business English unit 5

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《business English unit 5》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《business English unit 5(19页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、,Unit 5 Text A The Job Search,http:/,,Learning Objects,1. Learning Language knowledge2. Learning Reading skills3. Learning writing Resume,,Review the contents,The Introduction to Language knowledge,The Introduction to Reading skills,The Introduction to writing Resume,Part One,Part Two,Part Three,Par

2、t Four,Contents,http:/,,Part One:,http:/,Who is representative of Dell in Shanghai?2. Why did Dell want to push into China?3. What is the key factor of success of Dell?4. What is the feature of the model ?,Review to the contents of Unit 4:Dell Cracks China,Peter Chan is the representative of Dell in

3、 Shanghai,Dell is becoming too big a PC market for Dell, or anyone, to ignore,The key factor of success of Dell is its directselling model,“Directselling” means people can order product of Delldirectly through the Internet, the telephone, or salesman,400 desktops and 70 servers,,Part Two :The Introd

4、uction to Language Knowledge of Unit 5,http:/,Placement pleismnt A. meaning the spatial property of the way in which something is placed n.位置But remember, youll have to give me a finders fee since I am acting as yourplacement(position) agency. 不过要记着,既然我给你当职业介绍所的介绍人,你要给我职业介绍费。the act of putting somet

5、hing in a certain place方位A change in normal word order, such as theplacement(direction) of a verb before its subject. 倒装正常词序的变化,例如,倒装动词置于主语之前B. Phrase: sequential placement顺序布局initial placement最初安置placement strategy布局策略C. Synonym (近义词)appointmentn.约会,任命positioningn. 配置,定位; locationn.位置,外景拍摄地arrangem

6、entn.布置,安排settingn.背景,环境; settlementn.解决,结算,,(2) maintain meintein词形变化:maintainablemaintainabilitymaintainedmaintainedmaintainingmaintains meaning: keep in a certain state, position, or activity 维持 Mankind have been trying every means tomaintainthe balance of nature. 人类采用一切手段保持生态平衡。supply with neces

7、sities and support 保养 The car has to be constantlymaintained. 汽车必须经常保养。state categorically 坚持 We mustmaintaina firm attitude. 我们必须采取坚定的态度。B. Phrase: maintain body balance保持身体平衡 maintain market维持市场maintain value保值 maintain ones ground坚守阵地,坚持立场C. synonym:supportvt.支持,承受;n.支持,支撑upholdv.支持,维护preservev.保

8、护,保存;n.禁猎区,蜜饯keepv.保持,保留;n.生计,保存holdv.拿着,控制;n.握住,控制insistvt.坚持,坚决主张,,(3) approach prut 词形变化:approached approached approachingapproachesA. meaning:v.靠近,接近 move towards He still had not the courage toapproachher.他仍没有勇气靠近她。n.途径,方法 ideas or actions intended to deal with a problem or situation Narration

9、should become a basicapproachto preschool education.叙事应是幼儿教育的基本途径。B. Phrase: approach to接近于,约等于approach channel引水渠;进港航道approach chart进场图;进港引水图approach light接近信号灯;飞机降落指示灯C. Synonymapproximateadj.近似的,大约的; methodn.方法,条理;n.类函数. accessn.入口,通道;n.接近,,(4) approximate词形变化:approximatelyapproximatedapproximate

10、dapproximatingapproximates A. meaning: very close in resemblance adj.近似的,大约的 He spentapproximatetwo hours searching the photo.他用了大约两小时来寻找这张照片.be close or similar v.接近,约等于 Production costsapproximateto $100,000 .生产成本接近十万美元。B. Phrase: approximate to与 . 接近approximate quantity近似量approximate cost近似成本appr

11、oximate evaluation近似估值;近似计值C. synonym: nearadj.近的,近似的 approachv.靠近,接近;n.途径,方法roughadj.粗糙的,粗略的 estimatedadj.估计的,,(5) tailor teil词形变化:tailoredtailoredtailoringtailors A. meaning:n.裁缝 a person whose occupation is making and altering garmentsThistailoris famous for making good suit. 这位裁缝以做高级西装而出名。同义词:se

12、amster,sartorvt.缝制,调整使适合 adjust to a specific need or marketWe cantailorour design to meet your request.我们能调整我们的设计以满足你的要求。同义词:orientB. Phrase:tailor-made oil精炼油;特制油tailor madeaddress 定做服装tailor-makev. 精心安排,专门设计C. synonym:stylen.文体,风格shapen.形状,形式;vt.塑造,定形costumern. 做服装的人,服装商adaptvt.改编,使适应 sewv.缝合,缝纫,

13、,(6) duplicate dju:plikit; 词形变化:duplicableduplicatelyduplicatedduplicatedduplicatingduplicates A. meaning:something additional of the same kind n.副本This is aduplicate.这是个副本。being two identical adj.完全一样的,复制的Here is aduplicatecopy.这是份复制的文本。duplicate or match v.复制,重复These resultsduplicatethose of other

14、s.这些结果都是重复别人的。B. Phrase:in duplicate一式两份 duplicate test替换测验;复试duplicate cheque重发支票 duplicate message重复电报duplicate file复制文件,备份文件 duplicate sample副样;存样C. synonym:copyn.复制品,抄本;v.复制,抄写repeatn.重复,反复;v.重复,复述doubleadj.双重的,成双的;v.facsimilen.摹本,传真;v.摹写,传真replicatev.复制,模拟;n.复制品matchingadj. 匹配的,相称的;.,,(7) Compl

15、ement kmplimnt 词形变化:complementedcomplementedcomplementing complementsA. meaning: make complete or perfect; supply what is wanting or form the complement to vt.相辅相成This winecomplementsthe food perfectly. 用这种酒配这种菜肴最妙不过了。a word or phrase used to complete a grammatical construction n.补足物,补语,余角In the sentence Im angry, angry is thecomplement.在Im angry一句中,angry是补语。B. Phrase:objective complementn. 宾语补语 C. synonym:completeadj.完整的,完成的;v.supplementn.增刊,补充物;vt.增.accompanimentn.伴唱(奏),伴随物supplyn.供应,补给,


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