2012高中英语一轮复习 Module5 The Great Sports Personality课件 外研版选修5

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1、基础 知能 回扣,重点 难点 突破,Shen Xue and Zhao Hongbo _ so well at the 21st Winter Olympics that we were all proud of them. A. performed B. possessed C. observed D. supported【解析】选A。考查动词辨析。句意为:申雪和赵宏博在第21届冬奥会上表现得太好了,我们都为他们而骄傲。,I think full advantage is _ of this technology to improve the quality of our products.

2、 2010绍兴模拟A. taken B. made C. placed D. picked【解析】选A。句意为:我想应该充分利用这项技术来提高我们的产品质量。考查固定词组 take advantage of,意为“利用”。,This win _ them a place in the final. A. is sure B. guardsC. guarantees D. makes sure【解析】选C。句意:这场胜利确保他们在决赛中有一席之地。guarantee sb. sth. 向某人保证某事。,The judges had different ideas about the result

3、s, so it was two hours before the results were _ . A. cried out B. let outC. announced D. declared【解析】选D。句意:法官对结果有不同的意见,所以两小时后才宣布结果。cry out喊出来,let out泄露,announce多用于宣布人们所关心或感兴趣的事情,declare常指官方正式宣布结果。,If their marketing plans succeed, they _ their sales by 20%. A. will increase B. have been increasingC

4、. have increased D. would be increasing【解析】选A。在条件状语从句中用一般现在时表示将来,主句用将来时。,_ is a good chance that Ill finish the work tomorrow. A. It B. ThereC. This D. That【解析】选B。there is a chance that. . . 有可能发生某事,为固定句型。,备考要点补充,Shortly after the accident, two _ police were sent to the spot to keep order. A. scores

5、 of B. dozens ofC. dozen D. scores【解析】选C。当dozen和score的前面有数字时,不能加s, 当后有s时,后常接of,表示不确定的数量。,The moment he heard his name was called, he _ to his feet. A. got B. stoodC. got up D. stood up【解析】选A。由句意可知,此处指站起身,get to ones feet=rise to ones feet,所以选A。,. 单词拼写1. They serve food of high quality(质量) in a clean

6、, well-lighted room. 2. “One World, One Dream” is the slogan(口号)of Beijing 2008 Olympic Games. 3. Liu Xiang performed(表现)very well in the 11th National Games. 4. Many shopkeepers guarantee(保证)satisfaction to customers.,5. Her rich experience gave her an advantage(优势)over other applicants for the job

7、. 6. She declared(宣称)that she knew nothing about the robbery. 7. He was offered a good retiring allowance when he retired(退休). 8. More than 200 competitors(竞争者)entered the race. 9. He works day and night to earn enough money to purchase(购买)a house. 10. The five-star flag is the symbol(标志)of PRC.,. 完

8、成句子1. Traffic accidents in China are on the increase(正在增加)these years. 2. The worn-out farmer gathered all his strength and rose to his feet(站起来). 3. The chances are that(很可能)he has already arrived. 4. It is the first time that she has set foot on Beijing(踏上). 5. I did come late. So what(那又怎么样呢)?,.

9、单项填空1. Laws have been passed to _ war on pollution. A. declare B. announceC. publish D. explain【解析】选A。declare war on sth. 为固定搭配,意为“向宣战”。,2. Its obvious that they want to take advantage _us, and the present situation is not _ our advantage. A. to; of B. of; forC. with; in D. of; to【解析】选D。take advanta

10、ge of sb. “利用某人”,to ones advantage“对有利”。,3. I can promise to keep it a secret, but she is _to find out. A. guaranteed B. guaranteeingC. surely D. probable【解析】选A。句意:我可以答应保密,但她肯定会查明真相。be guaranteed to do“肯定会,必定会”,符合句意。surely应改为sure, probable的主语不能是表示人的名词或代词。,4. Michael was late for Mr. Smiths oral clas

11、s this morning. _? As far as I know, he never came late to class. 2010大连模拟 A. How come B. So whatC. Why not D. What if 【解析】选A。How come怎么会呢; So what 那又怎么样;Why not为什么不呢;What if如果将会怎么样。根据句意, 选A。,_ if nobody agrees with me? A. How come B. So whatC. Why D. So【解析】选B。句意:没有人同意我的意见那又怎么样呢?B项表示“那又怎样”,合乎句意。A项“为

12、什么会,怎么回事”,C项“为什么”,D项“因此”,均不合乎句意。,5. I chanced _ her at the airport. A. meeting B. metC. to meet D. meet【解析】选C。chance to do sth. 表示碰巧做某事。,6. Again they fell down and again they _ . A. got their feet B. got up their feetC. stood on their feet D. got to their feet【解析】选D。get to ones feet站了起来。,7. Although the _ between the two teams is close, the _ are all friendly to each other. A. competition; competitorsB. competitors; competitorsC. competition; competitionD. competitors; competition【解析】选A。competition n. 竞争;competitor n. 竞争者,对手。,


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