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1、完形填空题型分析,VI. 完形填空(共10小题,计10分) How can you think in English? I think the best way is to practice as what a football player does every day. During the 46 the football player will pass the ball to his teammates over and over again. So he wont have to 47 passing the ball in the game, he will just do it.

2、 You can 48 yourself to think in English this way. The first step is to think of the words that you use daily, simple everyday words 49 book or shoe or tree. For example, whenever you _50_a “book” you should think of it in English instead of in your mother language. After you have learned to think o

3、f several words in English, then move on to the next stepthinking in 51 . Listening and repeating is a very useful _52_ to learn a language. Listen first and dont care too much about 53 you fully understand what youre hearing. Try to repeat what you hear. The more you listen, the 54 you learn. After

4、 you reach a higher level, _55 having conversations with yourself in English. This will lead you to think in English.,46. A. practice B. break C. game D. day 47. A. wait for B. think about C. look at D. give up48. A. allow B. train C. tell D. ask49. A. in B. aboutC. likeD. from50. A. buy B. keep C.

5、borrowD. see51. A. sentencesB. passages C. lessons D. classes52. A. idea B. stepC. wayD. pan53. A. which B. whether C. how D. why54. A. harder B. less C. laterD. more55. A. remember B. stop C. start D. finish,46. A47. B48. B49. C50. D 51. A52. C53. B54. D55. C,二、做完形填空题必须具备的基本知识和能力1必须掌握基本的英语语言知识 如词汇、

6、语法、句子结构、词法运用、词语辨析、固定搭配等知识。初中阶段,根据大纲要求,须熟练掌握词汇表(一)中的600个左右的最常用词及200个左右的习惯用语及固定搭配。语法知识中,掌握所学单词的形态变化以及各种句法知识。如有这样一句子:He down again and still felt terrible.A. lainB. layC. laidD. lied lie一词有两层意思,作规则变化的动词时意思多为“说谎”,“欺骗”;不规则变化的动词为“平躺”,“卧”的意思,其过去式和过去分词分别为lay, lain。根据前后文判断出该空用“躺”的过去式lay,所以应选B。只有真正熟练掌握这些词的词形变

7、化,才能在做完形填空时运用自如。又如:He said he would go to see her as soon as he there.A. getsB. gotC. getD. would get 这是一个宾语从句中又有时间状语从句的复合句。因主句和从句都是过去时态,作为从句当中的从句,应用过去式,即B是正确的。,2要具有分析和推理的能力完形填空短文中前后句子之间存在着内在的逻辑关系,或为因果,或互相并列,或表示转折,或表示让步,或提出条件等等。考生必须在熟练掌握基本语言知识的前提下,具备分析、推理、判断的能力才能选出正确答案。3应具备联想的能力即考生根据测试题所提供的信息,充分运用自己

8、所掌握的各种知识进行合理的想象。,2解题技巧 (1)认真对待短文的首句开篇所暗示的信息。通常情况下,第一句是全文意义的精髓所在。它开宗明义,提供一定的答题信息。考生借此能判断文章的体裁、形式和内容,从而为正确的理解全文内容创造条件。 (2)在通读过程中,如遇空格,不宜操之过急或提笔就做(当然遇到比较明显而有把握的空格时,可先填上),可将空格看成是一个生词,只要意思顺当,就不要停下来,以形成对文章的整体概念,以免造成“见树不见林”的错误。 (3)先易后难,边读边填。完形填空是一篇信息受到较多破坏的短文。在重读时,考生应本着先易后难的原则,边读边填,把最熟悉、最有把握的空先填上。,下面就解答完形填

9、空题的步骤与技巧举例说明:Mr Jenkins was born in a small village. His father was too 1 to send him to school. He had to work in the fields with his parents 2 he was young and weak. But they couldnt get enough food and they were often 3 . Sometimes when he was ill, he could only be in bed. Nobody gave him any 4 .

10、 Several years later he left his family, without telling anybody. He came to the city and began to beg from door to door.Later on he saw a little girl 5 at a corner of a building. She lost her way and couldnt find her mother. The young man helped her to 6 her address and took her home. Her father, a

11、 rich shopkeeper, told him to work in his shop. He 7 everything carefully and did better than his workmates. The shopkeeper liked him and helped him to 8 his own shop. And nearly twenty years passed, Mr Jenkins was one of the richest men in the city.Now the old man lived a happy life, he was 9 neith

12、er food nor clothes. But bad luck! He was ill and the best doctors couldnt 10 him. Of course he was afraid of death. His friends tried to comfort him. Dying, he asked, “I dont know whether the dead live happily in the Heaven or not?”“Im sure they all live happily there,” answered his friend.“Why?”“N

13、one of them would leave there!”,1.A. busy B. free C. poor D. rich2. A. though B. because C. if D. until3. A. full B. hungry C. tired D. thirsty4. A. books B. water C. fruit D. medicine5. A. laughing B. smiling C. crying D. playing6. A. write B. loseC. forget D. remember7. A. studied B. joined C. dre

14、w D. received8.A. sell B. open C. close D. change9.A. interested in B. afraid of C. surprised at D. worried about10. A. save B. use C. kill D. operate,分析: 首先,快速阅读一下全文。目的是为了获得全文大意,获得对文章的总体印象。同时,也明确作者的观点。这时,可以忽略文章细节,跳过空格,快速浏览关键词句。(现在给大家一分钟左右的时快速阅读本文。)根据这一步可得知本文的大意为: Mr Jenkins从小家境贫困,后到城市乞讨为生,因为帮助了一个迷路

15、的小女孩而得到小女孩父亲的重用并帮他创办了自己的商店,使他终于过上了富裕的生活。在他临死的时候,他的朋友安慰他,人们都在天堂里高兴地生活着。 其次,开始细读,试着填空,边填空边在上下文中寻找信息。注意前面讲过的解题技巧。下面请同学们自己做一下。(5分钟左右后进行讲解)1他的父亲因为穷不能送他上学,所以选C。2尽管他又小又弱也得帮助他父母在地里干活。though 引导让步状语从句。所以应 选A。3选择形容词,前句说他们得不到足够的食物,所以应是hungry,选B。4前句说他生病在床,应是没有人给medicine,选D。5在后文中表明小女孩迷了路,故应是crying,选C。6Mr Jenkins帮助小女孩记起了地址,即remember,选D。7四个动词选项的时态都正确,只是意思不同。要把对照,studied符合全文的意思, 故选A。8四个动词中只有open合适,即小女孩的父亲帮他开了自己的商店,选B。9老人过着幸福的生活,不愁吃穿,即worried about,选D。10医生也救不了他。save正确,选A。 最后,将答案放入原文中,从头到尾再读一遍,检查文章意思是否通畅,是否存在语法错误等。,


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