外研版初中英语八年级下册M5Cartoons_Unit 2Tintin has been popular for over课件

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1、Lets enjoy a piece of movie!,The Adventures of Tintin (丁丁历险记),Module 5 Unit 2 Tintin has been popular for over eighty years.,Do you know any other cartoon heroes?,Nemo,orangeand-white adj.橙白相间,Nemo is an _ fish.,orange-and-white,Shrek,ugly adj. 丑陋的,win the heart of sb.赢得某人的心,Shrek is an _ green man,

2、 but he can_ her.,ugly,win the heart of,Monkey King,clever adj. 聪明的humorous adj. 幽默的,Havoc in Heaven 大闹天宫,Monkey King is very _ and _.,clever,humorous,Monkey King lead a group of monkeys against the Emperor of Heaven to make a terrible mess in heaven.,一团糟,在天宫,Tintin,black-and-white adj.黑白相间,copy (一)

3、本;(一)份,Tintin _(be popular)for over eighty years.,We can buy a _ of _Tintins stories.,black-and-white,copy,has been popular,Snoopy,own adj. 自己的private adj. 私人的;个人的He likes to live in his own private world.,To learn more about this cartoon heroes,Skimming,a. A cute dog that lives in his private world

4、.b. A favorite cartoon hero, and he works for a newspaper.c. He is the hero of Havoc in Heaven.d. Two cartoon heroes are popular with young people all over the world.1 _ 2 _3_ 4 _,a,d,c,b,Match main ideas to each paragraphs.,Scanning,Get detailed information,1. Nemo is a cute _ fish and Shrek is an

5、_ green man. 2. Are Nemo and Shrek the same?3. Both Nemo and Shrek have won the hearts of _ people all over the world.4. Where can people see them?,Read Para. 1,orange-and-white,ugly,People can see them everywhere, on office desks, schoolbags and computer screens.,No, they look very different.,young

6、,Retell,a cute fish,an green man,They look,butboth of them have won .We can see the pictures,He is the hero of a story called Havoc in Heaven,1.Who is the Monkey King?,2.What did Monkey King do in the heaven?,The Monkey King leads a group of monkeys against the Emperor of Heaven and his men.,4. When

7、 will parents and children laugh together?,When the Monkey King makes a terrible mess in heaven.,Read Para.2,3. What is Monkey King like?,He is brave, clever and humorous.,He is , and .,He is the hero of called He leads againstand makes a terrible mess.,Parents and children laugh together as . They

8、always expect to see.,Retell,Homework: Writing:,Write a passage about a popular cartoon.What does it look like? What is it like?What is it about? Why is it popular?,Superman,Pleasant Goat,Nezha,Mickey Mouse,Tom and Jerry,1. Who invented Tintin ?2. How long has Tintin been popular?3. He has _ hair an

9、d a small _ dog.4. He works for a _ and has lots of _ experiences.5. How many copies of Tintins stories have fans bought?,Read Para. 3,Herge invented him in 1929.,Fans have bought about 200 million copies of Tintins stories in more than fifty languages.,He has been popular for over 80 years,red,whit

10、e,newspaper,exciting,Tintin has hair,He works for a and has lots of experiences.,He has been popular for . years, ever since Fans have bought . Many Chinese still collect.,Retell,1. How old is Snoopy now?60 B. 66 C. 692. Which world does it like, private world or real world? Why?3.Who created Snoopy

11、 and his friends?4. Who likes Snoopy, older people or children?Older people. B. Children. C. Both A and B.,Read Para. 4,He likes his private world because he finds real life hard to understand.,Charles Schulz,a cute dog,Snoopy lives in his own world and finds.,He celebrated his sixtieth birthday in

12、2010.,Retell,Cartoon heroes are popular all over the world, and some are more than eighty years old.The most popular cartoons come out as books and not as films.Many children read cartoons today.Many foreign cartoons have become very popular in China.,Topic reading,What is the main idea of the passage?,


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