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1、一、情景导入,二、词语与表达,三、美文赏析,UNIT 1 At the Airport,一、情景导入,内容提要This unit is composed of two dialogues and one passage. They are about some activities at the airport. Dialogue 1 tells the situation of seeing-off at the airport between two friends, and Dialogue 2 mentions what to be declared at the customs of

2、 the airport. In the passage, well know the procedures of boarding before departing.本单元由两部分组成:2段对话和1篇短文。它们都涉及了飞机乘客在机场要做的一些事情。对话1主要讲述了两个朋友在机场送别的情景,对话2讲述了乘客在机场海关申报随身携带物品的情况。在短文中,我们将了解到飞机起飞前乘客登机的具体步骤。,Commercial airports are designed to transfer passengers and freight to and from aircraft. In order to

3、accomplish this transfer as efficiently and as safely as possible, airport operations are grouped into four general areas: Aircraft services, passenger and freight services, support services, and airport security. Aircraft services focus on the flight, maintenance, and refueling of aircraft at the a

4、irport, as well as on air traffic control around the airport. The primary requirement of aircraft at an airport is an adequate runway. The runway of an airport allows aircraft to land at and take off from the airport. Airport runways are arranged to permit the maximum number of safe takeoffs and lan

5、dings in all weather conditions.,Passenger services are centered in the terminal building, where passengers purchase tickets, load and retrieve baggage, and enter and exit aircraft. Terminals are designed in a variety of ways depending on the needs and size of a given airport. The airport terminal b

6、uilding provides all major passenger services, such as ticket sales, passenger check-in, baggage handling, and security. Inside the terminal, airline employees make flight reservations for travelers, issue seat assignments, and coordinate aircraft boarding. Baggage systems in the terminal distribute

7、 the luggage from each arriving flight and place the bags on large rotating carousels, where passengers reclaim their belongings. International airports also maintain customs and immigration areas for foreign travelers.,Airports also provide many support services indirectly related to air travel, su

8、ch as restaurants, shops, parking, and aircraft emergency services. Most terminals at commercial airports contain restaurants, lounges, car rental agencies, banking services, newsstands, and other retail establishments. Larger terminals may also include observation stations, currency exchanges, a po

9、st office, and chapels. Some airports feature office areas, where traveling businesspeople can send and receive electronic mail and fax messages and also make telephone calls. Finally, airport security involves ensuring the safety of passengers and aircraft by screening passengers and their luggage

10、for weapons or explosives.,民用机场的建造是用飞机来运送旅客和货物。为了使运输过程尽可能高效和安全,机场的运作分成四个区:飞机服务区、旅客和货物服务区、支持服务和机场安全。 飞机服务主要针对飞行,维护,飞机在机场加油以及机场附近的空中交通管制。飞机在机场需要的最基础的设施是一条足够长的跑道。机场的跑道可以让飞机在机场起飞和降落。机场跑道的设计允许在全天候条件下升降最多数量的飞机。 旅客服务区围绕停机楼开展,在这里旅客可以买票,运取行李和进出飞机。各种停机楼的设计是根据机场大小和旅客需求做出的。机场的停机楼提供几乎所有的旅客服务,例如卖票,登机手续,行李,安检等。在停机

11、楼内,航空公司的职员可以提供预定,发放登机牌,协调登机等。停机楼里的行李系统能够把到达飞机上的行李分拣,并放在转动的带子上,在那里旅客可以领取自己的行李。国际机场还有针对外国人的海关和移民服务区。,机场也提供与航空旅行相关的间接服务,例如饭店,商店,停车,以及飞机应急服务。大部分民用机场的停机楼都有饭店,休息室,租车服务,银行,报亭和其他零售业务。大的停机楼可能还有观测站,外币兑换,邮局和小教堂。有些机场有商务区,在这里,商务人士可以收发邮件和传真,或者打电话。 最后,机场安全涉及到对旅客和行李扫描,检查武器和爆炸物,以保证旅客安全和飞机安全。,1. Ask the students to t

12、ell their own experiences of seeing off their friends at the (railway or bus) station or the airport. At the same time, the students are asked to tell the procedures of getting on a vehicle (train or bus) or boarding a plane if they have such an experience. Therefore, it would be helpful to understa

13、nding the dialogues and the passage of Unit 1,首先要求学生讲述自己去车站(火车站或汽车站)送别朋友的亲身经历。然后要求他们讲出上车(火车或汽车)或上机前的一些步骤。这样有助于他们理解本单元的对话和文章。,2. Brainstorming,Ask the students to make dialogues about their own experiences of seeing off their friends. If they have some problems when expressing themselves, teachers gi

14、ve them some help, for example, providing some relative words or phrases adding some procedures which the students miss.,要求学生根据自己送别的经历编一段对话。如遇到问题,教师应给予他们一些帮助,比如提供一些相关的词或短语,补足学生遗漏的一些步骤等。,二、词语与表达,单词与短语1. Custom n.(1) the governmental agency authorized to collect these duties:海关e.g. At the airport; the

15、 customs officers searched his case.在机场,海关人员检查了他的箱子。(2) a practice followed by people of a particular group or region:习俗,风俗e.g. When visiting a foreign country, we must respect the countrys customs.我们去外国访问时,必须尊重该国的风俗习惯。(3) a habitual practice of a person:习惯e.g. His custom was to get up early and hav

16、e a cold bath.他的习惯是早起,然后洗个冷水澡。,2. Declare v.,(1) to make a full statement of (dutiable goods, for example): 申报(如,可纳税品)e.g. Have you anything to declare?你有要申报纳税的物品吗?(2) To make a declaration:公告,发表宣言,声明e.g. The enemy eventually declared to be defeated.敌人最终宣告失败了。,3. purpose: n.,(1) an aim or a goal:目标或目的e.g. on purpose 故意地;有意地And ever those, who would gain enjoyment must find it in the purpose they pursue.于是那些想要得到快乐的人一定会在他们的追求的目标中寻求到它。(2) a result or an effect that is intended or desired; an intention; intention 效用,效果:预期的或希望产生的效果或结果;意图e.g. live to some purpose 活得有意义,



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