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1、深圳创新发展研究院REPORT OF SHARED DEVELOPMENT IN SHENZHEN共享深圳报告从速度深圳、质量深圳迈向共享深圳张思平 主编主 编 张思平副 主 编 唐惠建编辑部主任 程颖博责任编辑 黄 婷编 辑 刘梦雨 姜力榕 袁婷婷 郑 阳共享深圳报告I前 言经过 30 多年的改革开放和经济建设,深圳作为经济特区率先成为国内先富起来的城市,在全国人民为 2020 年实现全面小康而奋斗的时候,其经济水平已跨入了世界发达经济体之列。在为深圳这座“改革之城”所取得的巨大成就骄傲和自豪的同时,我们必须清醒地认识到,深圳市民的收入状况、生活水平、社会保障和公共服务水平等,与深圳当前达到

2、的经济发展水平和阶段还不相适应,与邓小平同志 30 多年前提出的共同富裕的改革初心,与习近平同志近期提出的发展成果由人民共享的要求,与国家“十三五”规划中“共享发展”的理念,与全市人民期盼的公平共享、包容发展的愿景等仍有很大差距。面对深圳存在的这些问题,我们需要在坚持邓小平同志改革开放伟大理论和实践的基础上,深入思考深圳未来发展的方向,提出新的改革坐标和发展理念,这既关乎这座城市的前途和上千万市民的福祉,也是对社会精英与民众历史责任感的呼唤。改革进入“下半场”,我们认为,深圳有必要实现改革发展建设的战略性转变,把公平共享、包容发展作为未来深圳全面实现现代文明富裕的新目标,实现从速度深圳、质量深

3、圳迈向共享深圳,使深圳成为我国率先实现全面小康、共享发展的一面旗帜,担当并再次引领中国改革风向,为实现中国特色的社会主义的目标作出更大的贡献。为此,作为以促进深圳及全国改革创新为己任的社会智库,创新院突出自身“思想库”的特点,提出“共享深圳”研究课题。以此探寻进一步深化改革的新坐标,以期形成创新发展的新共识。前 言PREFACEII 共享深圳报告“共享深圳”研究课题从立项到终稿完成,前后经过近一年时间。研究过程中我们注意把握几个问题:一是,充分肯定成绩,同时对存在问题做到实事求是,用数据和事实说话;二是,在谈共享的时候避免偏颇,共享不是平均主义的大锅饭,也不是西方福利主义,要考虑到建议的可行性



6、念性的重大问题,为深圳市委、市政府决策提供建设性的政策建议,进而对政府推出改革举措,制定公共政策具有借鉴、参考价值。共享深圳报告是我们的首次尝试,难免存在一些不足和缺憾。但是,我们希望创新院的这本报告能对深圳市政府的执政理念和职能转变发挥一定的影响;也希望政府有关部门对我们提出的主张能够深入研究,择其善者而从之;更希望深圳的改革创新围绕共享的目标全面深化,能够继续引领全国,为全国提供更多经验。IIIPREFACEShenzhen has outpaced most of Chinese cities in the past three decades of reform and opening

7、 up to realize the goal of building a moderately well-off society by 2020. Taking pride in the great achievements of Shenzhen as a reform city, we shall meantime acknowledge that the levels of income, living standard, social security and public services provision of the city are not compatible with

8、the citys impressive economic development. We still have a long way to go before we realize Deng Xiaopings vision of Common Prosperity, President Xi s idea of promoting fair-sharing in a firm and solidly manner, or the ideal of shared and inclusive development set out in the 13th Five-Year Plan.At t

9、his very moment, we shall reconsider the direction of Shenzhens development in the future and put forward new ideas of development. This concerns not only the citys future but also the well-being of tens of thousands of residents. It also calls for the historical responsibilities of both elites and

10、the public. Now the reform has entered the second half of the game. We believe that it is necessary for Shenzhen to launch a strategic transition in respect of reform and development ,and to take fair share and inclusive development as new objectives for modern civilization and prosperity. Further,

11、a shift of focus from PREFACEIVeconomic growth to shared development will make Shenzhen the pioneer again in the realization of overall well-off and shared development in the country, at the same time contributing to the development socialism with Chinese characteristics. To this end, the Shenzhen I

12、nnovation and Development Institute, as a public policy think tank which sets the promotion of the reform and innovation in Shenzhen and nationwide as its mission, launched the research project on Shared Development in Shenzhen. It is expected to form a new consensus of innovative development throug

13、h the exploration of the new coordinates of deepening reform on this account. The Shared Development in Shenzhen project lasted approximately one year. During the research, we have focused on several problems: Firstly, fully recognize the achievements and treat the existing problems in a practical a

14、nd realistic way based on data and facts; Secondly, avoid to be biased when speaking of sharing an idea which is neither equalitarianism nor western welfarism. It is important to consider the feasibility of suggestions and sustainability of relevant policies of shared development. The Shared Develop

15、ment in Shenzhen taking from economic growth to shared development as the theme has the following features:Firstly, it is the very first report from a non-governmental think tank, systematically proposing to take shared development as a citys strategic objective. President Xi raises the idea of prom

16、oting fair-sharing in a firm and solidly manner. The 13th national Five-Year Plan also explicitly puts forward five development concepts of innovation, coordination, green, opening up and sharing, in which share is the end and the others the means. There was once a heated discussion on shared development afterwards; however most of the discussions are limited. Looking at a variety


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