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1、南京工业大学学士学位论文I居住环境景观设计摘 要随着社会经济的迅速发展,生活水平的日益提高,逐步迈向小康生活阶段的城市居民,对环境质量的要求已越来越高,能生活在一种至美的环境中成为人们生活的理想追求。随着人们购房心态的理智和成熟,居民对住宅需求已逐渐从“居者有其屋” 普通住宅转向了“居者优其屋 ”的有益身心健康的绿色住宅 。环境景观在居住区中发挥着重要的作用,城市人大约有三分之二的时间花费在住区中,居住区环境景观质量直接影响到人们的心理、生理以及精神生活。在人们活动的步行道、广场、休息观景的空间中,创造性地设计能赋予空间一定的特色,给人留下深刻的印象。关键词:居住区 景观 规划设计 文脉延续

2、生态南京工业大学学士学位论文IILiving environment of Landscape Design-Talk the Yun cui mountian vallages office landscape design AbstractWith the rapid socio-economic development,Living standard enhancement day-by-day. Gradually move towards a well-off stage of life of urban dwellers. The quality of the environmen

3、t has become increasingly high demand. Can live in an environment in the United States to become the ideals of peoples lives. With the mentality of the people buying houses of reason and maturity. Residents of residential demand has gradually from Home Ownership ordinary residential to the Home Owne

4、rship Scheme gifted good physical and mental health of the residential green. The environment landscape is playing the vital role in the community. City National Peoples Congress about two-thirds of the time spent on settlements. Residential landscape quality of the environment directly affect peopl

5、es psychological, physical and spiritual life. People walk in the activities of the Road, Plaza, rest of the viewing space, creatively designed to give room for a certain characteristics, left people a deep impression.Key Words: residential areas;landscape; plan design; continuation of contex ; ecological



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