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1、by 吴爽 潘阳,新闻标题的翻译与技巧,若按报道的内容,新闻则可分为:政治新闻(political news )、经济新闻(economic news)、科技新闻(technological news )、文化新闻(cultural news)、体育新闻(sports news)、暴力与犯罪新闻(violence and crime news)、灾难新闻(disaster news)、天气新闻(weather news)、讣告(obituary)和娱乐(entertainment)等若干大类。 如按照事件的性质,新闻又可分为“硬新闻” (hard news)和“软新闻”(soft news)两

2、大类。 硬新闻亦称:“纯消息报道”(spot news or straight news),指题材比较严肃、具有一定时新性的客观事实报道。 软新闻是指人情味较浓、写法轻松活泼的社会新闻,其题材可能会显得陈旧或无关紧要,但决非枯燥乏味。,新闻种类,新闻价值,构成新闻价值的要素很多,在英语新闻报道中,主要有以下几种: 1)时效性(timeliness)和时新性(freshness)。2)重要性(importance)3)显著性(prominence)4)接近性(nearness)。5)奇异性(unusualness)6)趣味性(interest),A. Translation of lexical

3、 items in English news headlines,Translation of acronym (首字母缩略词)Translation of new words in English news headline(新词) Translation of midget words(小词),1.Translation of acronym,a. Translate according to its pronunciation (1) OPEC 22nd Session Ends (OPEC =Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries 石

4、油输出国组织,即欧佩克) -欧佩克第二届会议结束(2) AIDS-The Risk to Heterosexual (AIDS=Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome 艾滋病,即后天免疫缺损综合症) -艾滋病危及异性恋爱者,b. Translating and shortening the full name (1) NATO to Seek New Secretary General (NATO=North Atlantic Treaty Organization 北大西洋公约组织,简称北约) -北约寻求新任秘书长 (2) USSR Dissolves, Mi

5、khail CorbachevResigns: Boris Yeltsin Takes over (USSR=Union of Soviet Socialist Republics 苏维埃社会主义共和国联盟,简称苏联) -苏联解体,戈尔巴乔夫辞职,叶利钦上台,c. Explaining all letters(1) BBC Considering Starting Global Television Service (BBC=British Broadcasting Corporation) -英国广播公司拟开通全球电视服务(2) Hollywood Helps CIA Come in Fro

6、m the Cold (CIA=Central Intelligence Agency) -好莱坞为中央情报局重塑形象,2. Translation of new words in English news headlines,The idea, begun in Naples, Italy, and called “Suspended Coffee” i.e., a customer pays for a coffee and “banks” it for someone less fortunate who could use a jolt of caffeine and good wil

7、l has become an international internet sensation with coffee shops in Europe and North America participating in the movement.,待用咖啡,“Cool carl” is a group of fashion icon quietly emerging from the current “clan” context. Just as the name suggests, those people possess the quality of being both “cool”

8、 and thrift as a “carl”. It is a kind of “stinginess” which is the latest trend and with a positive meaning because what the “cool carl” advocates is “saving glorious; waste shameful”. “Cool carl” is not necessarily poor or miserly but the kind of people with relatively high academic degrees and sal

9、aries. Their penny pinching can not be interpreted as mean but as thrift.,酷抠族,A DINKWAD is an acronym which stands for “double income, no kids, with a dog”. Its an extension of a DINK (double income, no kids), not to be confused with a DINKY (double income, no kids yet) or a DINKEM (double income, n

10、o kids, excessive mortgage),丁狗族,先逛店后网购,先到传统实体店查看某件商品,然后到网上以较低的价格将该商品购入的行为,我们可以称之为“先逛店后网购”。,Showrooming,女性夏季“防狼神器”毛腿丝袜,hair stockings,女友专用调,女友专用调指男士在跟自己的另一半说话时声调和语气上的变化。这种变化主要体现为:声调提高、语调更显温柔,并且不时夹杂着各种爱称和幼稚的语言。,girlfriend voice,3. Translation of midget words,(1) Report Backs Methadone for Addicts -报道支

11、持吸毒者使用镁沙酮镇定剂(2) Nuclear Blast Seepage Is Found -核爆炸渗漏物被发现,Midget words are verbs or nounsthat are shorter or fewer syllable but more vivid employed in news headline to make it easier for readers to understand.,acechampion(得胜者) aidassistance(帮助) blastexplosion(爆炸) bodycommitteecommission (委员会) clashc

12、ontroversy(机构)crashcollision(碰撞;坠毁)dealagreementtransaction (协议交易) demsdemocrats民主主义者;民主人士; (美国)民主党党员 envoyambassador(大使) fakecounterfeit(赝品;骗局)fete=celebration庆祝(活动) feudstrongdispute(严重分歧)flopfailure(失败) freezestabilization (物价、工资等)冻结;平抑 glutoversurply(供过于求) GOPGrand 0ld Party(美国)共和党,nodapproval(许

13、可;批准) pact=agreementtreaty (条约协议) pollelectionpublicopinion poll (投票选举民意测验) probeinvestigation(调查) pulloutwithdrawal(撤退;撤离) riftseparation(隔离;分离) rowquarrel(争论;争议) setready(准备) snagunexpected difficulty (意外障碍;意外困难) statementdispute that cannot be settled(僵持;僵局) stanceattitude(态度) stepprogress(进程;进步)

14、 strifeconflict(冲突;矛盾) ties(diplomatic)relations (外交)关系,B. Translation of proper punctuations,Comma (,)Colon (:)Quotation mark ()Dash(),Comma (,) Comma is used to replace and in order to save space, generally being translated to be 和 in Chinese.”(1) UN, Iraq Talk on Refugee Aid -联合国和伊拉克谈判援助难民问题2) Ch

15、ina, CIS States May Share Cables -中国和独联体国家合作开发光电通讯,Colon (:)(1)The2 billion Makeover: Australias Olympic City Gets Ready for the Games -二十亿美元的大改造:澳大利亚的奥林匹克城准备迎接奥运会(2) War Plan: the Wests Military Options -战争计划:西方的军事选择,“Colon is also used to take place of relation verbs, and it is always translated t

16、o be 说、 宣称、 是 in Chinese.” (1) Renminbi to Remain Reliable, Strong: Li -李鹏说人民币保持可靠和坚挺 (2) Health Survey: New Yorkers Fitter,Slimmer -健康调查称纽约人更加健康和苗条,Quotation mark () 英语新闻标题中的引号均为单引号,常用于引语式标题,引用常理性话语、某人原话或者文章中一句半句话,翻译时应转化为双引号,文学或文艺作品则应改用书名号。(1)Oprah Tops Forbes Celebrity 100 Power List (FOX) 奥普拉名列福布斯“百位重量级名人榜”之首(2)Oceans Thirteen Banks $37.1 Million (AP) 十三罗汉旗开得胜 票房已达3710万,



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