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1、圣诞节英语演讲 ppt篇一:圣诞节英文 PPT演讲稿 hell,everyne.My name is Zhu Lin.Tday my tpic is abut Christmas.I ish yu ill lve it.N,let s start.播放 PPT和音乐。 Fisrt,I think e shuld kn hen is Christmas day.Yeah,it s December tenty-fifth. And hy chse this day?e need t kn the feast f Christmas.It s a Christian hliday that cel

2、ebrates the birth f Jesus Christ. Tday,it has bee a natinal hliday hich can be pared ith the Ne Year.It is similar t the Spring Festival in China. H t celebrate it?Let me intrduce yu the custms and traditinal activites in the flling time.The night f December tenty-frth is called Christmas Eve.n Chri

3、stmas,peple dn t g t rk and children dn t g t schl.Befre the day es,peple must prepare fr Christmas trees,Christmas lights,Christmas cards.n Christmas eve, e kn an traditinal activity called carlling.They sing many Christmas carls .Befre g t sleep,the children hang a stcking at the end f their beds

4、fr Santa s presents.And they ften ake up early in the Christmas day t check the presents.Then the family ill have a big Christmas dinner. In the estern, each family need t prepare a Christmas tree t enhance the festive atmsphere. Christmas tree is generally made ith evergreen such as cypress It is a

5、 symbl f life frever. Christmas tree ften decrated ith a variety f candles, flers, tys, stars and all kinds f Christmas gifts. n Christmas Eve, peple arund the Christmas tree are singing and dancing. n Christmas Eve, Christmas carling has bee an indispensable prgram. The team is made up f abut tenty

6、 yung peple, plus a little girl h dressed as an angel and a Santa Claus.hen they ent t a family,they ill sing sme familiar Christmas carls like Silent Night , Jingle Bells and s n,The sngs mstly is abut the birth f Jesus.Then all f peple prayed tgether and Santa Claus ill deliver the Christmas gifts

7、.The activity cntinue until abut fur clck the next mrning. Althugh everyne enjys Christmas Day,it is particularly enjyed by children,h get very excited because f the presents. It is said that there as a kind ld man hse name as Saint Nichlas. He ften helped the pr and gave presents t them. Tday, Sant

8、a Claus is an imaginary figure, but nearly all children believe in him. They think he is a happy ld man ith a lng hite beard and a lng red rbe.Anther name fr Santa Claus is Father Christmas. Peple alays ake up early. in the Christmas mrning Sme peple may g t a Christmas mrning church service .But ms

9、t peple ill just atch the special Christmas prgrammes TV r play party games but the mthers ill be in the kitchen preparing Christmas Dinner. Everyne enjy it,because Christmas dinner is the main meal f the day, sme families arrange it at lunch, and sme families arrange it at dinner.Majr fd fr the Chr

10、istmas meal is turkey r rast gse, puddings and a variety f ckies such as the glden butter ckies, fruit ckies and s n. The custm f eating turkey is ppular in the Unite States frm 1620 And British Christmas dinner is rast gse. And n,e kn h t celebrate the Christmas Day in the estern.At last,I hpe ever

11、yne have a gd time in the Christmas f this year.And this presentatin can give yu sme infrmatin that yu need.Thank yu fr yur attentin.篇二:圣诞节英文PPT 演讲稿 hell,everyne.My name is Zhu Lin.Tday my tpic is abut Christmas.I ish yu ill lve it.N,let s start.播放PPT 和音乐。 Fisrt,I think e shuld kn hen is Christmas d

12、ay.Yeah,it s December tenty-fifth. And hy chse this day?e need t kn the feast f Christmas.It s a Christian hliday that celebrates the birth f Jesus Christ. Tday,it has bee a natinal hliday hich can be pared ith the Ne Year.It is similar t the Spring Festival in China. H t celebrate it?Let me intrduc

13、e yu the custms and traditinal activites in the flling time.The night f December tenty-frth is called Christmas Eve.n Christmas,peple dn t g t rk and children dn t g t schl.Befre the day es,peple must prepare fr Christmas trees,Christmas lights,Christmas cards.n Christmas eve, e kn an traditinal act

14、ivity called carlling.They sing many Christmas carls .Befre g t sleep,the children hang a stcking at the end f their beds fr Santa s presents.And they ften ake up early in the Christmas day t check the presents.Then the family ill have a big Christmas dinner. In the estern, each family need t prepar

15、e a Christmas tree t enhance the festive atmsphere. Christmas tree is generally made ith evergreen such as cypress It is a symbl f life frever. Christmas tree ften decrated ith a variety f candles, flers, tys, stars and all kinds f Christmas gifts. n Christmas Eve, peple arund the Christmas tree are

16、 singing and dancing. n Christmas Eve, Christmas carling has bee an indispensable prgram. The team is made up f abut tenty yung peple, plus a little girl h dressed as an angel and a Santa Claus.hen they ent t a family,they ill sing sme familiar Christmas carls like Silent Night , Jingle Bells and s n,The sngs mstly is abut the birth f Jesus.Then all f peple prayed tgether and Santa Claus ill deliver the Christmas gifts.The activity cntinue until abut fur clck the next mrning. Al


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