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1、2011M 2 37 null 1C null null null 5 null D null JOURNAL OFMODERN CLINICALMEDICINEFebnull2011Volnull37null Nonull1null护理园地null c I | 1673- 1557(2011)01- 0071- 02null null null m s | R473null72null null null null D S Bnull S h 8 5 5 d 9 5 y s # 曾null 苹(成都市儿童医院,四川 成都null 610017)K 1 :分析儿童重症监护病房(PICU)内,非

2、计划性气管插管拔管的原因,从而制定防范措施bZ E :回顾性分析 2005年 1月至2009年 12月在 PICU发生气管插管非计划性拔管病人的病历与资料b T :发生非计划性拔管共 34例,发现与未有效镇静a未采取有效约束a患儿年龄过小a插管方式及操作不当a缺乏有效的固定等有关b :针对非计划性气管拔管的原因,应加强对患儿的正确评估,规范各项护理操作,合理安排工作流程及护理人力,制定非计划性拔管预案,以降低非计划性拔管发生率b1 o M 气管插管;非计划性拔管;儿童重症监护病房;护理Analysis of Unplanned Extubation in PICU on Causation a

3、nd Nursing StrategiesZENG Ping(ChengduChildrennullsHospita,l Sichuan Chengdunull 610017, China)AbstractObjective: To findout the reasonsofunplanned extubation in aPICU setting. M ethods: Therewere retrospectivereview ofhospitalrecordsofallpatientswith unplanned extubationovera 5 yearperiod. Results:

4、 34 casesofunplanned extubationoccurred from 2005 to 2009. Risk factorswere associatedw ith inadequate sedation, ineffective restraints, age and inappropriatenursing care. Conclusion: Proper assessmentofpatients, structured nursing procedures, rationalassignmentofnursingmanpowerandpreventive strateg

5、y canbemade to cutdown unplanned extubation inPICU.Key w ords trachealintubation; UEX; pediatric intensive care unit; carenull null d 9 5 D 3 Y 5 i f / , 5= 5 i V 8 5 = C b PICU= , 8 + Y B h , 5 , * 5 5 g 5 ,h ? 9 K D T 1bd 9 5 . T 5 M 1 B ,7 O 9 F Y H W a ? . q 2,9 9 F 4 D b $ s S 2005M 1 2009M 12

6、? 3 d 9 5 34 8 h ,i 4 ,C / b1null Z E1null1null 5 null 2005M 1 2009M 12 , PICU s Y 587 ,? 3 d 9 5 34 bd9 5 :3 21 ,o 13 ; 3 4 b ? 3 d 9 5 22 , H ? 3 12 b 5 g 5 19 , 0 5 15 b P 8 , P e a 4 19 b 23 d 9 5 ? 3 V H v A 3 8 H b5 Y s Y k aARDSa7 a e 0 a X , # S m b2null null null T587 Y h 34 ? 3 d 9 5 ,?3 q

7、 5null79%b C r % 10 , T 8 , r % 7 ,y 8 | s 1 U 6 , _ ? 3 5 3 b 5 V 1 5 13(38null24% ), h h w 0 5 b3null ) null null 3null1null y s 3null1null1null s P 4 null F ? 3 d 9 5 v s P a e 4 8 b 5 5 P - 7 # H P 4 , y ? 0 s 5 * O 7 1 5 b3null1null2null | r null 1 , T : 7 i 5 b3null1null3null 5 Z T null 0 5 5

8、M 1 , g 5 5 8 0 s ,y g O V ? 3 0 a| s C b3null1null4null M - null F h , 30 3 b 8 M O v P * 5 5 ,F E s s 5 5 ,O D Y i p , ? 3 i 5 b3null1null5null T null J & H , 5 % 5 V b3null1null6null C r % null y p as P T ,+ Y g 5 h ,g 8 s , 71Febnull2011Volnull37null Nonull1C null null null 5 null D null JOURNAL OFMODERN CLINICALMEDICINE2011M 2 37 null 1 b3null2null 3null2null1null r P 4 null b ? 0 s 5 CP - 8 , y # H N D P 4 , s e h 8 Q ,h , s ,P 8 A s % h .e a , V h F a b - 5 90% 5 8 1 s 3b3null2null2null 2 , % Z E null y s / A 7 ? 3 i 5 , # H b g 0 8 s ,B ? C # H Y D = , - E 8 J & S T bB Z 1 T z



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