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1、竞选学生会干部演讲词竞选学生会干部演讲词:Speech fr Candidate f Student Unin Since I came t the cllege, I have been hlding psitins f class and yuth league unin. I al。speech fr candidate f student unin since i came t the cllege, i have been hlding psitins f class and yuth league unin. i als have dne sme pragmatic rk fr t

2、he university and ur schlmates. during themunicatin ith ur schlmates, i feel it deep that the chesin f a unit lies in a develping and advancing cllective, hile the strength fr ites frm sincerity, understanding and cntributins. as a leader f student, ne shuld have a firm belief ith sacrifice. as a le

3、ader f student, ne shuld be illing t make up the gap beteen man and man, idea and reality ith his fierce feelings. as a leader f student, ne shuld nt be selfish. hat he seeks fr is t rk hard and give himself up t the service. i, as ne f the thusands f students f ecnmy cllege, am prud f it. i uld be

4、mre illing t take up the duty belnging t me. this is my initial hpe. this is hy i am standing here tday. i remember ne candidate himself said ludly, shuld i leave the psitin quietly r be bld t stay? during the lastpetitin fr student unin. as a result, he as bld t stay fr the psitin. t day, i uld lik

5、e t let everyne kn that i hpe that i ill be kept fr the psitin. even thugh i fail, i nt leave quietly and angrily ut f spite because i am a member f ecnmy cllege, and because my rts are in the mei campus. n mater here i g, mei campus alays stays ith me and my deep feelings t it alays keeps in me. i

6、uld like t rk heart and sul, fr my lve f mei campus. i earnestly hpe t cntribute my feelings and fervently hpe t share the happiness and be cncerned abut the rries ith every ne f mei campus. 进校以来,我一直担任班级团干部的职务,也做了一些实实在在的工作。在和同学们的交往中有一个深刻的感受,那就是:一个集体的腾飞,来源于其内在的凝聚力,而造就这种力量的基石是:真诚、理解与付出。作为学生会干部,就要有燃烧自己的信念,用炽热的情感去填平人与人、理解与现实之间的沟壑,不为谋求些什么,只求能够付出自己的一分热忱与努力.。 作为经院八百莘莘学子中的一员,我为自己是经院人而自豪,也更愿承担属于自己的那份责任,这,就是今天我站在这里的初衷。 记得上届学生会竞选的时候,有位候选人曾经响亮地问自己:我是该安静地走开,还是勇敢地留下来?结果,他勇敢地留下来了。今天,我想告诉大家的是:我真诚地希望自己也能够留下来。即使面对失败的苦涩,也不会负气安静地走开,因为,我是经院人,我的根在梅园! 走遍山山水水,梅香依旧,深情依旧。为了曾经拥有过的一份眷恋,我愿洒一把热汗,溅一腔真诚,乐经院人之乐,忧经院人之忧!



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