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1、九年语英语教案 unit3Unit 3 Teenagers should be alloed to hoose their onlothes.Part 1: Teahing design Strutures: should be alloed toTarget language:I think sixteen-ear-olds should be alloed to drive.I disagree. I think sixteen is too oung.Do ou think thirteen-ear-olds should be alloed to have part-timejobs?

2、No, I dont.Voabular: allo, piere, sill, sta up, drive, driversliense,Do ou think? I agree. I disagree.I dont agree.Learning strategies: Refleting Transforming informationSetion AGoalsTo learn to use should be alloed toTo listen and speak about shool lifeProeduresWarming up b learning ne ordsTo start

3、 ith, lets first go to 147 to go over the voabularfor this unit. Read to the tape and tr to learn off them bheart.Warming up b learning about “should be alloed to”We shall first learn to use the strutures: “should be alloedto”. It is atuall part of the passive uses of English.AuxiliarSingular Plural

4、Present The arars is are designed.Present perfet The arars has been have been designed.Past The arars as ere designed.Past perfet The arars had been had been designed.Future The arars ill be ill be designed.Future perfet The arars ill have been ill have beendesigned.Present progressive The arars is

5、being are being designed.Past progressive The arars as being ere being designed.“should be alloed to” an be used like this: He should bealloed to e. Animals should be alloed to live in the forest.Children should be alloed to ath TV at eekends.1a Reading and irlingFor pratie of the “should be alloed

6、to” read the statements inthe box on and irle A for agree or D disagree.1b Listening and irlingListen and irle “T” for true or “F” for false beside thestatements in the box on 1 8.TapesriptWoman:So, hat are ou doing this afternoon, Anna?Girl:Im going to the mall ith John. He just got his driverslien

7、se.Woman:Im sorr. You ant go ith John. I dont thinksixteen-ear-olds should be alloed to drive. The arent seriousenough at that age.Girl:But I have to go to the mall. Gabs getting her ears pieredand I ant to ath.Woman:I dont think sixteen-ear-olds should be alloed to gettheir ears piered. The might b

8、e sorr later.Girl:I agree, but its fun to ath. Is it OK if e take thebus?Woman:Well, I guess so.Girl:Great! I ant to bu a ne blouse at the mall, too.Woman:What kind are ou going to bu? Mabe I should go ithou.Girl:A, Mom. Im not a hild. I think teenagers should be alloedto hoose their on lothes.Woman

9、:Well, I just ant to be sure ou get something nie.No tr to op the expressions from the listening tapesript onthe blakboard into our notebook.go to the mall ith, get ones drivers liense, go ith, alloto drive, be not serious enough, at that age, get ones earspiered, be alloed to get ones ears piered,

10、be sorr later, itsfun to ath, it is OK if, take the bus, guess so, bu a neblouse at the mall, go ith, should be alloed to hoose ones onlothes, get something nie1 Doing pairorkIn pairs look at the statements in ativit 1a and makeonversation. You ma use the phrases in the box on A: I think teenagers s

11、hould be alloed to go out ith theirfriends.B: I agree. The are old enough.A: I think teenagers should be alloed to go to the mall ith theirlassmates.A: I think teenagers should be alloed to get their driversliense.A: I think teenagers should be alloed to drive.A: I think teenagers should be alloed t

12、o get their earspiered.A:I think teenagers should be alloed to ath TV ateekends.A: I think teenagers should be alloed to take the shoolbus.A: I think teenagers shoul be alloed to bu a ne blouse at themallA: I think teenagers should be alloed to hoose their onlothes.B: I agree. The are old lever stro

13、ng bright serious kindareful luk enough.2a Listening and hekingNext e are going to listen and hek on hat Kath thinks.You ma irle “Agree”, “Disagree”, or “Doesnt kno” to sho hatMoll thinks.TapesriptMoll: Larr is orking late again tonight, Kath.Kath: I kno, Moll. I dont think sixteen-ear-olds should b

14、ealloed to ork at night. Young people need to sleep.Moll: I disagree ith ou. Teenage bos never get tired.Kath: Well, mabe. But Larr shouldnt ork ever night.Moll: Oh, I agree. He needs time to do homeork.Kath: You kno, Moll he should reall ut his hair.Moll: Oh, I disagree. I kind of like it. It looks

15、 ool!Kath: You kno hat orries meLarr doesnt seem tohave man friends.Moll: Yeah, I kno. I think he shouldnt ork on eekends.Kath: Oh I agree, Moll. He needs to spend time ithfriends.Moll: Like ou and me?Kath: Mabe.2b Listening and numberingYou are going to listen again to the reording just no tonumber

16、 Kaths and Molls reasons in the orret order on.No ou shall op all the important expressions from the listeningsript.ork late, sixteen-ear-olds, be alloed to ork at night,disagree ith, get tired, ork ever night, do homeork, ut oneshair, kind of like, looks ool, have man friends, ork oneekends, spend time ith 2 Doing pairorkNext ou are going to make in pairs a list of thingsteenagersshould and should not be alloe


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