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1、英国留学自我介绍范文从今年的形式来看,申请英国留学的学生竞争十分激烈,更有学校一夜之间提高了录取要求。英国留学申请材料中的个人介绍,无疑是申请人向学校自己的最好机会。下面我为你带来英国留学自我介绍范文的内容,希望你们喜欢。关于英国留学自我介绍范文篇一I have a fe strong passions in life; Indie musi, Chelsea FC and literature. Sine there are no universit ourses for the former to m deision onerning hat to stud at universit is

2、 a simple one. The onl people for me are the mad ones, the ones mad to live as one said b Jak Keroua in his ork On The Road; the opportunit to experiene living hile studing amongst some of the finest literar minds in the ountr is overhelmingl exiting for me. Ifeel that for too long I have been onfin

3、ed to m suburban prison here m talent for English Literature is being asted amongst the desolate, uninspiring onfines of Mid Bedfordshire. Moreover, sidestepping the risk of sounding arrogant, I have been told I possess a flair for the subjet and m grades ould ertainl suggest so. The subjets I took

4、for m AS levels ere English Literature, Histor, Government and Politis and Communiation Studies. For m A levels I deided to stop taking Communiation Studies as I deemed it as best to fous on three subjets. Nevertheless, I believe that all three of these subjets have ontributed more understanding to

5、m knoledge of English Literature. Histor,for example, has aided m abilit to pik out ke points ithin text and also ontextualise an ritten ork I ma be asked to stud. Government and Politis has taught me man politial philosophies that are evident in literar orks, for example in Year 12 e studied the pl

6、a Translations hih is littered ith Nationalist and Imperialist viepoints. Communiations Studies revealed to me a hole ne ditionar of ideologies I asn t previousl XXre of. Another benefit of taking these subjets is that the are all examined b both ourseork and timed exams. This means that through hou

7、rs of pratie and familiarisation I have refined m exam tehniques. Last ear I as also fortunate enough to be seleted to partiipate in a sheme organized b m shool and the Universit of Bedford. It gave us the opportunit to get a glimpse of universit life as I attended a number of letures and ahieved 15

8、 points toards a potential degree through ourseork I took part in. This as ertainl an enlightening experiene that ill undoubtedl stand me in ver good stead for the initial adjustment period that apanies the beginning of universit life. This ear I have been seleted to take part in the Advane Extensio

9、n Aard. Not onl is this a fantasti boost to m student repertoire but also the ourse itself should further aid m abilit to realize m full potential in the subjet. When I ahieve the required potential and finish m degree I have ambitions to utilise m skills as riter of some kind, preferabl an author o

10、r a poet. M literar heroes are Thomas Hard, John Keats, The Smiths lriist Morrisse and m personal favourite Osar Wilde. It is m dream to one da have m name illuminated in histor as a riter ho has inspired people in the same a these and other riters have inspired me. Lastl, to e Wilde; onsisten is th

11、e last refuge of the unimaginative . As a student I am anthing but onsistent hen it es to the studing of literature. Of ourse b this I don t mean I an be as equall brilliant as aful, the Dorian Gra ithin me ill tell ou I am never aful, hat I am artiulating is that I bring m on ideas to the subjet an

12、d do not simpl regurgitate ansers that are ell doumented alread. That is not to sa that I do not thoroughl researh and aknoledge the ritiism of the orks I stud but in m opinion English Literature is an innovative subjet here interpretation and reativit should dominate. Studing English Literature at

13、universit offers me a hane to shoase m love for literature and flourish. The Smiths had a hit song one alled Ask and the horus goes ask me, ask me, ask me. Please do.关于英国留学自我介绍范文篇二English, being the most diverse language in the orld in terms of voabular range and one of the most heavil influened b o

14、ther ultures, makes for fasinating stud and usage.Draing influenes from Celti, West Germani dialets, Latin, Greek and Frenh to name but a fe make the English language riveting both in terms of use and etmolog. The almost ambiguous a riters an reate texts that an evoke pletel opposite emotions ith th

15、e same language. Shakespeare reated an initiall pitiable harater of Mabeth and transformed him into a detestable shell of humanit. Whereas, Bront reated Jane Ere ho ou genuinel empathised ith. The abilit to onstrut these haraters and real emotions from ords is trul amazing. The abilit to express our

16、self learl and onisel is important in an ourse and ork of life and m part time ork in the garden entre Dobbies has helped develop m muniation skills. This involved orking ith ustomers often in problemati situations,listening, explaining and solving problems or queries the ma have. This also involved orking ith and around other emploees hih has developed m team orking skills. I have also been given the opportunit to help train a ne emploee b having them shado ith me,this involved a


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