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1、九年级英语教案 unit4Unit 4 What ould ou do?Part 1: Teahing design is astruture used for talking about unreal situations in the presentor in the future. This ill explain ho the seond onditionalis formed, and hen to use it.The struture of a seond onditional senteneLike a first onditional, a seond onditional

2、sentene onsists ofto lauses, an if lause and a main lause:if lause main lauseIf I had a million dollars, I ould bu a big house.If the if lause es first, a ma is usuall used. If theif lause es seond, there is no need for a ma:main lause if lauseI ould bu a big house if I had a million dollars.We use

3、different verb forms in eah part of a seondonditional:if lause if subjet simple past verb*main lause subjet ould verb1a Talking about imaginar situationsWhat ould ou do if ou had a lot of mone?If I had a lot of mone, I ould give it to harit.If I had a lot of mone, I ould bu snaks.If I had a lot of m

4、one, I ould give it to Hope Projet.If I had a lot of mone, I ould bu books for the poor.1b Listening and numberingNo ou are going to listen and number the pitures 1 to 3 in theorder ou hear them.TapesriptGirl1: He, did ou see this nespaper artile? An old man had amillion dollars. And he gave it to h

5、arit.Bo1: Wo, hat a nie man!Girl1: What ould ou do if ou had a million dollars?Bo1: If I had a million dollars, Id give the mone to the zoo. Iant to help the pandas.Girl1: Thats a gook idea! I kno hat Id do. Id bu a big housefor m famil.Girl2: Reall? Id put the mone in the bank. Then Id just athit g

6、ro!Bo2: Hmmmm I think Id give the mone to medial researh. Idant to help other people.No listen again and rite don the sentenes ith Seondonditional and Should for advie1 Doing pairorkLets pretend that e are the people in the piture on 2 Talk ith our partner about hat ou ould do if ou had a milliondol

7、lars.Look. This old man had a million dollars, and he gave it toharit.Wo! What ould ou do if ou on a million dollars?Id give it to medial researh.Id take a hane to ahieve m dream of fling to the moon.If I on a million dollars, Id stop orking and bee aprofessional runner.Id go to an old peoples home

8、to help them.Id volunteer at the hospital tie ever eek.2a Listening and irlingListen to the tape and irle the reasons in the box on 27 hLarr is nervous.TapesriptGirl1: Where are ou going, Larr?Bo1: To Toms part.Girl1: Luk ou! Id love to go to that part!Bo1: Yeah, ell, Im a little nervous. I dont kno

9、 hat toear.Girl1: If I ere ou, Id ear a shirt and tie.Bo1: And I dont have a present. What if everone brings apresent?Girl1: If I ere ou, Id take a small presenta pen orsomething. Keep it in our poket and if everone has apresent,ou an give him ours. If not, ou an keep it.Bo1: OK. But hat if I dont k

10、no anone?Girl1: If ou dont kno anone, ou an talk to Tom. Hellintrodue ou to people.Bo1: I guess I an do that.Girl1: Look! Youre sure to hav fun. But if oure still nervous,ou an leave.No listen again and rite don all the expressions onto ourphrase book.go to that part, a little nervous, ear a shirt a

11、nd tie, have apresent, bring a present, take a small present, keepin ourpoket, kno anone, talk to, introdue to , have fun2b Listening and hekingListen to the tape again and hek on 27 the four thingsLarrs sister sas to him.2 Doing pairorkXu Linfeng, ou are Larr. Men Yating, ou are Larrs sister. Xuis

12、going to talk about his orries and Men is going to give himadvie.X: I dont kno hat to ear. M: If I ere ou, Id ear a shirtand tie.X: I dont have a present. What if everone else brings a present?M: If I ere ou, Id take a small presenta pen orsomething.X: What if I dont kno anone? M: If ou dont kno ano

13、ne, ouan talk to Tom. Hell introdue ou to people. 3a Reading and mathingGo to 2 8. Read the problems in the boxes and math them iththe orret advie.And no rite don all the expressions into our phrase book.be reall sh, enjo parties, get nervous before big parties, getpimples, look terrible, the night

14、before, take a big exam, doell, help ith, eat lots of fruits, drink lots of ater, take along alk, go to bed, look friendl, feel sh3b Thinking and role plaingNext ou are going to think of different advie for the problems inativit 3a. Role pla onversations ith our partner.A: I am reall sh. I dont enjo

15、 parties. B: If I ere ou, Id goand shout in the street. Id set up parties and invite all mlassmates to e and sing and dane.A: I get nervous before big parties and I get pimples. B: Pimpleslook good to me. The are not terrible at all. If I ere ou, thenight before the big exam Id lie in bed ounting th

16、e os, thesheep, the attle and the horses. Then Id have a nie sleep. Ifou ount as man os as possible oud do ell in the exam.A: I ant lose m eight. B: If I ere ou, Id eat lots offruits, drink lots of ater and take a long alk before going tobed ever evening.4. Doing group orkYou are put into pairs and find out eah others problems at shooland at home. Then give eah other advie.I reall ant to go to the mall i


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