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1、奥巴马周末电视演讲稿译文演讲稿 英语演讲稿 奥巴马周末电视演讲稿译文奥巴马周末电视演讲稿译文奥巴马周末电视演讲稿译文 hi, everbod. about a ear ago, i promised that XX ould be a breakthrough ear for ameria. and this eek, e got more evidene to bak that up. in deember, our businesses reated 240,000 ne jobs. the unemploment rate fell to 5.6%. that means that XX

2、 as the strongest ear for job groth sine the 1990s. in XX, unemploment fell faster than it has in three deades. over a 58-month streak, our businesses have reated 11.2 million ne jobs. after a deade of deline, amerian manufaturing is in its best streth of job groth sine the 90s. ameria is no the orl

3、d s number one produer of oil and gas, helping to save drivers about a buk-ten a gallon at the pump over this time last ear. thanks to the affordable are at, about 10 million amerians have gained health insurane in the past ear alone. e have ut our defiits b about to-thirds. and after 13 long ears,

4、our ar in afghanistan has e to a responsible end, and more of our brave troops have e home. 大家好。大约一年前,我预料XX年将是美国有所突破的一年。本周,我们得到了很多证据支持。 在12月份,我们的企业创造了 240,000个就业岗位。失业率降低到5.6%。这意味着 XX年是自1990年代以来就业增长最强劲的一年。在XX年,失业率以30年来最快的速度下降。 经过58个月的冲刺,我们的企业创造了 1千 1百 20万个新就业岗位。经过XX年的下滑后,美国的制造业目前正处于自 90年代以来就业增长的最佳时期。

5、美国现在是世界上头号石油和天然气生产国,这使驾驶人们自去年这个时候以来每加仑节约 1美元10美分。多亏了可承受的医保法案,仅在去年就有近1 千万美国人获得医保。我们已经减少了大约三分之二的赤字。经过13个漫长的岁月,我们的阿富汗战争合理收官,更多英勇的军人回国。 it has been six ears sine the risis. those ears have demanded hard ork and sarifie on everbod s part. so as a ountr, e have ever right to be proud of hat e ve got to sh

6、o for it. ameria s resurgene is real. and no that e ve got some almer aters, if e all do our part, if e all pith in, e an make sure that tide starts lifting all boats again. e an make sure that the middle lass is the engine that poers ameria s prosperit for deades to e. that ll be the fous of m stat

7、e of the union address in a ouple eeks building on the progress e ve made. but i figured, h ait let s get started right no. 危机爆发已经六年了。这些年要求每个人勤奋工作作出牺牲。所以作为一个国家,我们有资格为我们的表现感到自豪。美国的复苏是实实在在的。现在我们已经柳暗花明了,但是如果我们都尽自己的努力、都全力以赴,我们就会再次形成众人拾柴火焰高的局面。我们确保在未来的几十年里中产阶级仍然是美国繁荣的引擎。 这是我几周后的国情咨文报告的重点-百尺竿头更进一步。但是我想,为什

8、么等待-让我们从现在做起。 on ednesda, i visited a ford plant outside of detroit beause the amerian auto industr and its home state are redefining the ord ebak. on thursda, i traveled to arizona, a state that as hit among the hardest b the housing risis, to announe a ne plan that ill put hundreds of dollars in n

9、e homeoners pokets, and help more ne families bu their first home. and, i m speaking ith ou toda from pellissippi state munit ollege in tennessee, a state making big strides in eduation, to unveil m ne plan to make to ears of munit ollege free for ever responsible student. i m also here to establish

10、 a ne hub that ill attrat more good-paing, high-teh manufaturing jobs to our shores. 周三,我访问了底特律郊外的福特工厂-因为美国汽车工业和它的故乡正在重新定义 回归 一词。周四,我访问了亚利桑那州,一个房市危机受害最严重的州之一,宣布一个计划把成百上千的美元放入新家庭的口袋里,帮助更多新家庭买首套住房。我今天正在在教育取得了巨大的进步田纳西州的pellissippi州立社区大学和你们谈话,宣布我的让每个负责任的学生可以就读两年制社区大学的新计划。我在这里还建立一个把高收入高技术就业岗位吸引到我们的海岸的新枢纽

11、。 making homeonership easier. bringing a higher eduation ithin reah. reating more good jobs that pa good ages. these are just some of the as e an help ever amerian get ahead in the ne eonom. and there s more to e. beause ameria is ing bak. and i ant to go full speed ahead. thanks, everbod, and have

12、a great eekend. 让成家立业更加容易。让高等教育可以承受。创造更多高收入的好工作岗位。这些仅仅是几个帮助每个美国人在新经济中致富的途径。还有很多。因为美国正在回归。我要全速前进。 谢谢岗位,周末快乐。奥巴马周末电视演讲稿译文 相关内容:英语演讲稿范文三分钟hat is nature? its everthing that exists in the orld independentl of people, suh as pants and animals, earth and roks, and the eather.no more and more people are fou

13、sing on the nature三分钟英语演讲稿:中学生该不该上网?as everone knos, people an get muh information through the internet. meanhile, people are also learl XXre of its disadvantages, but some hildren dont realize the sometimes make friends ith bad people online。.英语演讲稿:我为你们骄傲,中国中学生英语演讲稿:我爱你,祖国 good morning, ladies and

14、gentlemen, im ver glad to make a speeh here. toda m topi is i love ou, hina.早上好,女士们,先生们,我很高兴作出了讲话。今天我的题目是我爱你,中国 。201X高中英语演讲稿:对未来充满信心i believe in our future对未来充满信心honorable judges, fello students:good afternoon!reentl, there is a heated debate in our soiet. the ollege students are the benefiiaries of a rare privilege, ho reeive。国庆节英语演讲稿:中国,我爱你good morning,ladies and gentlemen:hen the olmpi torh as over the bird s nest on fire, hen the national anthem ame from the ater ube ,hen hina s olmpi athletes stand onto the podium, there is a。



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