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1、小学英语教学演讲稿践行“守望”“守望小学英语教学”演讲稿 各位领导、各位老师: 大家好! 九月是收获成功的季节,九月是充满希望的季节,九月也是我人生做出重要选择的季节,小学英语教学演讲稿。在这丹桂飘香的九月,我与小学英语结下了不解之缘,不知是我守望着她,还是她期待着我。在九月英语教学逐渐成为我生活中的一种需要,融入我的生活,成为我体现工作价值、生命价值的有力见证。 刚开始,我常常为自己薄弱的语法基础、贫乏的口语深感汗颜,但对于 English的那份执着告诉使我-永不言放弃。由于经验不足,我在教学中常常遇到这样那样的问题,但失败浇不灭我对英语教学的如火热情,俗话说得好,“学习是知识的源泉,知识是

2、学习的指南”,我下定决心在学习中充实自己,武装自己。很荣幸我参加了市县组织的小学英语培训,通过学习,使我大开眼界: 授课教师抑扬顿挫的讲解,师生流畅自如的英语对白、学科专家生动详实的精辟点评,令我深深折服、叹为观止,从而再次坚定了我做好英语教学的信心、决心和恒心。 榜样虽好,但“依葫芦画瓢”却不见得会一蹴而就。虽然教学中遇到了沟沟坎坎,磕磕绊绊,但我依然不懈地追寻着自己的永不泯灭的希望,在这样的一种信念的支撑下,我昂首行进在英语教学的漫漫征程之中,在英语教学这块沃土上默默地耕耘着。 “功夫不负有心人”!当连字母都读不准的学生欣喜地向我说: “I as suessful!”;当视英语为恶魔的学生

3、带着满脸的成就感向我说: “I an be the teaher.”;当见了英文就头痛的学生向全班学生说出“: I love English!”的时候,我知道我成功了。“一份耕耘一分收获”,风雨之后我终于见到了彩虹,此时此刻,我感觉世界是那么的美妙,生活是那么多彩,这不就是我梦中的希望吗?这不就是我对美好生活的渴求吗? 在我的心中有一个践诺那便是“守望”,在我的手中有一粒金色的种子那便是希望,在我的生活中有一个目标那便是成功。我用我的双手在孩子们的心中播下渴求知识的种子,我用我的勤奋在孩子们的心中播下热爱学习的种子也在我的心中播下希望的种子。我用心守望着这份希望,我用爱守护着这份希望,默默地看

4、着她破土发芽,看着她开花结果,我坚信幼苗终会长成参天大树。 我要大声说: 守望着自己爱着的田地,不就是人生最大的幸福吗? 演讲完毕,谢谢大家! Carring out “ath” -Speeh draft of “Englishteahing of shouang primar shool” Hello! Ever leaders and teahers, September is a season of harvesting suess, a season of full of hope and a season for me to make important deision In the

5、 September hen the orange osmanthus give out seet fragrane, I have made friends ith primar English. Whether I am keeping out her or she is expeting me, English teahing is being a demanding of m life eventuall and being a poerful testimon to embod m value of oke and life. A t first, I alas felt shame

6、d for m grammar eakness and lak of oral English, hoever, the persist in English told me to never give up. It is ell said that:” Learning is the soures of knoledge and knoledge is the guide of learning.” I made the deision to enrih and equipment mself in the proess of learning. It is m pleasure to ha

7、ve joined the training of primar English-teahing several times. Through the learning, I have broaden m horizon idel: teahing teahers adent explaining; the fluent English dialogue beteen the teaher and students; the trenhant ments of the experts made me be filled ith admiration and strengthen m onfid

8、ene ,resolution and perseverane of doing ell of English-teahing. Though the example is good, folloing after a fashion is not sure to be suessful. It is avoidable that there are some troubles and problems in the proess of teahing, hih ill not damp don m enthusiasm to the English-teahing and I still p

9、ursuit m ever-lasting hope enduringl. Under the support of this belief, I raise m head and advane in the long journe of English-teahing and ultivate in the fertile soil of English-teahing. “Everthing es to him ho aits”-When the student ho an not read the letters learl said to me pleasantl:” I as sue

10、ssful”; hen the student ho regard English as the most disgusting thing said to me ith ahievement all over the fae :”I an be the teaher”; hen the student ho felt sik of English said to all the lass :”I love English”, I kno I sueed! “o pains, no gains.” After the storms I have seen the rainbo. At that

11、 moment, I felt that the orld is so beautiful and the life is so olorful, hih is the hope in m dream and eager for the beautiful life. There is a promise in m mind-“look out”,; there is a golden seed in m hand-hope; there is a goal in m life-suess. I soed the seeds of eagerness of knoledge in the mi

12、nds of hildren ith m hands, I soed the seeds of loving learning in the minds of hildren ith m diligene and also soed the seeds of hope in m mind. I am athing the hope ith m heart, defending the hope ith love, seeing her sprouting、floering and fruiting silentl, I have the onfidene that the seeding ill bee a grant tree at last! I ant to shout loudl that: is it the biggest happiness that ath the field that one loves most? This is the end, Thank ou! 小学英语教学演讲稿


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