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1、0Cold War(US)130247082 Yuki130041021 Sunny130041022 Apple130288027 Charlene130075034 Hailey1Contents1. The causes of the Cold War 12. The process of the Cold War 22.1 The establishment of containment strategy (1947-1953) 22.2 The globalized Cold War and the national strategy of Cold War (1953-1962)

2、22.3 American action in response to out-of-balance. (1962-1969) 22.4 The Transformation of the Cold War and the Overall Adjustment of American Strategy (1970-1973) 33. The end of the Cold War 33.1. Economic reasons33.2. Political 2reasons43.3. Military reasons44. The effects of the Cold war 54.1.Tec

3、hnological legacies54.2. Economic legacies64.3. Cultural Legacies65. Bibliography8301. The causes of the Cold War Its believed that the origin of the cold war was directly related to the relationship between the Soviet Union and the Allies (United States, United Kingdom and France) in the years of 1

4、945-1947. In the end, the Soviet Union and the United States Army in Adolf Hitlers Nazi empire in Europe and the United States got a complete victory. In 1945, the United States and the Soviet Union were allies, and they were both the winners in the Second World War. However, wartime allies finally

5、became mortal enemies, locked in a global struggle of politics, economy, military affairs, and there was thought to be another new Cold War just a few years later. During and after the Second World War, a series of events exacerbated the tensions, including subsequently results in the first two year

6、s of the war of the Soviet-German pact. The amphibious invasion of German occupied Europe perceived latency and supported of the Atlantic Charter of the Western allies. The western allies support for the Atlantic Charter, disagreement in wartime conferences over the fate of Eastern Europe, the Sovie

7、ts creation of an Eastern Bloc of Soviet satellite states, western allies scrapping the Morgenthau Plan to support the rebuilding of German industry, and the Marshall Plan.Finally, the Yalta agreements were not so really compromise as misunderstanding (in the short term) among the three leaders. Whe

8、n Stalin left, he was very happy, and he won the British and American control of Eastern Europe, Churchill and Roosevelt. However, the two parts of the agreements are mutually exclusive, what if the Eastern European people trying to decide their own orbit from the Soviet Unions own words will happen

9、? In the future, the Yalta agreements are not only possible; they are almost inevitable.Reference:1 陈开仁.冷战 实力与谋略的较量.Beijing,党史出版社,19972. The process of the Cold War1Actions America took in Cold War consists of four parts:2.1.Part 1: The establishment of containment strategy (1947-1953)First, the int

10、roduction and implementation of the Marshall Plan represented the intention of to send large-scale economic aid to Western Europe as a way to avoid the expansion of communism in Europe. Second, the intervention of the Italian election in 1948. America offered economic aid, political campaign, intell

11、igence activities and covert operations to help Democratic Party win the election, which fostered the Cold War pattern in Europe. Third, American cold war policy in Asia. It drove a wedge between the Soviet Union and China to prevent the Soviet Union from controlling Asia. It signed San Francisco Tr

12、eaty of Peace with Japan to expand its influence in Far East.2.2.Part 2: The globalized Cold War and the national strategy of Cold War (1953-1962)First, American cover operation was used to handle the communism in Guatemala, Which is called Operations PBSUCCESS, to weaken the power of the Soviet Union and communism. Second, American policy to Easte



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