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1、国际工程招标说明书格式(英文)invitatin t tender hle dc. date: tender n. 1. the peples republic f china has-applied fr a lan and creditfrm the rld bank tards the cst f _ prject. it isintended that part f the prceeds f this lan and credit ill be appliedt eligiblepayment under varius cntracts fr _ , _,_. tendering i

2、s pen t all tenderers frm eligible surcecuntries as definedunder the guidelines fr prcurement f the rldbank. 2. _ _ pany n invites sealed tenders frm pre-qualifiedtenderers fr prvisin f the necessary labur, materials, equipment andservices fr the cnstructin and pletin f the prject. 3. pre-qualified

3、tenderers may btain further infrmatin frm, andinspect the tender dcuments at the ffice f: _. 4. a plete set f tender dcuments may be btained by anypre-qualified tenderer fr the cst f rmb _ r us $ _n the submissin f a ritten applicatin t the abve. 5. all tenders must be acpanied by a tender security

4、in anacceptable frm and must be delivered t _ p ny at theabve-mentined address (refer t item 3) n r befre _. 6. tenders ill be pened in the presence f thse tenderersrepresentatives h chse t attend at _ (time). 7. if a prequalified freign tenderer ishes t frm jint ventureith a dmestic cntractr, such

5、a request ill be cnsidered if receivedithin _ days befre the clsing date fr submissin f tenders. theselected lcal cntractr shall be subject t apprval by the emplyer. 8. the pre-tender meeting ill be held n _ at the fllingaddress: _. instructins t tenderers general1. descriptin f rks (sketch) all ten

6、derers shall have equal access fr supply f dmestic laburandmaterial. the cntractr shall make his n arrangements fr the prcurement flcal labur, materials, transprtatin and ther services. the emplyer ill assist cntractr in lcating ptential number fsuppliers fr lcal labur, materials. the emplyer ill al

7、s assist thecntractr in making his n arrangement fr supply f fuel andexplsives.2. surce f funds 2.1 the peples republic f china has applied fr a lan and creditfr78m the rld bank (hereinafter referred t as the ifi) tards the cstf _ prject, and intends t apply a prtin f the prceeds fthe lan and credit

8、 t eligible payments under the cntract fr hichthese dcumentsare issued. payment by the ifi ill be made nly at therequest f the chinese gvernment and upn apprval by the ifi and ill besubject in all respectst the terms and cnditins f the lan agreement.n party ther than the peples republic f china shal

9、l derive any rightsfrm the lan agreement r haveany claim t the lan prceeds. 2.2 payment frm the prceeds f the rld bank lan ill be limitedt gds prduced in, and services supplied frm, sitzerland and themember cuntries f the rld bank hich have mercial relatins ithchina. 2.3 all csts nt met by the ifi l

10、an ill be paid by the emplyerfrm funds allcated by the gvernment f china.3. eligibility and qualificatin requirements 3.1 this tender is pen t all pre-qualified tenderers frm eligiblesurce cuntries as defined under the guidelines fr prcurement f therld bank. 3.2 all gds and services t be supplied un

11、der this cntract shallhave their rigin in eligible surce cuntries, and all expenditures madeunder the cntract ill be limited t such gds and services. 3.3 the rigin f gds and services is distinct frm the natinalityf the tenderer. 3.4 t be eligible fr aard f cntract, tenderers shall haveprvided eviden

12、ce satisfactry t the emplyer f their eligibility underclause 3.1 abve, and f their capability and adequacy f resurces teffectivelycarry u t the cntract. t this end, the emplyer and_ pany may, at any time prir t aard f cntract, requesttenderers t amplifyr update previusly submitted prequalificatin da

13、ta.all tenders submitted sha 【正 文】include the flling infrmatin: (a) cpies f riginal dcuments defining the cnstitutin r legalstatus, place f registratin and principal place f business f thepany, firm r partnership r, if a jint venture, f each party theretcnstituting the tenderer; (b) the qualificatin

14、s and experience f key persnnel prpsed fradministratin and executin f the cntract, bth n and ff site, in thefrmat prescribed in schedule v; (c) majr items f cnstructinal plant and equipment prpsed fr usein carrying ut the cntract in the 5678frmat prescribed in schedule iv; (d) a list f prpsed sub-cn

15、tractrs in the frmat prescribed inschedule vi; (e) infrmatin regarding any current litigatin in hich the tendereris invlved; (f) the details f the cnstructin methds prpsed. 3.5 fr the purpses f sub-clause 3.4, tenderers h have beenpre-qualified may update and a ugment the infrmatin supplied ith theirapplicatin fr pre-qualificatin, and, in particular, shall giveparticularsf rk in hand at the date f tendering. 3.6 tenders submitted by a jint venture f t r mre firms aspartners shall ply ith the flling requirements: (a) the tender, and in case f a successful tender the


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