外研版(一起)四年级英语下册复习课件 现在进行时 1

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外研版(一起)四年级英语下册复习课件 现在进行时 1_第1页
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《外研版(一起)四年级英语下册复习课件 现在进行时 1》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《外研版(一起)四年级英语下册复习课件 现在进行时 1(13页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、What are you doing?,现在进行时时态专题课件,外研版(一起)四年级英语下册复习资料,Revision,Practice,He is making the bed.He is doing homework.He is mending bike.He is cleaning room.He is play computer games.He is think/ eating/ reading/ drawing/writing.They are cleaning the classroom.They are playing basketball.,Practice,Practice

2、,Practice,Practice,Practice,Practice,Practice,Summary,现在进行时 Be + doing,直接在动词原形后面加-ing。如:read readingcook cookingtalk talking以e结尾的动词把e去掉加-ing。如:write writingmake makingclose closing 以一个辅音字母加一个元音字母结尾的重读闭音节单词, 要双写最后一个辅音字母再加-ing。如:run runningcut cutting swim swimming,Exercises,用所给动词的适当形式填空。1. Its time _

3、 ( play) football. _ ( put) on your shoes, please.2.My father is over there. He _(clean) his car. 3. Dont_(do)it like that. Do it like this. 4. Jim is good at _ ( swim) . He swims well. 5. Would you like _ ( play) football? If so, Lets go and have a try. 6. Its 6 oclock in the morning. They _ ( have) their breakfast.,to play,Put,is cleaning,do,swimming,to play,are having,Thank you!,THE END,



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