现在分词、过去分词)部分或不定式部分置于句首

4、,构成全部倒装。,An ancient village was_.,buried in the sands,Buried in the sands was an ancient village.,2 站在桌子旁边的是他的妻子。,Standing beside the table is his wife.,1 埋在沙子底下的是一个古代的村庄。,(4)当主语相对比较长,为了保持句子平衡而将表语前置时,句子的主谓语也应完全倒装。,The days when they could do what they liked to the Chinese people are gone.,Gone are t

5、he days when they could do what they liked to the Chinese people.,(5)直接引语的一部分或全部位于句首,主语为名词时,用全部倒装。,1 “ Youd better do it at once”, _.A said his mother B his mother said2 “what do you mean?” _.A he asked B asked he,A,A,注: 这种用法中常用谓语动词为say, think, ask, cry等。,(6) 还有一些常用句型也属于全部倒装。,1 There stand two tall

6、trees in front of the house.,2 May you succeed! 祝您成功! 3 Long live the people! 人民万岁!,2、部分倒装:(改成一般疑问句),我很少取笑别人。,I seldom make fun of other people.,Seldom do I make fun of other people.,(1)、否定词(组)或半否定词(组):如: never , not, seldom, hardly, little, nowhere, by no means, under no circumstances, not until ,a

7、t no time, not a+名词等,提到句首时,句子要用部分倒装。,(2)、当only+ / / 位于句首,主句一般用部分倒装。,1 Only then did we realize that he was blind.,2 Only in this way can you learn English well.,Only you can solve the problem.Only in this way can you solve the problem.,(only+主语不用倒装),3 Only after you lose your health will you realize

8、 the importance of health.,副词,介词短语,状语从句,(3)、hardly (scarcely)when, no soonerthan, not only but also连接两个分句放在句首时,前一个分句主谓部分倒装,后一个分句主谓语序不变(前倒后不倒) 。,1 He had no sooner gone to sleep than the telephone rang once again .,No sooner had he gone to sleep than the telephone rang once again.,hardly/ scarcely, n

9、o sooner +_时态 when, than +_时态,过去完成,一般过去,(4) neithernor引导两个分句时,两个分句 _(_倒_也倒)。,Neither do I know her address, nor does he.,(5).not until 放在句首,如果until后面跟的是一个从句,从句不要用倒装,主句要用部分倒装。,直到他爸爸回来他才开始做作业。,He didnt begin to do his homework until his father came back.,Not until his father came back did he begin to

10、do his homework.,都要倒装,前,后,(6) 、“so/neither/nor+助动词/系动词/情态动词+主语”结构的倒装。 neither, nor意为“也不” ; so意为“也如此”。,- Tom can ride a bicycle.- _ .(我也会)-Ann cant swim .- _.(我也不会),So can I,Neither/nor can I,比较:-“John can speak French.” -“so he can.” _,他的确会。,注释:“so +主语+助动词/系动词/情态动词”用来表示对别人的话加以肯定。译为“确实 ”,特例,谓语动词既有肯定又

11、有否定,或既有be动词又有实义动词时,常用soitis/waswithsb.表示前面复杂的情况也适合另外的sb.如:,HeisgoodatEnglishbutdoesntdowellinChinese._. (我弟弟也一样),Soitiswithmybrother,(7) so/ suchthat句型中的so/ such部分位于句首时,句子要部分倒装,that后保持不变。,He is so clever that he can work out all the difficult problems in the book(一般句式),So clever is he that he can wo

12、rk out all the difficult problems in the book(倒装句),(8) 频度副词及短语,如: often, once, now and then, always, every another day, many a time等置于句首,句子要部分倒装。,每隔一天我就去看望我的父母。,Every another day do I go to see my parents.,四、倒装句习题精选,B,A,E,C,D,F,高考链接,1 _you eat the correct foods _ be able to keep fit and stay healthy

13、.A Only if; will you B Only if; you willC Unless; will you D Unless; you will2 Not a single mistake _in the exam yesterday.A is make by him B did he makeC he made D had been made by him,3 In the dark forest_, some large enough to hold several English towns.A stand many lakes B lie many lakesC many l

14、akes lie D many lakes stand4 _about wild plants that they decided to make a trip to Madagascar for further research.A So curious the couple wasB So curious were the coupleC How curious the couple wereD The couple was such curious,他一写完文章,灯就熄了。(hardly/ scarcelywhen/ no soonerthan),一句多译,1 He had hardly

15、 (scarcely) finished the article when the light went out.(一般句),Hardly (scarcely) had he finished the article when the light went out.(倒装),2 He had no sooner finished the article than the light went out.(一般句),No sooner had he finished the article than the light went out.(倒装),思考题,1 -Annie always thinks of her parents.-_(她的确如此), and _ (你也一样)if you stay away from your hometown. 2 He should have been warned of the danger. -_(他的确受到警告了),but he didnt listen to me.,



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