城市道路交通系统的动态随机流Petri网建模与分析 - 副本

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城市道路交通系统的动态随机流Petri网建模与分析 - 副本_第1页
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城市道路交通系统的动态随机流Petri网建模与分析 - 副本_第2页
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城市道路交通系统的动态随机流Petri网建模与分析 - 副本_第4页
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城市道路交通系统的动态随机流Petri网建模与分析 - 副本_第5页
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《城市道路交通系统的动态随机流Petri网建模与分析 - 副本》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《城市道路交通系统的动态随机流Petri网建模与分析 - 副本(6页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、 10 12010 M 2 Y d Journal of Transportation Systems Engineering and Information TechnologyVolnull10 null Nonull1February null 2010 c I | : 1009null6744 (2010) 01null0134null06 g Y d Petriy s 李婧瑜* ,李歧强,杨立才( y v ,6 2 250101)K 1 : null 城市道路交通系统是一个同时具有离散和连续动态,并包含大量随机不确定因素的动态系统,具有动态a并发及同步等特征.在目前交通状况日益复杂的

2、情况下,其动态及随机不确定特性愈加明显.对城市道路交通系统进行建模分析,是深入了解交通状况a进行交通诱导及控制的关键.本文在基本Petri 网的基础上,将广义随机Petri 网(GSPN)与交通流概念相结合,建立了符合交通流概念的动态流随机Petri网(FSPN)模型.该模型可以很好地描述城市道路交通流的动态及随机特性,并能对城市道路交通系统中的某些随机现象作出很好的解析描述.文中针对四相位十字交叉口给出了动态流随机Petri网建模实例;活性分析表明,该模型能有效避免系统并发性带来的死锁现象.最后仿真运行分析和性能分析进一步证明了动态流随机Petri网的有效性.1 o M : null 城市交

3、通;城市道路交通系统;动态随机流Petri网;建模;仿真分析 m s | : null U491.2 D S M : null AModelingofUrban Traffic SystemBased onDynamicStochasticFluid Petri NetLI Jingnullyu, LI Qinullqiang, YANG Linullcai(College of Information and Electrical Engineering, Shandong JianzhuUniversity, Jinan 250101, China)Abstract: null Urban

4、 trafficsystem, which is characterized by dynamics, concurrence, andsynchronization, is a hynullbrid dynamic stochastic system involving discreteand continuous behaviors. Modeling and analyzing theurbantrafnullficsystem is the keytodeeply understand thewhole traffic and to betterguide and control of

5、 urban traffic system,especiallyunder the current traffic status characterized by frequent congestion and considerable complexity. Thestudy proposed the dynamicstochasticfluid Petri net ( DSFPN) withwell mathematical analysis ability, which pronullvided a good description of thedynamic and stochasti

6、c character of theurbantrafficsystem. The dynamic attributesand thestochasticactions of urban traffic system can be modeled by DSFPN. Then an example of an intersectionaremodeled and presented in this paper. Thesimulation and performance analysis of urban trafficsystem model isintroduced to indicate

7、thevalidity of the DSFPN.Keywords: null urbantraffic; urban trafficsystem; dynamicstochasticfluid Petri net; modeling; simulation analysisCLCnumber: null U491.2 Document code: null Al :2008null05null14null null : 2009null01null16null null c :2009null03null10 :S E 1 S (60674062); 8 1 S (Y2005G12) .T

8、e : : (1981- ) ,o , , .* Y T :lijingyu sdjzu.edu. cn1null null null 1! (pd) = pd ,5 N 1 4 (DFC ). 5 2null ! Nd = ( Pd , T, F) N 0Petri ,i D, S Pd , D + null, S + null,5 DB d b , O D D ; S B d bJ W , O S S . D (J W S ) 136 Y d 2010M 2l , O D ( S ) 0 d b (J W ). 5 3null N q N 1 c / + 3 0 : (1) N 1 M %

9、 B B ; (2)0 a M M % # M % . D 15 FN ,| T e w ,9 a DFN . 1null B DFN (N, M0) , O c B S M J W . 2null B DFN (N, M0) , O N$ Y (StateMachine,e SM) q , t q S H M0 c B .4null y L 4.1null d L C g Y d 1 1 g T Petri y B L ,/ M E 3 g . B M , = M P a , M 2 , M 2 P a . | a2 a a Z _ s Y: 1a2a3a4( m 2 U ),5 : Y 1

10、3a31, Y 12a34, P Y 14a32;2 Y 42a24,2 Y 41a23,2 P Y 43a21.m 2null E 3 g M Y _ U i mFig.2null Thefournullphase trafficflow crossroadnull4.2null g Petri L ! N E 3 g B g , M ( s K , V Y ;5 V N f 8 I n .* M E 3 g Petri m 3 U .m 3null Y | E 3 g Petri Fig.3null Thetraffic flow crossroad DSFPN modelnullnull null m 3 , p ci1, in( t), p ci2, in( t), pci3, in( t) , p ci4, in( t)V U t H Y g a2 a a Z _ Y R o ; pci1, out( t), pci2, out( t) , p ci3, out ( t), p ci4, out ( t)V UtH Y Y R o ; ti1, in, ti2, in, ti3, in, t i4, inV U Y R M % ; ti1, out, ti2, out, ti3, out, ti4, outV U Y R M % . tgsEW, tgsN



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