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1、经典英文自荐信模板英文自荐信范文一April 13,201XP.O. Box 36Tsinghua UniversitBeijing,China 100084Dear SirMadam:Your advertisement for a Netork Maintenane Engineer in the April 10 Student Dail interested me bXXuse the position that ou desribed sounds exatl like the kind of job I am seeking.Aording to the advertisement

2、 ,our position requires top universit,Bahelor or above in Computer Siene or equivalent field and profiient in Windos NT4.0 and LINUX Sstem. I feel that I am petent to meet the requirements. I ill be graduating from Graduate Shool of Tsinghua Universit this ear ith a M.S. degree . M studies have inlu

3、de d ourses in puter ontrol and management and I designed a ontrol simulation sstem developed ith Mirosoft Visual InterDev and SQL Server.During m eduation, I have grasped the prinipals of m major and skills of pratie. Not onl have I passed CET-6, but more important I an muniate ith others freel in

4、English. M abilit to rite and speak English is out of question.I ould appreiate our time in revieing m enlosed resume and if there is an additional information ou require, please ontat me.I ould ele an opportunit to meet ith ou for a personal intervie.With man thanks,Wang Lin英文自荐信范文二April 13,201XRoo

5、m 212 Building 343Tsinghua Universit,Beijing 100084Ms. Yang:I as referred to ou b Mr. Zhang, a Partner ith our Beijing offie, ho informed me that the Shanghai offie of our pan is ativel seeking to hire qualit individuals for our Auditor Program.I have more than to ears of aounting experiene, inludin

6、g interning as an Auditor last ear ith the Beijing offie of CCCC. I ill be reeiving m MBA this Ma from Tsinghua Universit. I am onfident that m bination of pratial ork experiene and solid eduational experiene has prepared me for making an immediate ontribution to our pan. I understand the level of p

7、rofessionalism and muniation required for long-term suess in the field. M bakground and professional approah to business ill provide our offie ith a highl produtive Auditor upon pletion of our development program.I ill be in the Shanghai area the eek of April 1Please all me at001216901 to arrange a

8、onvenient time hen e ma meet to further disuss m bakground in relation to our needs. I look forard to meeting ou then.Sinerel,Cheng Dan英文自荐信范文三April 13,201XP.O. Box 36BIIT UniversitBeijing,China 100000Dear SirMadam:No and then orporations send out feelers for just the right tpe of reative person. Th

9、is person must fit ver speifi riteria. Usuall, after all is said and done, the orporation ants a business person ho an manage, reate and muniate. A seasoned professional ho s been around for a hile.If ou ve been looking for this rare bination of business savv and design expertise, m bakground might

10、interest ou:Ten ears of orking experiene. Solid bakground in the management of reative up-and-ers.Kno ne tehnologies that sho instant profit, suh as CADCAM.This is but a brief summar of m abilities. And there is muh, muh more to share.I feel I have strong marketable skills in hih ou ould be interest

11、ed. Please ontat me if ou ould like to hear and see more.With man thanks,Huang Yan英文自荐信范文四April 13,201XP.O. Box 36BIIT UniversitBeijing,China 100000Dear SirMadam:Are ou searhing for a telemuniations manager ith expertise in projet management and team leadership?I speialize in reating and implementin

12、g high-performane strategies that diretl impat groth and profitabilit of large telemuniations panies. In addition to m knoledge of business proesses, I also offer profiien in tele softare development and utting-edge tehnologies.I am reloating to Shenzhen and ould be interested in opportunities ith o

13、ur firm. Currentl, I s erve as manager for BIT Compan s Information Industr Division. Briefl, some of m aplishments inlude:Developed a tool to trak and foreast prie,quantit,and revenue, hih enables lient to monitor business performaneImplemented a ustomized end-to-end testing proess and SQL databaseM business aumen, tehnial expertise, and leadership apabilities have ontributed to a number of suessful projets. The enlosed resume outlines m redentials and aplishments in greater detail. I ould ele an opportunit to meet ith ou for a personal intervie.Sinerel,Gu Bin



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