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1、南京航空航天大学硕士学位论文 I 摘 要 持续增长的空中交通流量给民航保障提出了更高的要求,空管设备的正常化运转是是进行空管服务的重要前提。 当发生重大灾害时 , 空管 关键 设备持续运行的风险性 会增 大, 由此 加强空管设备保障能力建设就显得 尤为重要。空管设备保障 规划, 是提高空管综合服务保障能力、实现 空管服务的连续不间断性 的重要基础和保证。 空管设备作用于航路,构建空管设备作用下的航路网络可以研究空管设备的保障性。航路上空管设备协同运行才能保障航路的正常运行,因此需要通过网络理论分析方法研究空管设备的复杂性。 本文首次根据复杂网络理论对空管设备保障性进行评估,并提出了设备规划选址

2、模型。首先对空管设备进行运行分析,描述了空管设备协同运行方式和航路失效故障树;在对单航路分析的基础上,根据航路网络构建的导航网络、监视 /VHF 网络,得到了空管设备系统的 组织方法和整体可靠度评估模型,空管设备网络连接方式满足复杂网络特性,建立空管设备系统结构复杂性研究模型,包含统计指标和方法,并对网络中的边赋予权重,考虑了航距因素对空管设备保障能力的影响;接着利用测评指标和模型对西南地区航路网络进行分析,包含导航设备对航路的保障性,设备之间的关联性,空管设备系统的鲁棒性和脆弱性评估,分析整个网络的结构特性,利用有目的的攻击和随机攻击方式破坏网络节点,分析 突发事件对 航路网络结构 的冲击作

3、用 及 对空管设备 可靠度 影响的程度 , 得到现有航线网络条件下空管设备系统中可靠性较低和运行持续性较 差的薄弱环节和区域,为相应保障设备的有效配置提供理论依据,确保空管设系统在非常规突发事件情景下运行的可靠性和持续性 ;其次,建立了以降低关键区域的关键性指数为目的的导航台选址模型和考虑流量因素的雷达多重覆盖最优化配置模型, 模型的求解算法是以遗传算法为核心的启发式算法。 最后对本文工作进行总结和展望。 关键词: 空管设备系统,复杂网络 ,设备配置规划, 网络特征 基于复杂网络理论的空管设备保障规划研究 II Abstract The continued growth of air traf

4、fic flow has put forward higher requirements to civil aviation security, the normalization of operation of the air traffic control equipment is an important prerequisite for the air traffic control service. Major disasters and weather conditions, the empty tube key equipment continued to run the ris

5、k will increase, thereby strengthening the ATC equipment protection capacity building is particularly important. The air traffic control equipment and security planning is to improve the air traffic control service support capabilities to achieve the important foundation and guarantee uninterrupted

6、ATC service. The role of air traffic control equipment can build the route network in the role of air traffic control equipment. The normal running of the coordinated operation of the route over the tube equipment to protect the route through the complexity of the network theory analysis method of a

7、ir traffic control equipment. This is the first assessment of the ATC equipment protection based on the theory of complex networks and equipment planning and site selection model. Firstly, analysis the air traffic control equipment, description of the the ATC equipment synergistic operation mode and

8、 route fault tree; route network construction network navigation, surveillance / VHF network, based on the analysis of single route, ATC equipment organization to meet the complex network characteristics and overall reliability assessment model. Built on communication navigation surveillance equipme

9、nt system of air traffic control network system analysis, research equipment operation environment and route network conditions to run the network model, feature analysis; establish the network of air traffic control equipment in the aircraft during the operation of the weighted evaluation indicator

10、s; analysis the degree of emergencies unconventional system of air traffic control equipmentair traffic control equipment system under the conditions of the existing route network reliability is low and running less persistent weaknesses and regional provide a theoretical basis for the the correspon

11、ding protection equipment with home, to ensure the reliability and continuity of ATC set the system running in unconventional emergencies scenarios. Key Word: Air traffic control systerm, Complex network, Security planning of Air Traffic Control equipment,Network characteristic 南京航空航天大学硕士学位论文 III 目 录 第一章 绪论 . 1 1.1 研究背景及意义 . 1 1.1.1 研究背景 . 1 1.1.2 研究意义 . 1 1.2 国内外研究及应用现状 . 2 1.2.1 国内外设备保障规划研究及应用现状 . 2 1.2.2 复杂 网络理论在设备保障规划和航空网络中的研究及应用现状 . 3 1.2.3 设备网络系统可靠性与脆弱性研究及应用现状 . 5 1.3 本文的主要内容 . 7 第二章 空管设备运行分析 . 8 2.1 空管设备分类 . 8 2.2 空管设备运行原理 . 8 2.2.1 VHF 通信设备 . 8 2.2.2 导航设备 .



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