Unit 8 When is your birthday?教学设计教案

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《Unit 8 When is your birthday?教学设计教案》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《Unit 8 When is your birthday?教学设计教案(6页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、 Unit 8 When is your birthday?Section B临沂相公中学 杨翠芹教学目标:1知识目标:1.继续操练日期表达法:月份,日期,学会年月日的表达;序数词 1st -31st, , 学习 on ,in 的时间表达法法。2).继续操练 when 引导的特殊疑问句和 Do you have a/an?以及肯定回答和否定回答。3).掌握词汇:speech contest party trip basketball/volleyball game School Day art festival Chinese music year years old.2.能力目标:围绕事件,

2、操练 when 引导的特殊疑问句和Do you have a/an?3情感目标:会合理安排自己的作息时间,做时间的主人教学重难点:写一篇书面表达。课前准备:1.学生课前预习本节课的词汇。2复习本册 Unit5,回顾句型 have/has 用法和相关句型。3.调查家人的生日,为报告作准备。教学过程:Step1 Revision 1. Review the month of the year.Q: Do you know these Festivais?(Show the Festivals and spell the words of the months.Let Ss read the mon

3、ths.)2. Review the ordinal numbers 1st-31st.总结规律3.practice reading these dates.4. Report the familys birthday.(口语训练)Step2 Pronunciation1 Show the pictures and check the pronunciation.检查学生的读音和掌握程度。2 练习英汉互译.Step3 practice 1 Show the pictures in 1a.Say :Theyre events.教授 eventevents 事件读词匹配图画引出句型 Do you

4、have a/an?When is it?A:Do you have a/ an?B: Yes, We do.A:When is it?B: ItsA:Do you have a/ an?B: No, we dont.学生利用图画操练句型展示交流。2ListenThen say:There are some events in the listening.Listen and check 。听并圈出答案2aThen look at 2b.let the students read the calender ,listen and write down the events from 1a.学生

5、听后完成 2b 日历表3PairworkAsk and answer questions using the calender in 2b.(用 2b 表格问答)A:When is Sallys birthday party?B:Its October fifth.(学生小组内练习)Step 3 Presentation1 继续使用 2b 表格,教授日期表达法:on October 25th. in October,in 1987 等,学习 on ,in 的用法。2 出示图片感受 on ,in 的用法,并总结。3 Practice reading 出示 self check 第三部分图片练习。

6、Step 4 Presentation1Look at the photo of Nie Er. Say :Nie Er is a musician. Zhou Jielun is a musican,too.出示图片,say : Zhou Jielun has a Music Festival.Its on December 25th.回扣句型,为写作做准备。Ask :Do you like music?Do you have a Music Festival?Yes,we do./No,we dont.When is it? Its on+日期。2Show two pitures to p

7、ractice.出示艺术节和篮球赛的图片,操练句型。Step5 Pairwork 调查问卷 假设你是一名记者(reporter),你采访相公中学的张校长(Mr Zhang),在学校设立了下面哪些活动?完成表格。 A:Do you have a/ an?B: Yes, We do.A:When is it?B: Its onA:Do you have a/ an?B: No, we dont.(询问没有的科目什么时间设立?Which of these events will have at your school? When is it?Model :We will have a English

8、 Party on November 5) 展示句型:We have a school trip on July 24th.We dont have a basketball game.We will have an Art Festival on Novenber 12th.(小组内口头训练)Step6 Writing学生利用表格用 have,dont have,will have 进行写作,必要时说明原因。Step7 SummaryStep8 达标测试Translate the sentences according to Chinese.根据汉语填空。1.A:Do you have (一

9、个校庆日) ?B: Yes,we do.A: (什么时候) is it?B: Its October 5th.A: Do you have (一场英语演讲比赛)?B:No,we dont.2. We have _ (一次学校郊游)?3.Jim has (一次艺术节)?4.We have a basketball_ (三月十五日) 。5The Music Festival will be held(将举行)(6 月 3 日)Homework:Make a survey of your familys birthday.father mother sister brother 板书设计:Unit8

10、 When is your birthday?SectionB Do you have a/an?Yes,we do./No,we dont.When is the? Its .We have a/anon.He/She has a/anon.设计思路:这节课从月份、序数词,到日期表达,询问家人生日入手,过渡到 birthday party 通过图片来学习新词汇,接着又导出穿插本课的句型 Do you have a/an?和 When 引导的特殊疑问句。出示图片导入 1a,进行 2a/2b 的听力训练。并拓展含 on,in 的日期表达法并总结用法,用 self check 第三部分练习巩固。通过名人图片导入问卷调查,为下面的写作做铺垫,然后总结这节课,并达标测试。


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