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1、奥巴马毕业典礼演讲视频此外,跳出这些狭隘的理论框架来看,我认为大家还存在着一个真正的共同关切 持久的个人利益,那就是要始终确保我们的子孙后代成长在这样一个世界当中,在那里,人们不会因为种族、信仰或政治理念的迥异而劫持女学生或滥杀无辜。I believe that a orld of greater freedom and tolerane is not onl a moral imperative; it also helps keep us safe.我认为,建设一个更加自由及包容的世界不仅在道德上势在必行,而且有助于维护我们自身安全。But to sa that e have an int

2、erest in pursuing peae and freedom beond our borders is not to sa that ever problem has a militar solution. Sine World War II, some of our most ostl mistakes ame not from our restraint but from our illingness to rush into militar adventures ithout thinking through the onsequenes, ithout building int

3、ernational support and legitima for our ation, ithout leveling ith the Amerian people about the sarifies required. Tough talk often dras headlines, but ar rarel onforms to slogans. As General Eisenhoer, someone ith hard-earned knoledge on this subjet, said at this eremon in47, War is mankind s most

4、tragi and stupid foll; to seek or advise its deliberate provoation is a blak rime against all men.尽管我们有意向在全球倡导和平与自由,但这并不意味着我们要借助军事手段来解决每个问题。二战结束以来,我们所犯的那些严重的错误,皆源自我们倾向于以诉诸武力的方式来解决问题,而对后果考虑不周、缺乏国际支持及法律支持,也没有向美国人民交代他们需要作出的牺牲,以使他们心中有数。虽然强硬的表态时常占据报纸头条,但战争却很少与口号 步调一致 。正如对这个问题深有体会的艾森豪威尔将军(General Eisenhoe

5、r),于1947年在西点军校毕业典礼上所说的那样:战争是人类最悲惨、最愚笨的蠢行,无论是蓄意挑起战争,还是为其献计献策,这都是对全人类犯下的滔天罪行。Like Eisenhoer, this generation of men and omen in uniform kno all too ell the ages of ar, and that inludes those of ou here at West Point. Four of the servie members ho stood in the audiene hen I announed the surge of our fo

6、res in Afghanistan gave their lives in that effort. A lot more ere ounded.与他一样,这一代的军人 无论男女,都对战争理解深刻。这其中也包括了你们西点毕业生。在我宣布增兵阿富汗时,听众当中的4 名服役人员后来就在那里壮烈牺牲。此外,还有许多西点士兵受伤。I believe Ameria s seurit demanded thosedeploments. But I am haunted b those deaths. I am haunted b those ounds. And I ould betra m dut t

7、o ou, and to the ountr e love, if I sent ou into harm s a simpl beause I sa a problem somehere in the orld that needed to be fixed, or beause I as orried about ritis ho think militar intervention is the onl a for Ameria to avoid looking eak.我认为,出于维护美国国家安全的考虑,这些军事部署是很有必要的。但是,这些伤亡者的英魂和伤痛一直萦绕在我的脑海、令我难安

8、。如果我将你们派上战场,仅仅是因为世界某地出现问题需要处理,或是担心批评家会将军事不作为视作是美国软弱的表现,那么,我就违背了自己对你们、对这个我们所爱国家的职责了。Here s m bottom line: Ameria must alas lead on the orld stage. If e don t, no one else ill. The militar that ou have joined is, and alas ill be, the bakbone of that leadership. But U.S. militar ation annot be the onl

9、- or even primar - ponent of our leadership in ever instane. Just beause e have the best hammer does not mean that ever problem is a nail.我的底线是:美国必须在世界范围保持领导力。如果我们不能,没人能。你们所加入的美军,永远都是美国领导世界的中坚力量。但是美国的军事行动不是我们展现领导力的唯一方式,更不是主要部分。因为虽然我们有最好的锤子- that as an enormous ahievement made beause of Ameria s arme

10、d fores. But as e move to a train and advise mission in Afghanistan, our redued presene there allos us to more effetivel address emerging threats in the Middle East and North Afria. So earlier this ear I asked m national seurit team to develop a plan for a netork of partnerships from South Asia to t

11、he Sahel.现在 这就是美军取得的巨大成就。但是当我们在阿富汗的使命转向训练和顾问时,我们减少驻军以后可以更有效地应对中东和北非新出现的威胁。因此在今年早些时候,我让国家安全事务部门就南亚和萨赫勒地区的合作伙伴关系网制定了一个计划。Toda, as part of this effort, I am alling on Congress to support a ne ounterterrorism partnerships fund of up to $5 billion, hih ill allo us to train, build apait and failitate part

12、ner ountries on the front lines. And these resoures ill give us flexibilit to fulfill different missions, inluding training seurit fores in Yemen ho ve gone on the offensive against al-Qaida, supporting a multinational fore to keep the peae in Somalia, orking ith European allies to train a funtionin

13、g seurit fore and border patrol in Liba and failitating Frenh operations in Mali.今天,作为我们行动的一部分,我呼吁国会支持通过数额为 50 亿美元的新反恐合作基金,以帮助我们的同盟伙伴训练军队、提升能力、支援他们的前线。这些资金也让我们又更大的自由度完成各项任务。这些任务包括:为打击基地组织的也门政府训练安全部队以支持多国部队维护索马里地区和平,同欧洲盟友一起在利比亚训练出合格的安全部队和边防军,以及协助法国在马里的行动。A ritial fous of this effort ill be the ongoin

14、g risis in Sria. As frustrating as it is, there are no eas ansers there, no militar solution that an eliminate the terrible suffering antime soon. As president, I made a deision that e should not put Amerian troops into the middle of this inreasingl setarian ivil ar, and I believe that is the right

15、deision. But that does not mean e shouldn t help the Srian people stand up against a ditator ho bombs and starves his on people. And in helping those ho fight for the right of all Srians to hoose their on future, e are also pushing bak against the groing number of extremists ho find safe haven in th

16、e haos.我们努力的重中之重是叙利亚危机。令人沮丧的是,解决这一危机没有捷径。军事行动不能立马消除当地人民的深重灾难。作为总统,我决定不派遣军队卷入这场愈演愈烈的宗派内战。我相信这是一个正确的决定。但是这并不意味着我们不去帮助叙利亚人民奋起反抗,反对杀害自己人民、让人民挨饿的独裁者。我们协助那些为了叙利亚人民能选择自己未来而奋斗的人,同时也积极打击在越来越多混乱之中找到避风港的极端分子。So ith the additional resoures I m announing toda, e ill step up our efforts to support Sria s neighbors - Jordan and Lebanon, Turke and Iraq - as the ontend ith refugees and onfront terrorists orking aross Sria s borders. I ill ork ith Congress to ramp up support for those in



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