2012高中英语一轮复习 Module4 Carnival课件 外研版选修5

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1、基础 知能 回扣,重点 难点 突破,With the car show _ for another week, it was possible for more car fans to visit it. A. expanded B. lastedC. spread D. extended【解析】选D。考查动词辨析。句意为:随着车展又延长了一周,可能有更多的车迷前来观展。expand扩张,膨胀;last持续,侧重指事情从始至终的一段时间;spread伸展,铺开;extend延长,侧重指在原来的既定时间上又延长的时间,符合句意。,完成句子他假装已经知道了这个消息。He pretended to

2、have known the news. 她闭上眼睛假装睡着了。She closed her eyes and pretended to be asleep .,Have you been informed of the final result? Not yet. The test papers _. 2010温州模拟A. are marking B. are markedC. are being marked D. are being marking【解析】选C。根据后句句意“还没有。试卷正在被批改。”应用进行时的被动语态。故C项正确。,Since joining the Common M

3、arket, Britains _ with Europe has greatly increased. A. exchange B. businessC. trade D. commerce【解析】选C。句意为:自从加入了共同体市场,英国与欧洲的贸易量大大增加了。trade常指“国与国之间的贸易”,符合题意。,_in red, the girl looks more beautiful. A. Dressing B. DressedC. To dress D. Having dressed【解析】选B。考查非谓语动词。the girl是dress动作的承受者,dress sb. 意为 “为某

4、人穿衣服”。,备考要点补充,用适当的介词填空He had a good memory for people who had helped him. She set up a fund in memory of her father. Bear in _ that tomorrow is our dear mothers birthday. 2010舟山模拟A. mind B. head C. memory D. heart【解析】选A。bear in mind that. . . 相当于remember that. . . 记住,符合句意。,Canada is a country _ many

5、 different nationalities as well as one with foreign immigrants _ the majority of its population. 2010盐城模拟A. making up of; occupied withB. consisting of; making upC. made up of; consisting ofD. consisted of; taking up,【解析】选B。句意为:加拿大是一个由许多不同民族组成的国家,也是一个外来移民占大多数人口的国家。consisting of和 making up均为现在分词作定语,

6、分别修饰country和 foreign immigrants。consist of 意为“由组成”,make up 意为“组成,构成”。consist of一般无被动形式。,He hasnt slept at all for three days. _ he is tired out. A. There is no point B. There is no needC. It is no wonder D. It is no way【解析】选C。A项表示“做没有意义”,B项表示“做没有必要”;C项表示“难怪”,D项这种句式不存在,但可以说(there is) no way“没门儿”。句意:他

7、已经三天没睡觉了,难怪他筋疲力尽了。只有C项符合句意。,. 单词拼写1. For years he has formed the bad habit of wandering (闲逛)about in the street deep in the night. 2. The two words have a lot in common in meaning, as a result we often confuse (混淆)them. 3. She hid (掩藏)her feelings by covering her face with her hands. 4. Most of the

8、elderly people have poor memories (记忆力). 5. The road extends (延伸)from the east to the west.,6. She pretends (假装)that she likes them so that she can get their help. 7. I like my clothes to be simple but elegant (高雅的). 8. We went to the party, dressed (装扮)up as ghosts. 9. Africa is the origin (起源)of j

9、azz music. 10. We held a celebration (庆祝)after she won the match.,. 完成句子1. He stayed at home for many days on end (持续地). 2. The meeting was held in secret (秘密地). 3. As the economy develops (随着经济的发展), more and more people in China can afford private cars. 4. This club consists of (由组成)ten members. 5.

10、 There is no need for you (你没必要)to worry about him.,. 单项填空1. Have you understood what he really means? _ . A. Now and then B. More or lessC. From time to time D. Here and there【解析】选B。A项“时而,有时”,B项“或多或少,有点;差不多”,C项“偶尔,有时”,D项“处处,到处”,只有B项符合句意。,2. Where is your pencil-case, Jack? Ive _ it for this kite. A

11、. afforded B. collectedC. picked D. traded【解析】选D。后句意为:我已拿它换风筝了。trade A for B, 用A交换B。,3. _ quickly, _ you wont be able to catch the train. A. To get up; or B. Getting up; andC. Get up; or D. If getting up; but【解析】选C。考查“祈使句+连接词+陈述句”用法,根据句意,连接词应用or表示转折。,4. Ill be late home tonight because something has

12、 just _ at work. 2010长春模拟A. come up B. come outC. come over D. come across【解析】选A。come up(问题或困难)突然出现;come out出版,发行;come over突然感到,顺便来访;come across偶遇,偶然发现。根据句意,应选A。,5. The firm openly _ in arms in the past. A. sold B. tradedC. exchanged D. changed【解析】选B。句意:这家公司过去公开买卖军火。sell“卖”,若空后无in,符合句意;exchange“交换”;change“改变,换”;而trade in sth. “做生意/买卖”,合乎句意。,6. Dressed untidily and speaking in a strange way, father must have _ to the people present to be a silly old man. You are absolutely right. A. appeared B. pretendedC. shown D. thought【解析】选B。pretend to be. . . “假装是”,appear“看起来”,show“展示”,think“思考,认为”。,


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