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1、大学英语考试演讲稿篇一:大学英语期末考试演讲稿 Gd friends In ur life,e ill alays meet sme special persn hm e ill remember at the first tim hen e feel happy r sad. e culdnt simply regard them as general friends. Because the lve they give t us exceeds the bundary f general friends. Ask yu t questins .ne :h many friends d yu

2、 have ? yu may anser ludly: a lt ! anther ne :h many gd friends d yu have ? yu may say : several , a fe r even nne .There are really gd friends in ur life . its yur frtune t meet them.sme ne asked me befre : hat d yu think abut gd friends? I said: Gd friends are umbrella hen e are in the rain;are th

3、e tissue hen e eep;are the encuraging eyes hen e feel anxius .It is gd friends .nly raise yur head ill yu feel the care hen yu fall t the grund ;nly turn rund ill yu find the armth hen yu feel tired in yu life. It is this emtin . It ill frt yu hen yu are hurt ,it il deliver yur sul hen yu feel hpele

4、ss .e need t feel this emtin ith ur heart ,t stre this emtin ith ur heart ,the lnger e stre it the nicer e ill find it is , this all that gd friends give t us . It is nt easy t meet gd friends ,but it is mre difficult t bee a gd friend ,s e shuld learn t be a gd friend, then e may get gd friends .篇二

5、:大学英语口语期末考试演讲稿 (paratin) 当一小部分中国富人满足的步入小康生活时,当一些无耻贪官吃好的喝好的时,贪婪地挥霍国家财产时,当一些“富二代”挥金如土时。你是否能意识到,在我们这个共和国的同一片国土上,同一片蓝天下,还有着这么多的孩子因贫困而不能上学 hen a small part f the ealthy Chinese meet int a ell-ff life standard, hen sme shameless crrupt fficial eat gd drink gd, spend ur state prperty , hen sme secnd genera

6、tin spend mney like ater. Can yu realize that, in ur republic ith a same piece f the cuntry, under the same blue sky, there are s many children h cannt attend schl because f pverty? 当我们坐在干净宽敞的教室里,我们是否能想象到,在遥远的山区,有一个地方,有这样一群孩子,窑洞是他们的教室,除了粉笔,他们没有任何桌椅,老师和学生只能坐在地上,他们穿破旧的衣服,吃的馒头早已经硬的像石头,如此恶劣的环境,作为一个城里长大的

7、孩子,你能想象吗 As e sit in the clean and spacius classrm , hether e can imagine, in the distant muntains, a place, have such a grup f children, cave is their classrm, in additin t chalk, they dn t have any tables and chairs, the teacher and students can nly sit n the grund, they ear ld clthes, eating stea

8、med bread have hard as a stne, such harsh envirnment, as a child gring up in the city, can yu imagine? 当我看到这些镜头,我的心很悲凉与痛楚,我觉得命运非常不公平,为什么我们可以穿名牌衣服,吃肯德基必胜客,得到很多高端电子产品,为什么他们这么可怜,他们在这么恶劣的环境里继续他们的学习,但让我吃惊的是,据可靠数据,在中国每年至少还有100 万儿童因家庭贫困仍然不能去上学。 hen I see these pictures, my heart is very sad and pain, I thi

9、nk that fate is nt fair, hy e can ear famus brand clthes , eat KFC、 pizza hut, get a lt f high-end electrnics prducts hy are they s pr, they in such a harsh envirnment t cntinue t their study, but t my surprise, accrding t reliable data, in China every year at least 1 millin children frm pr families

10、 still can t g t schl My dear fells, d yu really think that they are brn t suffer? r brn t be pr? Lets make effrt t dnate sme basic necessities and build sme schl fr the pr children. (hy) Yu may ask me hy, k, let me explain by this ay. First f all, lets us make effrt t imprve their living cnditin. e

11、 can thrugh the civil sciety rganizatin dnate sme basic necessities, an apple a day keeps the dctr aay. e can use a small part f mney frm the dnatin t make sure every child in the muntains areas can eat sme fruit everyday t imprve their nutritin. e can require the gvernment give them the basic allan

12、ce every mnth Secnd, build sme schl fr the pr children. hen it es t build schls r helping a child t g t schl, yu must think that it may cst us a lt f mney. Because such kind f thing is far aay frm us, But if I tld yu that, accrding t statistics, if yu ant t build a schl in distant area, the cst is 2

13、0thusand Yuan .hats that represent? as e all kn, ur pany has seven thusand staff, each ne dnated20 Yuan, 20 thusand Yuan is enugh t build 7 schl in distant area, helping9 students t g t schl.20yuan is nt a big deal fr us but Yur kindness can change a childs life. Lastly, ur pany ill ,篇三:优秀大学英语励志演讲稿

14、优秀大学英语励志演讲稿 thank yu. thank yu, president chen, chairmen ren, vice president chi, vice minister ei. e are delighted t be here tday ith a very large american delegatin, including the first lady and ur daughter, h is a student at stanfrd, ne f the schls ith hich beijing university has a relatinship. e

15、 have six members f the united states cngress; the secretary f state; secretary f merce; the secretary f agriculture; the chairman f ur cuncil f ecnmic advisrs; senatr sasser, ur ambassadr; the natinal security advisr and my chief f staff, amng thers. i say that t illustrate the imprtance that the u

16、nited states places n ur relatinship ith china. i uld like t begin by cngratulating all f yu, the students, the faculty, the administratrs, n celebrating the centennial year f yur university. gngxi, beida. (applause.) as i m sure all f yu kn, this campus as nce hme t yenching university hich as funded by american missinaries. many f its nderful buildings ere designed by an american architect. thusands f americans students and prfessrs have e here t study and teach. e feel a



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