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1、九年级英语教案示例 Unit 15 Section A 1atr to do 意思是“努力往做某事”,相当于tr onesbest todo。用于“做某件事有困难或需要付出巨大努力,但说话人主观上要克服困难,想方想法,尽力往做好它”的场合。如: Ever student should tr to stud hard in order to studin auniversit.为了进进大学学习,每个学生都应该努力【例1】汉译英我正在尽力成为足球队的一员。Im_ m_ to bee a member of the football team.【解答】本题考查短语“尽最大努力”的表达方法。tr on

2、es best 或do onetbest;根据Im 要FairTales用现在进行时。答案: tringdoing,best。最搞笑视频短片 提示tr doing 表示“试一试,看看某种办法是否对路”,相当于 tr and see if a methodorks。1b Listen and15SetionA1a-4 教学 TITLE=九年级英语教案示例Unit15SetionAthe ords in ativit la thatVitor and Ginn use to desribe theanimals.听录音,把在活动1a中 Vitor和 Ginn 用来描述动物的词画上圈。听力材料Bo:

3、 He, Ginn. Whats that big, furr animal in the pond?Girl: Its a polar bear, Vitor. There kind ofaggressive.Bo: Are the? Looks like the reall love ater.Girl: Uhhuh.Bo: And hat do ou all those big, gra things in theater?Girl: There alled manatees.Bo: What?Girl: Manatees. There ver gentle and ver sh.Bo:

4、 Oh. And ho about the ello and blak spotted animals inthat age?Girl: There heetahs. The heetah is the fastest animal onearth.参考答案These ords should be irled:aggressive, gentle, sh, furr, gra, fast, spotted1 GROUPWORKThink of an animal that is the same as ou insome as. Write a statement about ou and t

5、he animal. Read ourstatement ithout saing the name of the animal.The lass guesseshat kind of animal ou arelike.想出一种同你在某些方面相像的动物。写出关于你和这种动物的陈述。然后把你的陈述读出来,不要说出动物的名字,让同学们猜出你像什么动物。知识点2 I am like this animal beause I am strongand intelligent.我像这个动物是由于我身强体壮,很聪明。【讲解】be like= look like= be similarto像,看起来像。如

6、: He is like his father.他像他的父亲。人生百态 = He looks like his father.= He is similar to his father.这里的like作介词讲,意思为“像”,like还可作动词用,表示“喜欢”,like(doing)sth.喜欢做某事。如: He likes his father ver muh.他很喜欢他的父亲。Mar likes plaing volleball.玛丽喜欢打排球。拓展回纳:dislike不喜欢 unlike不像【例 2】单项选择(l)Look at the kites. The_birds in the sk

7、.(2)Lu_Lil.Dont ou kno mudd shoesthe are tins?(3)I_basketball ver muh.And oure strong and_a basketball plaer.【解答】 (1) 句意应理解为“他们像天空中的鸟儿”,因此答案为C,教案九年级英语教案示例Unit 15 Setion A 1a-4 教学。D应改为looklike才是对的。 (2)根据下句解释说“她们是双胞胎”,因此,应该是“看起来像”答案为 D。 (3)上句应是“我非常喜欢篮球”,下句中应该是“你很结实,你很像一名篮球队员”。因此答案为B。拓展回纳: look like看起来

8、像feel like doing sth.想要做某事ould like todo sth.想要做某事2a List en and math the ords anddefinitions.听录音把这些单词和定义搭配起来。听力材料Bo: Can ou tell us about the manatees, please?Man: Sure. Were tring to save them.Bo: Wh? Are the endangered?Man: Yes. There used to be a lot of manatees, but no therearent ver man of the

9、m.Bo: Do ou kno ho man there are?Man: At this point, there are onl about 2,500 in the U. S. In1972, it as disovered that the ere endangered. Sine then, thegovernment has passed las to protet them.Bo: Where do the live?Man: Their favorite habit is the ater under the trees inmangrove samps.Bo: And h a

10、re the endangered?Man: Some of the samps have bee polluted. Also, theresometimes isnt enough food for all of them. As ou an see,there large. The average manatee is about ten feet long andeighs about 1,000 pounds. The need about 100 pounds of aquatifeed a da.Bo: Aquati feed?Man: Oh, thats underater p

11、lants and vegetation. Thats hatthe eat.参考答案:1b 2d 3a 42b Listen again and plete thehart.重新听遍录音并完成表格。参考答案:Kind of animal: manateeNumbers:2,500 in the U. S.Habitat: Water and trees in mangrove sampsReason h the are endangered: samps polluted, not enoughfoodDesription: large, three meters long, eighs 1

12、,000 pounds.2 PAIRWORKUse the fats in the hart above to role pla aonversation beteen a student and a zooattendant.用上面表格中的事实来角色扮演一个学生与一位动物治理员之间的对话。拓展回纳: measurement 计量Itis(ten)metreskilometreslong(长)ide(宽)deep(深)high(高)句型小结: 主语be数词单位形容词。知识点 3 Ho big are manatees?海牛有多大?【讲解】Ho big在这里询问体重。如: Ho big are

13、manatees? 海牛有多大?The are about 10 feet long and the eigh about 1,000pounds.他们大约有10英尺长,1,000 磅重。以Ho组合的疑问词组有很多,如: Ho old(询问年龄),Ho often(询问频率),Holong(询问动作持续的是非),Ho muh(询问重量或价钱),Ho far(询问间隔),Ho man(询问数目),Hosoon(询问将过多久)。【例 3】用有关ho的疑问词填空。(1) _are ou? Its a seret.(2)_ill he e bak?(3)_have the lived here?【解答

14、】 (1) Ho old (2)Ho soon (3)Ho long知识点4 the the eigh about 1,000pounds.他们大约重达 1,000磅。【讲解】Weigh(v.)称重量,测重量。如: He eighed the stone in his hand.他用手掂了掂这块石头的重量。The piee of meat eighs人生百态 four pounds.这块肉重 4磅。eight(n.)重量。如: Whatis our eight? 你的体重是多少?【例4】同义旬转换。(1) Homuh does the boxeigh?A_is_ _ of the box?B_

15、 _is the box?【解答】(A)答案为: What,the eight(B)答案为: Ho heavGrammar Fous语法重点 Were tringto save the manatees. 我们正在竭力拯救海牛。 Manatees eat about 100 pounds offood a da. 海牛一天吃约 100磅的食品。 There used to be a lot of manatees.过往海牛很多。 In72, it as disovered that the ere endangered.在1972年,它们(海牛)被发现有濒临灭尽的危险。 Some of the

16、 samps have bee polluted.有些沼泽已经被污染。 知识点5这个单元要温习的语法有: 现在进行时态,现在时,含usedto 的过往时,被动语态和现在完成时等。【讲解】现在完成时是初中阶段语法时态中的重点也是难点。很多语法书及形形色色的课外辅导资料常定位于对它喋喋不休的说教和空洞的练习或讲解,把同学们弄得晕头转向。下面的讲解试图让同学们走出劳神费思的误区。(1) 现在完成时的基本用法A现在完成时表示过往发生或已经完成的动作对现在造成的影响。如: I have alread posted the letter.(说明信已不在我这里了)Have ou had our lunh et?


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