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1、娜塔莉波特曼哈佛毕业演讲稿奥斯卡金像奖得主娜塔莉波特曼毕业于美国哈佛大学,201X 年受邀参加哈佛大学的毕业演讲,在演讲中她谈到了自己的电影,谈到了自己的生活和自己,讲到自己大学时的黑暗时期,拍摄电影时遇到的挫折和挑战,鼓励毕业生把缺乏经验当做财富,找到自己人生的理由,开创美好的未来娜塔莉波特曼哈佛201X毕业演讲经典句子1. 我不是那种把什么都奉献给银幕的演员。相较之下,我的生活比较重要。从小,我就跟其他孩子有些不一样。我有野心,我知道自己喜欢什么、想要什么。为了它们,我奋力拼搏3. 我要回学校读书去,我不在乎这样做会否毁了我的事业。4. 当你拥有足够的财富时,说要跟随自己的内心,显然很容易

2、。但是,我想让人知道,最宝贵的东西,是时间。我们有时间,去追随任何我们真心希望拥有的东西。钱,不是所有的出发点。5. 永远记住,世界那么大。能做、能看的还有很多很多。我不会让拍电影限制了我的人生。6. 迎接生命中的每一个挑战,永远勇敢。7. 哈佛大学入学那天,新生做自我介绍。有个同学说, 我是未来的美国总统,记得我说过这句话。 我看到的他,每一天,都在为了这个目标而奋斗。8. 我对自己十分苛刻,但那也是我愉悦的一部分。为我即将成为最好的自己而愉悦。因为这真的需要很多的努力才能做到。9. 有时候承认自己的无知也是美的。失败不意味着世界末日。娜塔莉波特曼哈佛201X毕业演讲英文稿Hello, la

3、ss 201X.I am so honored to be here toda. Dean Khurana, fault, parents, and most espeiall graduate students. Thank ou so muh for inviting me. The Senior Class Committee. It s genuinel one of the most exiting things I ve ever been asked to do. I have to admit primaril beause I an t den it as it as lea

4、ked in the WikiLeaks release of the Son hak that hen I as invited I replied and I diretl e m on email. Wo, it is so nie! I m gonna need some funn ghost riters. An ideas? This initial response no blessedl publi as from the knoledge that at m lass da e ere luk enough to have Will Ferrel as lass da spe

5、aker and that man of us ere hung-over, or even freshl high mainl anted to laugh. So I have to admit that toda, even 12 ears after graduation I m still inseure about m on orthiness. I have to remind mself toda ou re here for a reason. Toda I feel muh like I did hen I ame to Harvard Yard as a freshman

6、 in99. When ou gus ere, to m ontinued shok and horror, still in kindergarten. I felt like there had been some mistake. That I asn t smart enough to be in this pan, and that ever time I opened m mouth, I ould have to prove that I asn t just a dumb atress. So I start ith an apolog. This on t be ver fu

7、nn. I m not a edian. And I didn t get a ghost riter. But I m here to tell ou toda, Harvard is giving ou all diplomas tomorro. You are here for a reason. Sometimes our inseurities and our inexperienema lead ou, too to embrae other people s expetations, standards, or values. But ou an harness that ine

8、xperiene to arve out our on path, one that is free of the burden of knoing ho things are supposed to be, a path that is defined b its on partiular set of reasons. The other da I ent to an amusement park ith m soon-to-be 4-ear-old son. And I athed him pla arade games. He as inredibl foused, throing h

9、is ball at the target. Jeish mother that I am, I skipped 20 steps and as alread imagining him as a major league plaer ith hat is his aim and his arm and his onentration. But then I realized hat he ant. He as plaing to trade in his tikets for the rapp plasti tos. The prize as muh more exiting than th

10、e game to get it. I of ourse anted to urge him to take jo and the hallenge of the game, the improvement upon pratie, the satisfation of doing something ell, and even feeling the aplishment hen ahieving the game s goals. But all of these aspets ere shaded b the little 10 ent plasti men ith stik stret

11、h blue arms that adhere to the alls. That- that as the prize. In a hild s nature, e see man of our on innate tendenies. I sa mself in him and perhaps ou do too. Prizes serve as false idols everhere. Prestige, ealth, fame, poer. You ll be exposed to man of these, if not all. Of ourse, part of h I as

12、invited to e to speak toda, beond m being a proud alumna, is that I ve reruited some ver oveted tos in m life. Inluding a not so plasti, not so rapp one and Osar. So e bumpup against the mon troll I think of the menement address people ho have ahieved a lot telling ou that the fruits of the ahieveme

13、nt are not alas to be trusted. But I think that ontradition an be reoniled and is in fat instrutive. Ahievement is onderful hen ou kno h ou re doing it. And hen ou don t kno, it an be terrible trap. I ent to a publi high shool on Long Island, Sosset High Shool. Ooh, hell, Sosset! The girls I ent to

14、shool ith had Prada bags and flat ironed hair. And the spoke ith an aent. I ho had moved there at age 9 from Connetiut mimiked to fit in. Florida Oranges Choolate Cherries. Sine I m anient and the Internet as just starting hen I as in high shool. People didn t reall pa that muh of attention to the f

15、at that I as an atress. I as knon mainl at shool for having a bak pak bigger than I as and alas having hite-out on m hands, beause I hated seeing anthing rossed out in m note books. I as voted for m senior earbook most likel to be an ontestant on Jeopard or ode for nerdiest. When I got to Harvard ju

16、st after the release of Star Wars: Episode 1, I kne I ould be starting over in terms of ho people vieed me. I feared people ould have assumed I d gotten in just for being famous, and that the ould think that I as not orth of the intelletual rigor here. And it ould not have been far from the truth. When I ame here I had never ritten a 10- paper before. I m not even sure I ve ritten a 5- paper. I as alarmed and intimidated b the alm ees of fello student ho ame here from Dalton



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