(外研版)六年级英语上册课件 Module 7 Unit 2(4)

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《(外研版)六年级英语上册课件 Module 7 Unit 2(4)》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《(外研版)六年级英语上册课件 Module 7 Unit 2(4)(32页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、,新标准英语 Book 7 Module 7 Unit 2,Pandas love bamboo.,C D R O M,Pandas love bamboo.,Snakes love the sun .,Elephants like water.,Cats like fish .,Dogs play with children.,Bears sleep in the winter.,Repeat(跟读):,Snakes love the sun.,Elephants like water.,Dogs play with children.,Pandas love bamboo.,Cats li

2、ke fish.,Bears sleep in the winter.,2.Read , ask and answer.,A: They love the sun. What are they ?B: They are _.,snakes,Do snakes like music?,A: They like water . What are they ?B: They are _ .,elephants,Do elephants like water?,They love bamboo.What are they?They are _.,pandas,Do pandas love bamboo

3、?,They like fish .What are they ?They are _ .,cats,Do you like cats?,They sleep in the winter.What are they?They are _.,bears,Do bears like swimming?,They play with children.What are they ?They are _ .,dogs,Do dogs like fish?,Activity3. Listen and repeat.,(1) What is it ?,(2) Do snakes like music ?,

4、(3) Why is the snake coming out of the box?,(4) Do elephants like bamboo ?,猫头鹰 猫头鹰是一种肉食性的凶猛鸟类,因多数种类脸形如猫,故在民间获“猫头鹰”之称,因多夜出活动,又名夜猫子。全世界约有130余种,我国境内已知有20余种,由于猫头鹰眼的结构具有适应夜间活动的特点,白天视力不强,从不远飞,但日落之后视力就会大大提高,有利于在夜间捕食大量鼠类,是维持生态平衡不可缺少的成员。,owl,4.Listen and say, then chant.,This old owl lives in a tree.He likes to look. He likes to see.He likes to hear But not to say.We can learn a lesson. From that owl today.,Goodbye.,



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