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1、奥普拉斯坦福大学演讲篇一:奥普拉斯坦福大学的演讲(完整版) Feelings, Failure and Finding Happiness 感觉、失败及寻找幸福奥普拉温弗瑞 - 美国著名电视节目主持人奥普拉温弗瑞201X年在斯坦福大学毕业典礼上发表的演讲 Thank yu, President Hennessy, and t the trustees and the faculty, t all f the parents and grandparents, t yu, the Stanfrd graduates. Thank yu fr letting me share this amazi

2、ng day ith yu. Hennessy校长,全体教员,家长,还有斯坦福的毕业生门,非常感谢你们。感谢你们让我和你们分享这美好的一天。 I need t begin by letting everyne in n a little secret. The secret is that Kirby Bump us, Stanfrd Class f 08, is my gddaughter. S, I as thrilled hen President Hennessy asked me t be yur Cmmencement speaker, because this is the fi

3、rst time I ve been alled n campus since Kirby s been here. 我决定透漏一个小秘密给大家来作为这次演讲的开始。这个秘密就是 Kirby Bumpus,斯坦福 201X年的毕业生,是我的义女。所以当Hennessy校长让我来做演讲时,我受宠若惊,因为自从Kirby 来这上学以来,这是我第一次被允许到斯坦福来。 Yu see, Kirby s a very smart girl. She ants peple t get t kn her n her n terms, she says. Nt in terms f h she kns. S,

4、 she never ants anyne h s first meeting her t kn that I kn her and she kns me. S, hen she first came t Stanfrd fr ne student rientatin ith her mm, I hear that they arrived and everybdy as s eling, and smebdy came up t Kirby and they said, hmigd, that s Gayle King! Because a lt f peple kn Gayle King

5、as my BFF best friend frever. 正如你们知道的那样Kirby 是一个非常聪明的女孩。她说,她希望大家通过她自己的努力了解她,而不是她认识谁。因此她从来不希望每一个第一次见到她的人知道她认识我。当她和她妈妈第一次来到斯坦福参加开学典礼时,我听说每个人都十分热情。他们说:“我的天啊,那是 Gayle King”。因为很多人都知道 Gayle King是我最好的朋友。 And s smebdy es up t Kirby, and they say, hmigd, is that Gayle King? And Kirby s like, Uh-huh. She s my

6、 mm. And s the persn says, hmigd, des it mean, like, yu kn prah infrey? And Kirby says, Srt f. 有些人走到Kirby 面前,对Kirby说:“我的天啊,那是 Gayle King吗?”Kirby 说:“嗯,她是我妈妈。”然后人们说:“我的天啊,难道说,你认识prah infrey。”Kirby说:“有点吧。” I said, Srt f? Yu srt f kn me? ell, I have phtgraphic prf. I have pictures hich I can e-mail t yu

7、 all f Kirby riding hrsey ith me n all furs. S, I mre than srt-f kn Kirby Bumpus. And I m s happy t be here, just happy that I finally, after fur years, get t see her rm. There s really nhere else I d rather be, because I m s prud f Kirby, h graduates tday ith t degrees, ne in human bi and the ther

8、in psychlgy. Lve yu, Kirby Cakes! That s h ell I kn her. I can call her Cakes. 我说:“有一点。你有一点认识我”。我还有照片为证。我可以把Kirby 和我骑马时的照片e-mail给你们。因此我不仅仅只是有点认识Kirby Bumpus。我非常高兴来到这里,因为四年来我第一次来到她的寝室。我为 Kirby感到自豪,因为她获得了人类生物学和心理学的双学位。这就是我多么的了解她。我可以叫她 Cakes。 And s prud f her mther and father, h helped her get thrugh t

9、his time, and her brther, ill. I really had nthing t d ith her graduating frm Stanfrd, but every time anybdy s asked me in the past cuple f eeks hat I as ding, I uld say, I m getting ready t g t Stanfrd. 我为她的父母感到骄傲,她的父母给了她很大帮助,还有她的哥哥ill。我对Kirby 大学四年真的没有什么帮助。但是在过去的几周里,每当人们问我在做什么时,我都会说:“我正准备去斯坦福” I ju

10、st lve saying Stanfrd. Because the truth is, I kn I uld have never gtten my degree at all, cause I didn t g t Stanfrd. I ent t Tennessee State University. But I never uld have gtten my diplma at all, because I as suppsed t graduate back in 1975, but I as shrt ne credit. And I figured, I m just ging

11、t frget it, cause, yu kn, I m nt ging t march ith my class. Because by that pint, I as already n televisin. I d been in televisin since I as 19 and a sphmre. Granted, I as the nly televisin anchr persn that had an 11 clck curfe ding the 10 clck nes. 我就是喜欢这样说 Stanfrd(用一种奇怪的语调)。因为这是真的,我知道根本不会拿到我的学位,因为

12、我没有去斯坦福念书。我去了 Tennessee 州立大学。但是我本来不会拿到我的毕业证,因为我本应该在1975年毕业,但是我少了一个学分。我认为我还是会忘了这件事。你们知道,我不会比得上我的同班同学。因为我已经上了电视。我在 19岁还是大学二年级的时候就已经上了电视。我是唯一一个电视节目主持人,虽然有11点的宵禁,却做着 10点钟的新闻。 Seriusly, my dad as like, ell, that nes is ver at 10:30. Be hme by 11. But that didn t matter t me, because I as earning a living

13、. I as n my ay. S, I thught, I m ging t let this cllege thing g and I nly had ne credit shrt. But, my father, frm that time n and fr years after, as alays n my case, because I did nt graduate. He d say, prah Gail that s my middle name I dn t kn hat yu re gnna d ithut that degree. And I d say, But, D

14、ad, I have my n televisin sh. 严肃地说,我爸爸告诉我,“好吧,新闻 10:30结束。11点之前到家。”但是这对我并不重要,因为我已经自食其力了。我在走我自己的路。所以我想,我不能让关于我大学的那件事就这么过去,我还少一个学分。但是我的父亲从那时起却成了问题。由于我没有毕业,他总是说:“prah Gail(我的中间名字),我不知道没有学位你能做些什么。”然后我说:“但是,爸爸,我已经有我自己的电视节目啦。” And he d say, ell, I still dn t kn hat yu re ging t d ithut that degree. And I d

15、 say, But, Dad, n I m a talk sh hst. He d say, I dn t kn h yu re ging t get anther jb ithut that degree. 篇二:奥普拉斯坦福大学的演讲(完整版) Feelings, Failure and Finding Happiness 感觉、失败及寻找幸福奥普拉温弗瑞 - 美国著名电视节目主持人奥普拉温弗瑞201X年在斯坦福大学毕业典礼上发表的演讲 Thank yu, President Hennessy, and t the trustees 受托人 and the faculty 教师, t al

16、l f the parents and grandparents, t yu, the Stanfrd graduates. Thank yu fr letting me share this amazing day ith yu. I need t begin by letting everyne in n a little secret. The secret is that Kirby Bumpus , Stanfrd Class f 08, is my gddaughter. S, I as thrilled hen President Hennessy asked me t be yur Cmmencement 毕业典礼 speaker, because this is the first time I ve been alled n campus 校园 since Kirby s been here. Yu see, Kirby s a very



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