PEP Book 5 Unit 2 C Story time 教案 说课稿 教学反思 课件

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1、66PEP Book5Unit2 My Days of the Week Part(C) Story time教学目标与要求1.复习 unit2 基础词汇、句型。读懂故事,逐步理解,能表演故事。能够准确使用need, I need能准确读出 calculator.2.培养学生养成良好的“听”的习惯。培养学生自主学习、合作学习的能力。培养学生运用英语的交际、交流能力。3.培养学生对生活热爱、爱学习,积极的生活态度。渗透西方文化“感恩节” ,让学生能够懂得感恩。并能常常说“thank you”重点 通过对单元知识的巩固,读懂故事,理解并能表演故事。学会使用 I need难点 Calculator

2、发音,学生能准确理解故事。教具 录音、图片、文字、图表教学环节 师生活动教学问题最佳解决方案Preparation准备活动1.Lets sing“My Days of the week”,学生齐唱。Today were going to learn Unit 2 story time. Well see what our friends Zoom and Zip do in the text, and well learn to express what we need, what we want and what we would like for different purposes.2.

3、Chant about school daysMonday, Monday, math on Monday.Tuesday, Tuesday, art on Tuesday!Wednesday, Wednesday,Computers on Wednesday,Thursday, Thursday, P.E. on Thursday.Friday, Friday, my favourite day! Listen. Follow. Read by yourself. self-assement and peer-assement【设计意图】通过关于 school day 的一段儿歌活跃课堂气氛

4、,同时启发学生思维,为下一环节表述自己最喜欢的 school day 做铺垫。67教学环节 师生活动教学问题最佳解决方案Pre-reading阅读前活动1 Favorite school days. Do a surveyGroup work: ask and answerA: Whats your favorite school day?B: I like _ s, because _.Do a surveyDaysName Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday. Report【设计意图】学生为完成调查任务,必需主动与人交流,用教师提供的主体句型

5、Whats your favorite school day? 向他人进行提问,并且为了之后能向全班汇报,提问的学生要认真倾听对方回答并做好记录,此项活动学生之间存在信息差,是真实、有意义的交流。2.Things we need for different classes.Group discussion: . Report. Ss learn to say: calculatoracacal, ucu, calcucalculatorala, orttor, lator. Teacher create a situation to make students understand: I do

6、nt have enough money.T: Im going shopping tomorrow. I want a lot of things. So I need a calculator. Excuse me, how much is this?S: Its 25 yuan.T: Oh, I have only 20 yuan. I dont have enough money.S: It doesnt matter. Here is another calculator. Its 15 yuan.T: Thats great. I have enough money to buy

7、this one.【设计意图】作为复习课,教师在此环节将本课三对主体句型同时呈现于多媒体画面,让学生自由选择句型对不同课程所需物品进行问答,三个小组各讨论一门课程所用物品,在全班交流时互相倾听,相互补充,充分发挥合作学习的优势,学生之间相互学Whatdo you need do you wantwould you like for _ class?I need want would like_ 68习,共同提高。教学环节 师生活动教学问题最佳解决方案69In-reading阅读中活动1.General reading 略读简单判断:Its a new school year and Zoom

8、needs to do some shopping. ( )They have P.E. on Thursdays. ( )They dont have enough money. ( )【设计意图】通过简单判断,给与学生阅读的自信并通过快速阅读理解语篇的大意。2.Detailed reading 细读细读文章,在文中圈出下列问题的答案:What does Zoom buy? Can Zoom buy the football? Why?【设计意图】培养学生获取信息、处理信息的能力。3.Read and write 读写Mon. Tue. Wed. Thu. Fri.ClassNeedor 【

9、设计意图】落实到写。阅读前可布置书上的填空题或教师设计的书面练习. 4.Listen to the tape 听音看录像,听出主句型。模仿。【设计意图】让学生带着问题听课文,锻炼学生抓取关键信息的能力及分析判断能力,有益于学生听力水平的提高。让学生跟读课文,做配音游戏旨在充分调动小学生善于模仿的天性,培养良好的语音语调。5. Dialogue 对话Today our school has a visitor from another country. His name is Jack. Jack has been in Pingyi for a year, and Thanksgiving D

10、ay is coming, he is going back home. He wants to buy some gifts for his family members. Now youre talking【设计意图】创设生活情境,让学生在情境中思考、运用本课关于询问、回答他人所需物品的重点句型,使学习与生活密切联系。学生在这一环节有较大自由度,可以调动知识储备,通过对外宾个人情况的假设充分运用所学进行交流,从而培养学生综合语言运用能力。教学环节 师生活动教学问题最佳解决方案70Post-reding阅读后活动1.A letter to Jacks daughter. An example

11、 for SsJust now we talked to Jack. And Jack has a gift for you. Whats it? Can you guess? Oh, its a letter from his daughter Lisa. Lets take a look.2. Ss take a look at Lisas letter.Dear Chinese friends,Im Lisa. Im 11. I study in a primary school near my home. Usually school begins at 8:55 am. I go h

12、ome at 3:15 pm. So I eat lunch at school. Thats great. I can play games with my friends after lunch.Miss Green is my class teacher. She teaches all subjects. Thats different from you, right? Miss Green is young and smart. Shes kind to all of us. She can draw very nice pictures. I like Mondays and We

13、dnesdays because I have art class.Thanksgiving Day is coming. Id like a pair of pretty gloves(手套) for Miss Green. Do you prepare(准备) gifts for your teacher and your family members on Thanksgiving? Would you tell me about your school life?Ill be happy to receive your letter.Yours,Lisa. Write back to

14、Lisa【设计意图】初步培养学生英文写作能力。同时,本环节通过Lisa 准备感恩节礼物这一细节有意识地让学生了解中西方文化差异,进行文化意识渗透。板书设计Unit2 My days of the week Part(C) Story time教学反思Whatdo you need do you wantwould you like for _ class?I need want would like_ 71家长签字: 组长评价: 教师抽查情况:能 力 测 试课堂达标一Listen and number.(听音标号)( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )二.Read and choose. (读

15、一读,选出不同类的一项)( ) 1. A. Monday B. today C. Tuesday( ) 2. A. Thursday . B. Fries C. Wednesday( ) 3. A. wait B. tomorrow C. afternoon( ) 4. A. math B. science C. Teacher( ) 5. A. need B. want C. like三. Read and tick or cross. (读一读,判断正 T 误 F)Dear Chinese friends,Im Lisa. Im 11. I study in a primary school near my home. Usually school begins at 8:55 am. I go home at 3:15 pm. So I eat lunch at school. Thats great. I can



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