PEP Book 7 Unit 6 A Let’s talk 教案 教学反思 说课稿 课件

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1、186PEP Book7Unit 6 The story of rain Part(A) Lets talk教学目标与要求1. 能够听、说、读、写“Where does the rain come from? It comes from the clouds.”,并能够替换运用水循环的整个过程。2. 能够简单讲述水循环的过程,如“Where does the rain come from? It comes from the clouds.”。3. 培养学生热爱大自然的美好情感和节约用水的意识。重点 掌握四会句型的正确书写要求学生能够替换关键词造新句并能在水循环的整个过程自如运用。难点 难点是

2、 Lets try 部分,内容多,词汇量大。教具 教学挂图、录音机、录音带、教师为学生准备小礼物、单词卡片。 (可以自制)教学环节 师生活动教学问题最佳解决方案Preparation准备活动1.Lets chant 教师和学生一起拍手说唱第一课时所编的 chant。Cloud, cloud, where does the cloud come from? It comes from the vapour.Vapour, vapour, where does the cloud come from?It comes from the Stream.Stream, stream, where do

3、es the stream come from?It comes from the rain,Rain, rain, where does the rain come from?It comes form the clouds.2.Lets sing【设计意图】音乐节奏感强,学生乐于接受,并能训练学生的乐感及听说技能。感觉与欣赏并存;放松与紧张并重。让学生在唱歌的同时对歌曲的内容有大概的了解,对歌曲中的单词有所认识,为下面知识的学习做好铺垫。187教学环节 师生活动教学问题最佳解决方案Presentation新知呈现1.Lets tryT: What do you have for break

4、fast?Ss:T:I usually have bread and milk for breakfast. Do you like bread? Where does bread come from?”呈现 Lets try 部分先让学生认真看图,之后手指面粉和小麦的图片,让学生猜猜看:What is this?录音中有一些新的语言点,教师不必花费太多时间讲解,让学生理解即可。引导学生用句型“Where does bread /flour come from? It comes from”并随机将句型板书。Where does come from?It comes from.2. Lets

5、talka. Lead the students to learn the new words. “ shine, become” b. Let the students listen and follow the video.c. Once again.d. Practice in pairs.e.Write the important sentences. 【设计意图】小结:复现本课的语言知识结构和内容 ,使学生得到完整和具体的学习结果,最后并进行情感教育,培养学生热爱大自然的美好情感和节约用水的意识。A: Where does the rain come from?B: It comes

6、 from the clouds.A: Where does the cloud come from?B: It comes from the vapour.A: Where does the vapour come from?B: It comes from the water in the river.A: How can the water become vapour?B: The sun shines and the water becomes vapour.188教学环节 师生活动教学问题最佳解决方案Practice巩固练习活动设计: Role playWhere does the

7、rain come from?It comes from the clouds.Where does the cloud come from?It comes from the vapour.Where does the vapour come from?It comes from the water in the river.How can the water become vapour?The sun shines and the water becomes vapour.【设计意图】语言的重要性在于输出.呈现新学单词,字形、字意的巩固;在比赛中得以巩固,避免机械记忆。活动设计:Make

8、a surveyName Comes frommilkflourhamburgerrainsnowdesk【设计意图】小组合作,根据学生对图片的描述,回顾所学,通过本课的学习,让学生自己总结水的循环过程,综合运用所学知识,使每个学生始终保持兴趣,乐于完成好这个任务,以达到学习的最佳效果活动设计教师和学生一起玩游戏“快速反应” 。教师将全班同学分成四个小组“water, vapour, cloud ,rain”教师提问 Where does the cloud come from? Vapour 小组成员起立并快速回答:It comes form the vapour. 如果属于这个小组的同学没

9、有反应上来或是反应慢了,则要受罚。最后评出“超级快速反应王。 ”教师发送小礼物表示奖励189教学环节 师生活动教学问题最佳解决方案Production输出运用1.Group work 然后拿出 rain 的单词卡片,贴在黑板上,问学生:“Where does the rain come from?”引导学生回答“It comes from the clouds.”然后,教师将 cloud 的单词卡片也贴在黑板上。用同样的方法,在问答的过程中将其他三张卡片依次贴在黑板上,组成一个水循环过程的简易图。教师出示“Group work ”的教学挂图。同桌之间根据单词卡片的提示进行问答练习。也可以让学生

10、自由结合组成小组,然后每组派一名“小小解说员”上前来解数水的循环过程,并选出优胜者,教师发送小礼物表示奖励。2.让学生认真看图,参照图说一说,做一做,制作一本精美的图画书送给老师、家长或者朋友。做表述时可以参考语言:Today, Ill tell you the story of rain. Where does the rain come from? It comes from the clouds. The cloud comes from the vapour. And the vapour comes from the water. The sun shines; the water

11、becomes hot and then becomes the vapour.板书设计Book 7 Unit 6 The story of rain Part(A) Lets talk.Where does the come from? wheat flour It comes from the_. shine cloud rain water vapour教学反思190家长签字: 组长评价: 教师抽查情况:能 力 测 试课堂达标一Listen and number.(听音标号)( ) Where does the rain come from?( ) It comes from the w

12、ater in the river.( ) The sun shines and the water becomes vapour.( ) Where does the vapour come from?( ) Where does the cloud come from?( ) It comes from the clouds.( ) How can the water become vapour?( ) It comes from the vapour.二.Read and write( 根据句子意思,填上正确的单词)1.-_ _ _ _in the picture ?-I can see

13、 many trees and flowers.2.-_ _the rain come from? -It comes from the clouds. 3.-_ _the cloud come from?-_ _from the _ 4.-_ _the _come from?- _ _ _the water.5.-How can the water become vapour ?-The_ _and the water becomes vapour.三.Read and try. (读一读,试着说出大意 )1.I put some water in a pot. I turn on the

14、stove.Tip: Make sure there is enough water in the pot, otherwise it may be dangerous.2.I wait. The water becomes hot. I hear the sound of water boiling. I switch off the stove. I wait.3.The pot is not very hot now. I take away the lid and turn it over. I see vapour on it. I am excited.Tip: Make sure

15、 you switch off the gas after the experiment. Or you can ask your parents to do this experiment with you.4.I put the lid in the sun for thirty minutes. I go back and see that the vapour is gone.家庭作业:1基础训练:第 47 页第,题2配套练习:第 44 页第五,六七,八题3拓展部分:上网,生活中的英语,收集预习内容:五.Preview the next lesson.( 预习下一课内容)1、不会读的单词_2、不理解的句子_3、准备好课前英语报告。



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