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1、录取通知书的英文模板篇一:录取通知书翻译模版 GUANGDONG XXXX UNIVERSITY 201X LETTER OF ADMISSION Printode:44 Professional Siene 07_XXXX Candidate NO.11440515XXXXXX Letter of Admission Dear XXX: Approved b The Admissions mittee of Guangdong Provine, ou have been admitted to our shool as a major in Eletroni and Information

2、Engineering Tehnolog Professional of the Shool oin an abandoned mental hospital ith the help of ror, hands and glen, all of hom ere not aepted b olleges. hoever, beause of some misses, nearl 300 students are aepted b s.h.i.t. bartleb knos the feelings of these students, so he makes them believe this

3、 is a real ollege and manage to have some lasses in harmon ollege. then, he asks the students to rite don their ideal ourses and the have their lasses taught b their on. ever one in s.h.i.t is happ and enjoable. this is reall a relaxing film. no rough ranger, no viissitudes. all is about are the “ri

4、diulous” thoughts of some ordinar students. and hat turl impressed me is the ords bartleb sas in the end of the film:so ou an go ahead, sign our forms, rejet us and shoot us don, and do hatever ou gotta do. it doesnt reall matter at this point. beause ell never stop learning, stop groing, and ell ne

5、ver forget the ideals that ere instilled in us at our plae. it makes me think about the idea that hether going to ollege is the premise of our future suess. no, being aepted has lost its real value for people and beame a mehanial behavior instead. e tr to believe that people graduate from ollege are

6、 more reative and more ogitative. but hat is important in the film is that students in s.h.i.t an deide their lass, their grades and their roads of their lives. rather than pursuing blindl, the let the ollege life fit their needs. 篇二:录取通知书翻译模版 guangdong xxxx universit 201X letter of admission printo

7、de:44 professional siene 07_xxxx andidate no.11440515xxxxxx letter of admission dear xxx:id ard no.4405xxxxxxxx224xxx speial seal for household registration, shantou publi seurit bureau sep 04, 201X 篇三:送样通知书 hina qualit ertifiation enter notie of seleted sample deliver qqpj03.06no.:篇四:高中毕业证及大学录取通知书翻

8、译模板 uhang experimental high shool graduation ertifiate provinial student no.: xx diploma no.: xx note: this ertifiate is valid after sealed b the eduation department of above prefeture or muniipal level. shool: uhang experimental high shool president: xx jul 5, 201X no.0206807 xx universit letter of

9、 admission dear xx: xx universit august 10, 201X 篇五:举证通知书中英文对照 举证通知书 notie to produe evidene 根据中华人民共 和国民事诉讼法和最高人民法院关于民事诉讼证据的若干规定,现将有关举证事项通知 如下:aording to the ivil proedural la of the peoples republi of hina and the several provisions of the supreme peoples ourt on evidenes for ivil ations, the matte

10、rs of produing evidenes ill notif as folloing: 一、当事人应当对 自己提出的诉讼请求所依据的事实或者反驳对方诉讼请求所依据的事实承担举证责任。当事 人没有证据或者提出的证据不足以证明其事实主张的,由负有举证责任的当事人承担不利后 果。 1 ou are responsible for produing evidenes to prove the fats on hih our laims are based or the fats on hih the laims of the other part are rebutted. ou shall u

11、ndertake the adverse onsequene, if ou failed to submit evidene materials or submitted evidenes is failure to the fat hih ou provide to the ourt. 二、向人民法院提 供证据,应当提供原件或者原物,或经人民法院核对无异的复制件或复制品。并应对提交的 证据材料逐一分类编号,对证据材料的来源、证明对象和内容作简要说明,依照对方当事人 人数提出副本。 ii evidenes submitted b the parties to the peoples ourt

12、shall be the originals, or opies or replias heked and found in onformit ith the originals b the peoples ourt. the submitted evidene materials shall be lassified and numbered one b one. it is required to briefl desribe the soures, fats to be proved and ontents of the evidene materials. opies shall be

13、 provided aording to the number of the parties of the opposing side. 三、申请鉴定,增 加、变更诉讼请求或者提出反诉,应当在举证期限届满前提出。 iii here ou intend to appl for authentiation, inrease or variation of the laims or file a ounterlaim, ou shall do the same prior to the expiration of the evidene produing term. 四、你方申请证人 作证,应当在举

14、证期限届满的十日前向本院提出申请。如本案适用简易程序审理,申请证人 作证的时间可以不受十日的限制。 iv here ou appl for appearane of a itness to testif,ou shall file an appliation ith this ourt ten das before expiration of the evidene produing term. provided that the summar proedure is folloed in this ase, the time for appling itness totestif is no

15、t limited b 10 das. 五、申请证据保全, 应当在举证期限届满的七日前提出,本院可根据情况要求你方提供相应的担保。如本案适用 简易程序审理,申请证据保全的时间可以不受七日的限制。 v here ou intend to appl for preservation of evidene, ou shall file an appliation ith this ourt seven das before expiration of the evidene produing term. this ourt ma require ou to provide orresponding

16、preservation as the irumstanes ma require. provided that the summar proedure is folloed in this ase, the time for preservation of evidene is not limited b 10 das. 六、你方收到本通 知后,可以与对方当事人协商确定举证期限后,向本院申请认可。你方与对方当事人未能协 商一致,或者未申请本院认可,或本院不予认可的,你方应当于年月日前向本院提交证据。 若举证期限不足15日,则自收到通知之日起第15日为举证期限届满之曰。逾期不提交证据 的,视为放弃举证权利。逾期提交的证据材料,本院审理时不组织质证,裁判时不予采纳。 vi upon reeipt of the notie, ou ma negotiate ith the other part to determine the time limit for produing evidene and appl


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