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1、JIU JIANG UNIVERSITY水污染控制工程课程设 计题 目 12 万吨/日城市污水处理厂的初步设计 英文题目 The Preliminary Design of 120000 tons/day City Sewage Treatment Plant 院 系 化学与环境工程学院 专 业 环境工程 姓 名 章子霆 年 级 三年级 指导教师 张蔚萍老师 二零一三年 五 月摘要本次课程设计的题目为某城市污水处理厂初步设计,主要任务是完成该污水处理厂的平面布置、高程布置和各处理构筑物的初步设计。初步设计要完成设计说明书一份,污水处理厂平面布置图 1 张、 污水处理构筑物高程布置图 1 张。该

2、污水处理厂工程规模为 19 万吨/日,进水水质见下表表 1 进水水质(单位:mg/L)指标 CODCr BOD5 SS 氨氮磷酸盐(以 P 计)数值 180 140 180 35 5.0本次设计所选择的 A2O 工艺,具有良好的脱氮除磷功能。该污水处理厂的污水处理流程为:污水从粗格栅到污水提升泵房,再从泵房到细格栅,然后到沉砂池,进入初沉池再进入生物池(即 A2O 反应池) ,再从生物池进入二沉池,污水再经过接触消毒池后排入自然水体;污水处理厂处理后的出水水质要达到污水排放标准执行污水综合排放标准(GB8978-1996)二级标准。污泥处理流程为:初沉池产生的污泥和二沉池产生的剩余污泥则送入贮

3、泥池,经过贮泥、加药处理后的污泥,进入污泥浓缩脱水车间,最后外运处理。关键词:A 2O 工艺;脱氮除磷;污水处理AbstractThe design topic for the preliminary design of a city sewage treatment plant, the main task is to complete the preliminary design of the sewage treatment plant layout, elevation layout and structure.Preliminary design must complete the

4、design instruction booklet, plant layout diagram 1, sewage treatment sewage treatment structures elevation layout diagram 1. The sewage treatment plant construction scale of 190000 tons / day, the water quality are shown in the following tableTable 1 feed water quality (unit: mg/L) A2O process the d

5、esign choice, has the function of nitrogen and phosphorus removal of good. The sewage treatment plant sewage treatment process: the sewage from the coarse grid to the sewage lifting pumping station, and then from the pumping station to the grid, and then to sink sand pool, and then into the biologic

6、al pool sedimentation tank in the beginning (A2O reactor ), from the biological pool into two sedimentation tanks, sewage after disinfecting tank back into the natural water; sewage treatment plant effluent water after treatment to achieve effluent discharge standards integrated wastewater discharge

7、 standard ( GB8978-1996 ) standard. The sludge treatment process for: it into the mud storage tank primary settling sludge tank sludge and two sedimentation tank produced, after storing mud, adding the sludge after treatment, into the sludge thickening and dewatering workshop, finally outward proces

8、sing.Keywords: A2O process; nitrogen and phosphorus removal; wastewater treatmentIndex CODCr BOD5 SS ammonia nitrogen phosphate (P meter)Numerical 180 140 180 35 5.00目录摘要 .1Abstract .2引言 .11 设计任务书 .51.1 工程设计资料 .51.2 设计任务 .61.3 基本要求 .61.4 毕业设计图纸内容及张数 .62 设计说明书 .72.1 城市污水来源、水量及水质特点分析 .72.1.1 城市污水来源 .72.1.2 城市污水水量 .82.1.3 城市污水水质特点 .82.2 污水处理方案的选择 .92.2.1 城市污水主要处理方法 .92.2.2 污水处理方案的选择 .112.3 污水处理工艺原理及工程说明 .132.3.1 粗格栅 .132.3.2 泵房和集水池 . 泵房 . 集水池 .152.3.3 细格栅 .152.3.4 沉砂池 .162.3.5 配水井 .



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