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1、哈尔滨工业大学工学硕士学位论文 摘 要 离心压缩机是在石油、化工、冶金等行业中被广泛采用的流体升压输送机械,在工业生产中有着重要的地位。喘振是离心压缩机工作在小流量状态时的一种不稳定流动特性,一旦喘振现象发生,轻则压缩机会被迫停机,重则就会损坏叶片导致整台压缩机报废。因此,防喘振控制的研究对离心压缩机运行的效率及安全性有着重要的意义。 目前最常使用的防喘振措施是采用固定极限流量法或可变极限流量法,对压缩机进行 PI 或 PID 防喘振控制。 但是, 固定极限流量法会降 低压缩机的效率,造成能量的损失;可变极限流量 法比较复杂,稳定性较差;而且 PID 控制参数的整定十分复杂麻烦,存在不确定性。

2、所以目前的防喘振控制还存在着很大的问题需要改进。 本文针对离心压缩机防喘振控制存在 的问题,主要做了以下的工作。 首先,通过对喘振特性的分析,利用相似换算原理得到了离心压缩机的喘振线,为防喘振方案设计做好准备; 其次,提出了“ 分段” 控制的方案,该方案的防喘振控制线为一条折线,只需要对若干个转速的喘振点进行计算,而且算法简单,易于实现,适用范围大,能够有效的避免固定极限流量法和可变极限流量法的缺陷,平衡了离心压缩机的运行效率和稳定性之间的矛盾。 然后,采用模糊控制,设计了离心压缩机防喘振模糊控制系统,并利用MATLAB 对其进行了仿真,结果表明,该系 统能够根据压缩机不同的入口流量及转速及时

3、的调节防喘 振控制阀的开度, 有效地避免了压缩机喘 振工况的发生,并且在取得了良好的控制品质的同时具有一定的节能效果。 关键词 :离心压缩机;防喘振;模糊控制; MATLAB 仿真 - I -哈尔滨工业大学工学硕士学位论文 Abstract Centrifugal compressor, widely used in industry of petroleum, chemical and metallurgy etc, is one of equipments of gas carrying and compression, it has a very important position i

4、n the industrial production. Surge is an instability flow condition when centrifugal compressor working at low flux. Once the phenomenon happened, compressor would be shut down. Further more, it could damage the whole compressor. Therefore, the study of surge control has an important meaning for the

5、 efficiency and safety of centrifugal compressor. At present, the most frequently used anti-surge control measures is PI or PID control with the fixed limit flow method or variable limit flow method. But the fixed limit flow method will depress efficiency and waste energy; the variable limit flow me

6、thod is more complex and poor stability; and PID is very complex when setting its uncertain parameters. So the current surge control still exist great problems to improve. In view of the problems of the anti-surge control of centrifugal compressor, this paper mainly does the following job. First, th

7、rough the analysis of the characteristics of surge, this paper gets the surge line of centrifugal compressor by using the similar conversion principle, it is ready for the design of anti-surge control. Secondly, this paper puts the idea of “segmentation control”, its anti-surge control line is a bro

8、ken line, only need to calculate same speed condition, and the algorithm is simple, easy to be realized, and has a wide application scope. It can avoid the defects of the fixed limit flow method and variable limit flow method, and balance the contradiction between the efficiency and stability of cen

9、trifugal compressor. Then, this paper design the anti-surge fuzzy control system by using the fuzzy control algorithm, and simulate it by MATLAB. Result show that the system can control the opening of valve in time according to different input flow and speed of centrifugal compressor, avoid the occu

10、rrence of surge phenomenon, and has relative effect in energy saving while achieving a good control quality. Keywords: Centrifugal compressor, Anti-surge, Fuzzy control,MATLAB simulation - II -哈尔滨工业大学工学硕士学位论文 目 录 摘 要 . I ABSTRACT . II 第 1 章 绪 论 .1 1.1 课题背景及研究的目的和意义 .1 1.2 离心压缩机防喘振控制的研究及趋势 .2 1.2.1 离

11、心压缩机防喘振机理的研究 .3 1.2.2 离心压缩机防喘振技术的研究 .3 1.2.3 离心压缩机防喘振控制的趋势 .8 1.3 本文的主要研究内容 .8 第 2 章 离心压缩机喘振特性研究 .10 2.1 引言 .10 2.2 离心压缩机的性能曲线 .10 2.3 离心压缩机的喘振现象分析 .11 2.3.1 离心压缩机喘振的判定 .12 2.3.2 离心压缩机喘振的产生原因 .12 2.3.3 离心压缩机喘振的影响因素 .16 2.4 离心压缩机性能曲线及喘振线的确定 .18 2.4.1 离心压缩机性能曲线的确定 .18 2.4.2 离心压缩机喘振线的确定 .22 2.5 本章小结 .24 第 3 章 离心压缩机防喘振控制方案研究 .25 3.1 引言 .



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