人教版新目标初中英语八年级上册《Unit 12 What’s the best radio station Section A (1a-2c)》精品教案

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人教版新目标初中英语八年级上册《Unit 12 What’s the best radio station Section A (1a-2c)》精品教案_第1页
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人教版新目标初中英语八年级上册《Unit 12 What’s the best radio station Section A (1a-2c)》精品教案_第2页
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《人教版新目标初中英语八年级上册《Unit 12 What’s the best radio station Section A (1a-2c)》精品教案》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《人教版新目标初中英语八年级上册《Unit 12 What’s the best radio station Section A (1a-2c)》精品教案(3页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、1课 时 教 学 案学校: 姓 名学 科English 年级班 Class 3 Grade 8课 题 Unit 12 Whats the best radio station?Section A (1a-2c)课 时1st 基础性目标I. Knowledge Objects(1) get the students to grasp the new words.: comfortable seats close to home screen and so on (2) Help the students to learn how to talk about the superlatives Wh

2、ats the best?II. Ability Objects(1) Guide the students to pay attention to the information and make a prediction about the following listening materials to develop students listening skills .(2)Help the students to practice in pairs or in groups to improve their speaking skills.III、Moral ObjectHave

3、the students know about each other help each other and learn from each other. Encourage them to develop their hobbies.课时教学目标发展性目标1 Help the students to develop learning strategies.2To bring up the students spirits of cooperation and exploration. To encourage them to learn from each other and help ea

4、ch other in study and their daily life. 重点1. Help the students master the new words: comfortable seats close to home screen and so on2. Guide the students to know how to talk about the superlatives3. Improve the students listening and speaking skills.难点 How to talk about the places and give reasons.

5、 方法1. Task-based method 2.Demonstration method教学手段Multi-media, pair work & group work,2板书Unit 12 whats the best radio stationSection A (1a-2c)He is the shortest boy of the three. 教 学 活 动教学任务 学生活动 教师活动 设计意图Step I warm- upChant good better best Give the students some questions and a composition materi

6、al to talk about favorite things.Encourage the students to open their mouths to talk about their favorite things to lead in their favorite subjects Step 2Present the new lesson1.Show xihaian picture to teach the new words Guide the students to listen and answer the question check the answersIn order

7、 to lead in the word: close to home ,screen, comfortable seats ,in a fun part of townStep IIIPlay a game Bingo game Encourage the students to show themselves and take part in the kinds of activities.and say out what they rememberUsing different ways to remember the words and target language.Step IVl

8、istening1. Listen to 2a and answer the questions2. Listen to 2b and complete the conversationGet the student to listen carefully and check the answersIn order to lead in the target language and the description words. Step. V 1. Students have a brainstorm to Guide the students to a Go on practicing t

9、he words 3Talk about the placessum up the superlativesTalk about the places with the superlatives words.brainstorm and using the description wordsabout the subjects and the description words.Step VIPractice the garget language.1. Practice the target language in pairs2. Listen to what the students sa

10、id and make conversations3. Practice in groups. Guide the students to practice the conversations in pairs. Ask the students make their conversations in pairs. Guide the students to practice the conversations in groups.Develop their ability of speaking and remember the target languageStep VIISurvey a

11、nd report 1. The students ask and answer questions2. Fill in the chart,3. Give a report.Help the students to survey and report.Encourage the students to use the new language.Step VIIIShow time1. Talk about favorite freely in pairs.Listen and share Use the new language in pairs.Step VIIIWritingWrite

12、a composition according to the information.Guide the students to write, Use the language by themselves.Step Homework1. Educate the students to care for others2. Make a report and talk about the places around us.Give some explanation about the homework if necessary.Help the students to obtain good learning habits.必做题达标检测选做题


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